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After the Bell 2022 – Save the Date – Thursday, 13 October, 6pm

Deputy Principals from schools in the Eastern Suburbs meet each term, as we believe there is enormous value and under-utilised potential in schools collaborating, sharing ideas and resources, to support our community and students.

Our key focus is working together to raise awareness and provide parents and carers with strategies to help them manage and influence teenage behaviour.

We believe that it is essential for parents and carers to see that our schools stand united, with shared values on social and emotional issues. 

We have come together to organise a parent event, which Waverley College will host, on Thursday, 13 October. 

Yasmin London is an ex-World Champion athlete, police officer and now Director of ySafe, Australia’s largest provider of online safety education. Yasmin has built a team that empowers over 1 million young Australians and their communities to take control of their digital journey.

Please save the date. Tickets will go on sale soon, with proceeds going to Headspace.

After the Bell - Parent Event

Current COVID-19 Statistics

Total Current Cases 1 (in Years 5-12)
Year 5 0 cases
Year 6 1 case
Year 7 0 cases
Year 8 0 cases
Year 9 0 cases
Year 10 0 cases
Year 11 0 cases
Year 12 0 cases

As Coordinator of the College’s Indigenous Education Program, Walawaani, Ms Maakrun was fortunate to join ten other EREA staff from across Australia on the Edmund Rice ‘Let’s Talk’ cross-cultural immersion program within Aboriginal communities in rural NSW.

Over 2,750 km Travelled

Over 2,750 km Travelled

The partnership between the Edmund Rice Centre, Edmund Rice Education Australia and the Aboriginal communities of North-West NSW, is based on a philosophy of experiential learning and critical social analysis, supporting the educational achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and furthering reconciliation in Australia.

Bush Food Education

Bush Food Education

The program makes a connection across the urban-rural divide between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, focusing on issues of peace, identity, human rights, socio-economic issues and reconciliation.

The group visited Dubbo, Myall Creek, Moree, Lightning Ridge, Goodooga and Brewarrina, with the journey integrating dialogue with locals and elders in visited places, and engagement with places of significance to the Aboriginal people of north-west NSW.

Visited sites included: the Myall Creek Massacre site of 1838, the 1965 Freedom Riders protest at Moree Baths, an Aboriginal Cemetery, the Brewarrina Missions and the Hospital Creek massacre site. The immersion included knowledge about bush foods, medicines, artwork and awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander spiritualities. 

Myall Creek Memorial

Myall Creek Memorial

The experience was truly inspirational and very memorable, with a number of relationships built with other EREA schools to further enhance our Walawaani program. It is also hoped that this unique experience could possibly be shared by some of our students and staff in the future.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


The term ‘Literacy’ is all too often considered to belong solely to the domain of English; the task of developing reading and writing skills assigned to the English teacher. However, as our Year 12 students prepare diligently for their upcoming HSC examinations, it is clear that reading, writing and literacy skills play an integral part in ensuring success in every single subject.

The Australian Curriculum defines Literacy in broad terms stating that:

“students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating in and out of school and for participating effectively in society. Literacy involves students listening to, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating oral, print, visual and digital texts, and using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of contexts.”

With this in mind, as part of their ‘Ed Sheeran Mathematics Tour Assignment’, students in Years 7 and 8 have been given the task of composing a ‘Compare Contrast’ paragraph using Writer’s Toolbox, our new innovative program and online educational writing tool. 

Ed Sheeran Mathematics Tour Assignment

In order to ensure quality teaching and learning, Mr Bill Roberts (Head of Library), Ms Phoebe Guirguis (Head of Mathematics), Ms Mary Ryan (Literacy Coordinator and English teacher) and Mr Michael O’Connell (Maths teacher), have worked collaboratively to deepen the learning of our students. 

The specific goal is to develop students’ literacy skills through the subject of Maths, while allowing students to take ownership of their learning through meaningful and relevant tasks that reflect their interest. Mr Roberts composed a wonderful Literacy task which reflects the need for cross-curricular literacy skills.

Calling Budding Writers Who Wish to Publish Their Work

Publishers Studio, an initiative supported by Northern Beaches Council Arts and Creativity Grants Program, provides budding writers between the ages of 10 – 18 with a wonderful opportunity to publish their work. Publishers Studio also offers invaluable advice to all students who wish to write and need some helpful tips on how to get started. This is a wonderful initiative and their website is well worth a look. 

>>> Click here to view information about Publishers Studio.

Publishers Studio


Ms Mary Ryan

Literacy Coordinator and English Teacher


Wishing all fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and father figures a Happy Father’s Day on Sunday. I also acknowledge families who have lost fathers and grandfathers over this year, and in previous years, and we keep them in our prayers on a day that can be challenging. 

Father’s Day allows us to reflect on the important role fathers and father figures play in helping to shape character through their love, guidance and devotion. Fathers and father figures contribute to their children’s social skills, including the development of bonding, empathy, self-discipline and behaviour.

I enjoyed attending and thanked fathers and father figures for their presence at the Junior School’s Father’s Day Mass, held at Mary Immaculate today. I thank all fathers and father figures for the positive impact they can play in their children’s health and wellbeing, and include this prayer for all. 

Dear God,

Thank you for all the fathers and father-figures in this world and for the many ways you use them to lovingly guide others to Your heart. I ask that you bless them and give them great joy and peace. May they see You and know You in new ways. Show them how much you love them and care about them. Guide their steps, use their hands, and make them a blessing to others as you continue to fulfill your special purpose for their lives.


Br Brian Murphy 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Brother Brian who underwent back surgery today, to alleviate some significant pain and discomfort. We wish him a speedy and pain-free recovery. 

HSC Drama

Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who performed to a high standard last Tuesday evening, in front of parents, carers and staff: Jonty Booy, Aaron Carswell, Dexter Craddock, Cjuba Lord, Daniel McSweeny, Finn Nebauer, Jay Palm, Michael Richmond, Daniel Risk, Tom Sheehan, Lachlan Varcoe, and Achilles Zanapalis.  

Market Day

This week saw the return of Market Day on the senior campus, which was a great success. I congratulate the staff and student organisers who clearly put a lot of thought and effort into their stalls and businesses.

I also congratulate the whole College who helped create a busy and well-behaved marketplace experience. 1,200 students plus staff, all went about their business in the corner of Braidwood with good humour and eyes for a market stall delight. 

I am sure there was some parent assistance behind some of the amazing quality food options – thank you! The total amount raised will be donated to The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and R U OK? charities. 

Next Thursday, 8 September is the national day of action for R U OK? Day. This has traditionally been a very well-supported Waverley Community event. Please support Conlon House who will be coordinating a Bake Sale – all contributions are welcome and can be dropped off at the Wellbeing Centre.

>>> Click here to view Ms Cathy O’Sullivan’s R U OK? Day article.

Free HSC Help Webinars Zoomed from NSW State Library

The NSW State Library will deliver online HSC Help webinars that provide exam tips and a chance for students to ask questions of experienced teachers who are subject experts on:

Students also have the opportunity to request information from Library staff about resources to help in the final weeks of study.

>>> Click here to register and to learn more about session times.


Congratulations to Lachlan Miranda (Year 10) who has been selected to participate in the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Program at NSW Parliament.

Congratulations to James Peate (Year 9) and Kayden Baker (Year 9) who have been selected to join the National Student Executive Leadership Group for ERA for Change Australia.

For more details on each of these achievements, please read Ms Watson’s article.

>>> Click here to view Ms Elizabeth Watson’s article. 

Coming Out of COVID-19

Please join us for a parent evening with experts in student wellbeing from across Sydney, sharing their expertise with us. Booking information will be released soon.

Save the Date: Thursday, 13 October 2022

Eastern Suburbs Leaders of Learning Parent Information Evening

Waverley College, 6pm


Building Belonging Post Pandemic – SchoolTV

When the pandemic interrupted our lives and changed the way we live, this meant that suddenly many of our young people’s main sources of connection with peers and extended family members were removed overnight, without warning, and remained significantly disrupted over the next two years.

Throughout our existence, humans have sought out relationships with others and built communities to belong to. We have a basic emotional and biological need for connection. Belonging is the feeling of security and support that gives us that sense of acceptance and connection to others.

When we don’t feel connected, or have our need for belonging met, this causes a deep-seated distress. Both loneliness and disconnection are negative emotional states that can feel painful and sometimes unbearable. When our basic need for belonging isn’t met, it is impossible for our brain to focus on other things, such as learning. For young people, teenagers in particular, this desire is abundantly strong. Teenagers place a high value on their social ties, acceptance, care and support from others, especially their peers.

Building Belonging

Students who have a sense of belonging will experience feelings of security, identity and community, which in turn supports their academic, psychological and social development. When young people come together again after a period of instability, there is a period of adjustment. Whilst the rules of the group may be established, acceptance remains paramount, and can therefore mean some behaviours can become far from rational.

Their ability to tolerate distress and control impulsive actions is reduced, as they haven’t yet got full access to the part of the brain that can help give them perspective and inhibit their impulses. These factors combined, leave them open to being vulnerable, often making choices or becoming involved in situations they might not ordinarily consider

>>> Click here to view the SchoolTV episode: Building Belonging Post Pandemic.

Current COVID-19 Statistics

Total Current Cases 7 (in Years 5-12)
Year 5 2 cases
Year 6 2 cases
Year 7 0 cases
Year 8 0 cases
Year 9 3 cases
Year 10 0 cases
Year 11 0 cases
Year 12 0 cases


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing


Congratulations to Lachlan Miranda (Year 10) who has been selected to participate in the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Program at NSW Parliament.

Applicants were required to submit a 500-word response to a judging panel on: Australia has a strong and resilient democracy. Discuss. Lachlan’s compelling and scholarly response was selected by the judging panel. He was one of only 30 students chosen from across NSW to attend this inaugural event. An outstanding achievement! 

Lachlan Miranda

Lachlan Miranda

In October, Lachlan will attend NSW Parliament and join in discussions with students across Australia via a broadcast from the Museum of Australian Democracy. The discussions will focus on Australia’s democratic system of government, and the role of citizens in upholding a strong and resilient democracy. We wish Lachlan an exciting and productive day and thank Mr Nicholas Sposari for his support and guidance of Lachlan. 

Congratulations to James Peate (Year 9) and Kayden Baker (Year 9) who have been selected to join the National Student Executive Leadership Group for ERA for Change Australia. James and Kayden will represent Waverley College and join their peers from the following EREA schools: 

Kayden Baker

Kayden Baker

James Peate

James Peate

Edmund Rice Advocacy (ERA) For Change, is a youth advocacy network that stands for equality, human rights, and justice and solidarity with all people, and with the earth itself. Drawing upon the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the Charter for Edmund Rice Education Australia, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, they work alongside Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders, Edmund Rice International, The Edmund Rice Centre, and Edmund Rice Australia, in advocating for a more just and peaceful world.

Their mission is to stand in solidarity with, and to amplify the voices of, those whose voices are rarely heard, or seldom answered. In particular, they aim to stand arm in arm with other young people around the world, to share their stories with the wider community, and to ask world leaders to ensure their rights and their inherent human dignity are respected and upheld.

We are excited to learn of the advocacy campaigns that James, Kayden and the national leadership team will be working on, and look forward to sharing with you how Waverley will be supporting ERA for Change. Thank you to Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe for her support and guidance with this initiative. 


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Next Thursday, 8 September is R U OK? Day. During their Big Brother Little Brother activities this week, our Years 5 and 10 students have looked at what it takes to be a friend, and importantly, how to ask a friend: “Are you OK?”

Next week, during Wellbeing time, all students in the College will be involved in discussions and activities exploring how they can best support their mates or family.

Support Our Bake Sale on Thursday

Next Thursday, on R U OK? Day, Conlon House will be holding a Bake Sale! All contributions are very welcome and can be dropped off at the Wellbeing Centre. Consider making:

All of these are small, portable and delicious!

R U OK? Day 2022

The College SRC will also be organising an Inter-House Handball/Table Tennis competition for our Year 7 students during lunch time.

The message this year is: Ask R U OK? No qualifications needed. Because a conversation could change a life. Learn more at  #ruokday2022


Ms Cathy O’Sullivan

Head of Conlon


Wear it Purple Day – ‘Still Me, Still Human’ 

Yesterday at the Assembly, I had the pleasure of introducing the student-driven Wear it Purple Day Video. The range of statements and perspectives shared by students, staff, alumni and guests was impressive and inspiring. 

Wear it Purple Day strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. It reflects the College’s focus on celebrating difference, diversity, equality and the EREA touchstone of inclusive community. We are very lucky in Australia that our human rights are protected by law under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.

As a community, we strive to respect the dignity of all people. We believe that no one should ever be discriminated against based on the colour of their skin, their gender, their disability, immigration status, age, religious conviction, race, physical features,  their gender identity, or their sexuality. We should all be committed to creating a safe and caring school environment for every student, staff member and visitor to the College. 


Junior School Fundraising 

Congratulations to the entire Junior School community on their amazing fundraising efforts through the Fun Run held at Waverley Park today. As of today, $94,862 has been raised, and will be shared across the following charities: 

The final amount raised will be known by Tuesday next week. What an amazing community response and effort! Thank you to all who have supported the boys achieving this amazing result, and thank you to Mr Jack Wachtel and the Parent Volunteers for making this all possible. 

Year 12

All Year 12 HSC plus ATAR students attended a Post-Trials session with Dr Prue Salter this week. This is a practical session where they will build their study timetable for the final exams and go through really valuable strategies. 

National Skills Week 

Further to last term’s Year 10 Career interviews and our recent speed mentoring afternoon with 14 Alumni, the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has kicked off National Skills Week, by releasing a list of the top 10 jobs expected to be in high demand over the next five years.

This list is based on the Skills Priority List, data on job vacancies, and projected growth in employment over the next five years. I encourage parents with boys in Years 8, 9 and 10, to continue to have conversations around possible future career interest areas. Students with goals perform better in higher years, when they know where they think they are heading. 

Track & Field 

Waverley is hosting at ES Marks sports field tomorrow. I wish all athletes the best of luck as they strive for improvement in their respective fields.

Mid-Term Reminders

At Thursday’s College Assembly, I celebrated this week’s upstander, Aungier student Charlie Smith, who was spotted at Charing Cross escorting an elderly lady whilst engaging in conversation, and then pressing the button to ensure she was able to cross the street safely.

Charlie was in perfect and complete academic uniform and was a fantastic advertisement for the College. This was just something so simple and humbling to see. Well done Charlie!

The middle of the Term is a good opportunity to provide a timely reminder of the College’s expectations regarding uniform and appearance. Boys are required to wear their full academic uniform to and from school each day. This includes the College blazer in Terms 2 and 3. Haircuts should be at the same length and not below the collar. Students should be freshly shaven each morning.

Student wearing the new academic uniform

A detailed outline of the College expectations appears in the College Diary. These expectations are consistent with other independent schools in the eastern suburbs, and have the support of staff, the Parents’ Association and Old Boys’ Union.

At Waverley College, we hold an expectation that students commit to, and accept responsibility for, their learning. We work in relationships of mutual respect and trust, whereby our students are accountable for their choices that either enable or diminish a positive learning experience. We believe our students should always be well prepared and organised for classes. 

The Wellbeing Team relies heavily on the partnership between the College, parents/carers and your sons. Parents/carers are encouraged to support the College by discussing pastoral notes they receive from their son’s teachers during the day, affirming positive notes and looking at constructive feedback as an opportunity for improvement. The more parents and carers support the College, the better the outcomes for their sons.

Waverley College 2020 Uniform


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


Waverley College Senior School celebrated ‘Wear it Purple Day’ today, 26 August. This day celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community and is a day which exemplifies the inclusive nature of the College, underpinned by the EREA touchstones.

This year, we created a video, with a script written by our LGBTQIA+ student advocacy group, and spoken by some of our current and future leaders. In the video, we highlight the importance of being kind and accepting towards one another, and how to be a supportive ally.

Two very special guests, Ian Roberts and Peta Friend, worked with the students to create this video, that was screened at assembly this week. In addition, we handed out purple ribbons to students who wished to wear one, to show their support today.

We hope you enjoy our special ‘Wear it Purple Day’ video below.



We are committed to creating a safe and caring school environment for every student. We use Wear it Purple Day and IDAHOBIT day to celebrate the changes we are creating, which are both part of a bigger, three-year strategic plan. 

In line with the EREA Safe and Inclusive Schools Policy, Waverley has been developing this strategic plan to underpin a range of initiatives that will continue to enhance the inclusion of staff, students and community, who identify as part of our LGBTQIA+ community. This plan will deliver initiatives and adjustments across the following areas: 

WIPD Strategic Plan

It will be rolled out by members of our LGBTQIA+ staff advocacy group, who meet twice a term to discuss and update each initiative. In addition to this, we have a well-established LGBTQIA+ student advocacy group, who meet two to three times per term.

This group offers support to each other while respecting individuals’ privacy and personal boundaries. The students have input into the strategic plan, with the content of our meetings ranging from delivering an initiative, to eating lunch in a safe, shared space. 

Students interested in joining our LGBTQIA+ group should ask their Head of House, or contact me for more information.

Wear it Purple Day Handprints


Ms Tessa Prior

College Psychologist



We finish every prayer at Waverley with three important lines. 

Blessed Edmund Rice – pray for us 

Mary of the Cross – pray for us 

Live Jesus in your hearts – forever 

The first of the three, refers to the Founder of the Christian Brothers, Blessed Edmund Rice. The third, refers to the Son of God and the central belief of Christianity. Whilst the second, refers to Mary MacKillop, an Australian religious sister who was declared Australia’s first saint by the Catholic Church in 2010. 

Mary MacKillop made a significant contribution to education in Australia. She dedicated her life to Catholic education, particularly to the poor of her time and to those in remote communities. She inspired the formation of the Sisters of St Joseph, who also lived among the poor and offered special care to the needy and the marginalised. Mary MacKillop was also tenacious and resilient when faced with her own challenges within the Catholic Church. Her life, like that of all Saints, can be an example to us in our daily lives. 

“Never see a need without doing something about it.”

These words of Mary MacKillop are as relevant to our world today, as they were when she was confronting injustice and hardship in the latter half of the 1800s, and the early years of the 1900s. Mary MacKillop is now known as ‘Mary of the Cross’ and her feast day is celebrated on 8 August. Her tomb is at North Sydney in the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel. 

Sad news

Our thoughts and prayers are with our College Chaplain and Parish Priest, Fr Bernie Thomas. Fr Bernie’s mother, Ann Thomas, passed away recently in New Zealand. Ann had been battling Alzheimer’s disease for the past seven years and recently succumbed to COVID-19. May Ann Rest in Peace. 

Art and Design Show

Congratulations to our Year 12 Art and Design students on their successful combined exhibition held this week. Many were impressed with the high quality of their work. Thank you to Ms Natalie Oates, Head of Visual Arts, and Mr James Spargo, Head of TAS, and their respective departments for their hard work in supporting the students and coordinating this fascinating exhibition. 


Congratulations to our Junior School students and Michelle Rollins on their performance at Wakakirri last Thursday evening at NIDA. Wakakirri is a festival where the students share a story through dance, and from all accounts, the students’ performance was spectacular.

Reminder : Early Finish for Senior School Students on Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Years 7-12 students will finish school at 2:30pm on Tuesday, 23 August. This is due to a Staff Professional Development meeting. Athletics training will commence immediately after school at 2:30pm next Tuesday at Queens Park.

Staffing Update 

Congratulations to Mr Daniel Kroll who has been promoted to Acting Head of Green House until the end of the year, while Mr Scott Coleman is on leave.

And welcome to Ms Olivia Spelling who joins our Psychologist team and will be working with Psychologist, Mr Greg Cameron. 

COVID-19 Update

The College is travelling well this week, with a reduction in COVID-19 transmission. Thank you to students, staff and parents for their support of the precautions we have taken.

Total Current Cases 9 (Years 5-12)
Year 5 2 cases
Year 6 1 case
Year 7 1 case
Year 8 2 cases
Year 9 3 cases
Year 10 0 cases
Year 11 0 cases
Year 12 0 cases

A long time ago in a world far far away, there were game-changing food items including fried chicken, slushies, hot dogs, doughnuts, lollies, cakes and so much more. The humble BBQ also became a staple appliance in our everyday lives.

At lunch on Wednesday, 31 August, be surrounded by food, drinks and games at the return of Year 10 Commerce and Food Technology Market Day. What could make this even better, you ask? A casual dress day.

Students MUST bring a $2 gold coin donation. Importantly, students MUST bring cash if they intend to buy food and drinks at Market Day, and / or participate in the games and raffles at lunch time. There is NO EFTPOS available on the day.

Year 10 Commerce and Food Technology students can’t wait to welcome you to Market Day. All profits made will go to one of two charities: Chris O’Brien’s Lifehouse and RU OK.

The count down is on – see you there!


Ms Angelique Theodorou and Mr Nicholas Sposari

HSIE Teacher and HSIE/RE Teacher

