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Educating the Future 5-Year Gala Dinner

Thank you to the many parents and carers who supported the charity Educating the Future’s 5-Year Gala dinner, held at the College last Saturday evening. The charity was started by two Waverley College students, Adam Hegedus and Alessandro Piovano, after attending a College-led immersion to Timor-Leste.

The College hopes to return to our Timor-Leste immersion program in 2023. The charity ‘Educating the Future’ has as its main goal the support of the Timor-Leste government and local communities, by building much needed pre-schools across Timor-Leste, and providing students with a great start to life. Over 100,000 children do not currently have access to pre-school education in Timor-Leste.

The evening was a great success, with the honourable Sir General Peter Cosgrove as the keynote speaker, sharing many stories from his service in Timor-Leste and his love for the people. The night raised approximately $55,000 with $30,000 going directly toward their sixth pre-school construction.

CAS Survey Results

Last term, parents were invited to complete a survey regarding our membership of the Combined Associated Schools (CAS) organisation. The CAS Strategic Insights report is the collation of quantitative and qualitative data, gained through an internal survey of parents with students in Years 7-12 and students from Years 9-12 across the six CAS schools: Barker College, Cranbrook School, Knox Grammar School, St Aloysius’ College, Trinity Grammar School and Waverley College.

The survey was in the field from 23 May 2022 to 10 June 2022 yielding 4,318 completed responses. Six in-depth interviews were also conducted in May 2022 with each of the six Principals, providing qualitative insights which are also included in this report.

The key elements of the report’s executive summary include:

Key Recommendations

  1. Include additional non-sporting activities within the CAS suite. Almost three in four (72%) community members would like to see a non-sporting activity added to the CAS suite. The top activities stakeholders believe should be added include mental health support for students (34%), as well as leadership camps (33%) and social justice activities (23%). Broadening the CAS offering will meet a greater proportion of the community’s needs while continuing to develop each student holistically.
  2. Look to expand the CAS network with like-minded schools. More than nine in ten (91%) CAS parents and students believe that CAS should include more independent schools in its network. It is important that these schools are  aligned with the CAS culture, as adding schools that are not well-aligned is the biggest concern among stakeholders. With 71% of stakeholders interested in co-educational opportunities, it could also be worth considering including all-girls schools, or co­ educational schools. Expanding the CAS network would allow for greater sporting competitions and fixtures and to diversify the sporting competition as highlighted by the community.
  3. Consider moving some sports to midweek. While many stakeholders see Saturday sports as the largest benefit of their school’s involvement in CAS, there is interest in moving some sports to mid-week. Two in five (37%) would like some sports to be moved to mid-week and keep some sports on Saturday, while 15% would like to see all sports occur mid-week. Consider moving some sports to mid-week to help families better manage their time on the weekend.

If you would like to read the whole CAS report, please click the link below:

>>> Click here to view the whole CAS report.

Thank you to those parents and students who participated in the survey. I will keep you updated with any changes that we will consider implementing as an association. 

Mr Darran Rawson – Foundation Officer 

I would like to welcome Darran Rawson to the College as the newly-appointed Foundation Officer. Darren will work with the College Foundation and Advisory Council to further develop our philanthropic culture at the College.

With reductions in government funding, schools need to widen their fundraising capabilities to ensure our 120-year school has appropriate and well maintained resources and that we endeavour to live out the mission of our College through the four touchstones.

Darren has previously worked at Shore, Trinity Grammar, and Aloysius’ College. He is a past parent of three boys of the College, and is passionate about building connections across our community to enhance our fundraising endeavours. 

Dates for Next Year 

We now have the 2023 Term dates confirmed. They can also be found on our website. 

>>> Click here to view the 2023 Term dates.

TERM 1 – 2023

TERM 2 – 2023

TERM 3 – 2023

TERM 4 – 2023

Waverley Runners and Fundraisers

Good luck to all of our runners who are tackling the City2Surf on Sunday and well done for their significant support of the charity ‘Running for Premature Babies’ which is founded by Waverley College parent, Ms Sophie Smith.

For more details please read Ms Gabby Smith’s newsletter article. 

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Ms Gabby Smith.

Art and Design HSC Showcase

Parents, students and Waverley community members are warmly invited to attend the St Clare’s and Waverley College annual Art and Design HSC showcase on Wednesday, 17 August. 

The event is a collection of Year 12 major works from the students of 2022. For further details, please read Ms Natalie Oates’ newsletter article. 

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Ms Natalie Oates.

Waverley’s Winter Appeal Supporting Matthew Talbot Hostel and Homelessness

The winter period is particularly difficult for those in our society experiencing homelessness. Waverley is having a winter donation drive during Weeks 3, 4 and 5 from 1-19 August to support the Matthew Talbot Hostel in Woolloomooloo.

Please find more information regarding Waverley’s Winter Appeal in the Nurrunga article by Mr John McCallum.

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Mr John McCallum.


What is PISA? 

PISA is the Programme for International Student Assessment. Internationally, it is the world’s largest student assessment with around half a million participating students from close to 85 countries.

Nationally, PISA is one of the international sample assessments of the National Assessment Program (NAP), which encompasses all tests endorsed by the Australian Government Education Council. Under the Education Act 2013 (Cth), participation in PISA is an obligation for all selected schools.

PISA testing at Waverley College will take place on Wednesday, 17 August 2022.

PISA runs every three years and looks at students’ ability to apply their knowledge and skills, and to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they examine, interpret and solve real-life problems.

Through Australia’s participation in PISA, students help demonstrate areas in which the Australian education system is doing well and areas which need to improve. PISA assists education authorities across Australia to understand and enhance the effectiveness of their educational systems and to learn from other countries’ practices.

Who Will be Involved in PISA? 

In most schools, around 25 students, predominantly from Years 10 and 11, will be randomly selected to participate in PISA. Students selected to participate this year have been informed as have their parents/carers.

Further information can be found in the link below. For further information please call ACER directly on 1800 280 625.

>>> Click here to view more information about PISA in 2022.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Following the success of last year, we are once again running the ‘Scientists of Waverley’ competition to mark Science Week 2022.

To enter the competition, you must make a video of yourself conducting a science experiment at home. The video should be no longer than two minutes and should be entertaining in nature.

The theme for this year is ‘Glass’ but your video can be any science experiment you would like. 

How to Submit Your Entry

Send your video to Ms Pace by Friday, 19 August at 5pm. 

There will be a prize awarded to the best video and a runner up from the Junior and Senior school.

Get creative! Ms Pace cannot wait to see your entries!


Ms Emily Pace

Assistant Head of Science


Cybersafety Hub

Cybersafety is an increasing challenge for parents with so many applications and social media platforms being accessed by our children. Whilst we may be aware of the most common ones, do we actually know what these platforms offer our children, and the potential challenges they could face in using them ? 

At Waverley, we believe that parents need to have the knowledge to have appropriate conversations and understand how to manage access in their particular circumstances.

To assist with this, Waverley developed a Cybersafety Hub with our partners ySafe. The hub contains information on current trending platforms and applications, and is updated regularly by ySafe staff, who review and give clear and understandable information that make parents better informed.

>>> Click here to view the Cybersafety Hub.

>>> Click here to view information about ySafe.

Waverley also offers access to the FamilyZone product on all school-issued laptops, which can also be extended to student mobile devices.

>>> Click here to view information about FamilyZone.

Needing More Information?

If you wish to get more information on using FamilyZone, or wish to get your free account activated, please contact the iAssist Team

Online Parent/Carer Webinar Dates Coming Soon

During Terms 3 and 4 we will be delivering Cybersafety Content to each year group, and providing parents/carers with an online webinar to learn more about the Cyber world our students are operating in. Dates for the webinar will be announced soon.



Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


Year 12 Trials 

Please continue to keep our Year 12 HSC ATAR students in your thoughts and prayers as they continue next week with their HSC trial examinations. The boys have turned up this week with enthusiasm, punctuality and in good spirits. We wish them all the best over the weekend with their preparations. 

Years 7 to 9 Academic Award Winners

Congratulations to our Semester 1 Academic Award winners in Years 7-9. Their dedication and persistence has paid off and we congratulate them on their fine achievements. These boys were recognised at this week’s academic assembly.

>>> Click here to view the list of Years 7-9 academic award winners.

ART and DESIGN HSC Showcase 

Parents, students and Waverley community members are invited to attend the St Clare’s and Waverley College annual ART and DESIGN HSC showcase on Wednesday, 17 August. 

The event is a collection of Year 12 major works from the students of 2022. For further details, please read the newsletter article by Ms Natalie Oates – Head of Visual Arts.

>>> Click here to view the newsletter article by Ms Natalie Oates.

Clancy Religious Art Prize

Waverley College entered submissions from Zac Coonan (Year 10) and a collaborative piece by James Iatrou, Finn Stranix and Anderson Franulovich (Year 11). Zac Coonan’s photographic work ‘My Connection to Heaven’  placed 3rd, receiving the Brian Jordan Prize.

Congratulations and well done to Zac, Finn, James and Anderson in their efforts to create such conceptual and reflective artworks of our faith. 

Indigenous Round

Last Saturday before the 1st XV game, the community gathered to recognise that the greater understanding of Indigenous history and culture is essential in creating a more united future for all.

We were lucky enough to have Uncle Dean Kelly, Jeff Hardy and Richie Chan-Hampton lead our opening ceremony as well as a great halftime performance of  ‘We Are Australian’ from respected Aboriginal singer and pioneer of the Indigenous Music Industry, Uncle Col Hardy.

Parents’ Association Meeting – Come and Join us Online!

All parents are warmly invited to attend Waverley College Parent Association (WCPA) meetings. The Principal and Deputy Principals will present reports on College activities and developments. WCPA meetings are normally held once per term.

>>> Click here to view the Zoom link.

Zoom link: Meeting ID: 882 5607 2239 | Passcode: 029937

Speed Mentoring Event

There will be a Speed Mentoring Event in the Senior Library, Wednesday 10 August 4pm – 5.30pm which is open to all Years 9, 10 and 11 students.

We have over 10 incredible Old Boys who will be available to talk to students one-on-one about their respective careers and study pathways, and answer any questions the boys might have.

It is an amazing enrichment opportunity for the students, with mentors who are from fields including sport and sports science, business, engineering, entrepreneurship, IT and gaming and television production. 

Light refreshments will be served.

Please encourage your sons to join if they are interested, and want to know more information in the following fields:

Please RSVP here by Monday, 8 August.

Waverley’s Winter Appeal Supporting Matthew Talbot Hostel and Homelessness

The winter period is particularly difficult for those in our society experiencing homelessness. Waverley is having a Winter donation drive during Weeks 3, 4 and 5 from 1-19 August to support the Matthew Talbot Hostel in Woolloomooloo.

>>> Click here to view more information about Waverley’s winter appeal.

2022 Non-Government School Census

The Australian Government requires certain information about non-government schools, staff and students to ensure that funding is calculated and managed correctly.

>> Click here to view information regarding privacy and the 2022 Non-Government School Census.

Online Safety Reminders


Recent wellbeing figures at the College have seen a slight increase in students making poor decisions in terms of their online interactions. At this week’s College Assembly I spoke about ‘catfishing.’ This theme was unpacked further by Heads of House at Friday’s House Assemblies.

Catfishing is when someone uses social media to create a false identity, usually as a joke or to scam someone else. Often people who catfish make up fake backgrounds, jobs or friends, so that they appear as someone else. Using this fake identity, they may even trick a person into believing they are in an online romance, before using this to ask for money or gifts or intimate information. 

There are some clear flags that may suggest catfishing:

Mobile phone

If it sounds too good to be true, chances are you’re probably right. Students should always be ‘on their guard’ if someone randomly makes contact out of the blue. If their story isn’t adding up, you are right to be suspicious of them.  

It does not hurt to do some online investigating. If you’re feeling unsure about the person you’re talking to, you can always do your own online research. You can verify their picture using a Google reverse image search. If the photo is connected to lots of different names or is literally the picture of an actor or celebrity, this is a serious red flag. You can also check them out on other social media sites.

They may be a catfish if they: 

Check your privacy settings. Make sure you are comfortable with the amount of personal information you put online, in general. If you’re not sure what’s out there, you can read our article about how to manage your digital footprint. The eSafety Guide has information about how to do this on different online platforms. 

>>> Click here to view the eSafety Guide.

The best advice I always give, is to screenshot, report to your Mentor or Head of House, and block on the platform. The eSafety Guide has information about how to do this on different online platforms. Confidentially reporting fake accounts can help keep the platform safe for others, and you can do this before blocking them. 

A student online


‘Sextortion’ has been an issue for over a decade, with many adults falling victim to this type of online crime. It is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share intimate images of you, unless you give in to their demands. Organised criminal gangs across Eastern Europe, Russia, and Africa connect to their victims via social media, chat apps, instant messaging platforms and online games. More recently though, there has been a higher rate of adolescent males falling victim.

Since the beginning of 2022, there has been a 400% increase in this type of crime being reported to police in Australia alone. However, these figures are being replicated in most western countries. Having an understanding of how your young person can fall victim to such an offender may help to protect them from engaging or conceding to their demands.

It is vitally important for parents and carers to be aware of this serious issue, and to start having an age-appropriate conversation as early as possible. Be aware that even with an online account set to ‘private’, random people can still message your child. Emphasise to your young person the importance of only engaging online with people they actually know, not someone they think they might know.

Most importantly, keep the lines of communication open between you and your son. Young people who fall victim to these offenders will feel distressed and blame themselves. Let them know, that no matter what, they can come to you and ask for help, and that there is nothing so bad that they cannot come to you.

Father and son

Managing devices can be difficult, especially with older teens, but it is important to weigh up the risks and the dangers. Sadly, even good kids who never make a poor decision elsewhere in their life, can and do make poor choices online. The information presented in this report is intended to alert, and not alarm, parents and carers of this potential issue.

Further information and resources relating to this topic can be accessed via the following websites:

Students and the College will continue to engage in online safety content in their Mentor groups, College Assemblies, House Assemblies, PDHPE lessons and ySafe incursions scheduled during the second part of the year.

Students on mobile phones

Latest COVID-19 Numbers

We have had 5 new cases in the last 24 hours including:

Current / Active Cases

Year 5 3 cases
Year 6 3 cases
Year 7 6 cases
Year 8 3 cases
Year 9 4 cases
Year 10 5 cases
Year 11 1 case
Year 12 1 case
Staff 2 cases
Total 28 cases


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


NESA Stay Healthy HSC Campaign

NESA launched the Stay Healthy HSC campaign on 28 July. Stay Healthy HSC is a cross-sector campaign, now running for its third year, and plays an important role in providing HSC students and their families access to essential health and wellbeing services and information.

This year’s campaign, with support from ReachOut, will roll out in three phases to encourage students to put their health and wellbeing first, connect with one another and reach out to support services if needed.

The three phrases include:

>>> Click here to view the Campaign Resource Hub.

>>> Click here to view the campaign assets.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 HSC Study Guide, which provides information and advice to help set-up HSC students for their final exams.


Ms Elizabeth Watson 

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


This term we are very excited to be introducing all Year 7 Literacy and English students to an innovative program and online educational writing tool called Writer’s Toolbox.

This research-based online writing tool has been built expressly to raise student ability level in writing. The key advantage of this purpose-built educational writing tool is feedback. Artificial intelligence built into the tool reads student work, and provides individualised feedback according to the student’s age and ability level.

The program was designed by education innovator Dr Ian Hunter. Concerned about falling writing standards in his university students, Dr Hunter began a 25-year research project to develop a writing system that every student could master.

Writer's Toolbox

“The writing challenge our students and teachers face is significant. What I have endeavoured to do is to meet this challenge in a way that means teachers and students just get it – by removing the jargon around writing and by teaching explicit, easy-to-understand strategies to improve writing whatever the subject area.” – Dr Ian Hunter

The Year 7 students are now using Writer’s Toolbox at least three times each week, working on tasks and modules specifically structured to improve their writing skills, as well as their understanding of the units studied in English.

Writer's Toolbox

The writing tool is also being trialled in various classes and subjects across the curriculum. Initial feedback from teachers and students is overwhelmingly positive.

This is an exciting time for all students and staff involved. Thank you especially to Mr Tall and everyone involved in Year 7 Literacy and English for all your hard work and dedication in implementing this new program.


Ms Mary Ryan

Acting Literacy Coordinator


Year 12 

On behalf of the College Community, we wish our Year 12 HSC ATAR students all the very best with their upcoming trial examinations which start on Monday. 

Academic Award Winners 

Congratulations to all academic award winners from Years 10, 11 and 12 who were acknowledged at Thursday’s College Assembly which was held in the Centenary quadrangle and live-streamed.

It was a beautiful Sydney winter day with the sun out and made even more special with the attendance of approximately 70 parents. In my address to the boys, I highlighted the once-in-a-decade CSIRO report released this week, which identifies seven global megatrends. 

The report explores the geopolitical, economic, social, technological and environmental forces unfolding around the world, predicting their likely impact on Australia’s businesses, governments and people. 

One of the questions I asked the boys to ponder was the megatrend that was of interest to them as an area for a possible future career. And, which megatrend will impact the business that they are currently thinking about developing post school? 

The seven global megatrends are: 

1) Adapting to climate change 

2) Leaner, cleaner and greener

3) The escalating health imperative

4) Geopolitical shifts

5) Diving into digital

6) Increasingly autonomous

7) Unlocking the human dimension

I noted that these megatrends will provide them/us with challenges, opportunities and insights into where the most powerful innovation can be found. Disruption in our world is coming faster and larger than ever before. And, they will need to develop global competencies such as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, character, citizenship, and communication to thrive in this space, pivot, develop trust and be able to change the world. 

Congratulations to the Years 10 to 12 Academic Award Winners

>>> Click here to view the list of Years 10-12 academic award winners.

Years 7-11 Parent Conferences 

Thank you for your support of the Years 7-11 parent/student/teacher conferences held on Monday this week. I hope they proved fruitful and allowed for good dialogue around strengths and areas for development. Research proves that when there is a strong partnership between parents and the school, better academic and wellbeing outcomes can be achieved. 

Academic Reception 

Here at Waverley, we strive for a holistic education for our students and recognise the importance of acknowledging and celebrating success in all its measures. It was with great delight that we celebrated the scholastic successes of our 2021 Major Award winners at Thursday evening’s Academic Reception.

The boys are to be congratulated on their commitment, determination and hard work. These students understand that success does not come from luck or by accident, nor does it come from being in the right place at the right time. It comes from owning your learning, believing in yourself, critical reflection and engagement, setting and executing goals, being curious, stepping outside your comfort zone and having a growth mindset. 

Congratulations on your outstanding academic achievements!

Academic Opportunities 

Please read Ms Pace and Ms Fernandez’s newsletter article for more information on Years 7-10 Science and ICAS Assessment for Years 7-10 students, and Ms Halpin’s newsletter article on the World Scholar’s Cup. 


Thank you for your support of the precautions and measures we are implementing to reduce the transmission of the faster spreading new variants of COVID-19. Whilst I acknowledge the hassle and inconvenience of wearing a mask indoors for students and staff for the next few weeks during a spike in our community, and also the wider community, we support the clear advice given by Dr Kerry Chant (NSW Chief Health Officer) and Professor Paul Kelly (National Chief Health Officer) that where social distancing is not possible, masks should be worn. 

My priority is to ensure face-to-face teaching is maintained and that our College operates as normal as possible. With the current teacher shortage in play even in capital cities, and the supply of casual teacher availability low, there is very little room to manoeuvre if COVID-19 numbers get out of hand.

We will continue to adapt and pivot to try to make sensible decisions that allow activities to continue. Debating, for example, will occur this evening, but instead of debating in a normal classroom space, all debates will occur in our larger venues across campus which are 4x the size.

I also believe we need to do everything possible to ensure our Year 12s are able to sit their trial examinations, which are a crucial preparation for their upcoming HSC examinations. 

Great Community Work and Support 

Congratulations to the Junior School who are supporting a number of charities at present through their work, action and fundraising. 

The School Fun Run has raised $27,676.00 in the first two weeks of Term 3 and this initiative supports the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Starlight Children’s Foundation Australia, and Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Foundation. 

The Junior School began a Running Club which takes place each Monday lunch time with staff, students and parents. They are training for the City to Surf, supporting Running for premature babies. Waverley College is in 2nd place on the list of fundraising teams for City to Surf, with $17,100 raised so far.

The Junior School continues to sell Beanies for Brain Cancer, which the students have been able to wear at school until the end of Week 3. 

I look forward to hearing the results from the Teacher v Student fundraising initiatives that are taking place over the next few weeks, including dodgeball, Pictionary, Basketball and Theatresports, to name a few. 

Cadet Promotions for 2022/2023

It is with great pleasure that I announce and congratulate the senior appointments for the 2022/2023 Cadet Year:

The SUO is CUO Kayla Heng

The RSM is WO1 Angus Birrell

Adjutant – CUO Alistair Isaac

Training Officer – CUO Kitty Fitzpatrick

Operations Officer – CUO Sarah Teitler

Logistics Officer – CUO Lenny Joseph

A Company Commander – CUO Matteo Paolella

B Company Commander – CUO Kit Armstrong

C Company Commander – CUO Thomas Brenchley

D Company Commander – CUO Tom Gleeson

Support Company Commander – CUO Mitch Cahill

RSM – Regimental Sergeant Major

SUO – Senior Under Officer

CUO – Cadet Under Officer

WO1 – Warrant Officer Class 1

2022 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website from 2023, for all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2022) students into Year 7 (2023). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Year 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2023 for any applicable sundries, excursion fees and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

2023 Fees

Discounts and Penalties


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business services


The winter period is particularly difficult for those in our society experiencing homelessness. Waverley is having a Winter donation drive during Weeks 3, 4 and 5 from 1-19 August to support the Matthew Talbot Hostel in Woolloomooloo. 

Matthew Talbot Hostel is a wonderful organisation helping over 35,000 Sydney men each year by providing accommodation, health, counselling and employment assistance.

Artwork courtesy Matthew Talbot Hostel

Artwork courtesy Matthew Talbot Hostel

Waverley has had a long history of students volunteering in its kiosk in Woolloomooloo. I encourage all boys from all Houses in Years 5-12 to bring in toiletry and other essential items on the donation list below. These will be combined to provide packs for the homeless and marginalised groups to which the Matthew Talbot Hostel provides assistance.

Winter Appeal – Donation List

Toiletry pack Items  – small traveller size for items is best

Home Starter Kit Items – (these are prepared and distributed to men when they move out of the hostel into more settled accommodation).

Clothing (new)

*All donations can be brought into the Wellbeing Centre (Senior School), or Junior School Reception.

Tevlin House students have a Social Justice focus area of Homelessness, and will be actively promoting this request to contribute items across the College to maximise the impact of our collective effort.

The Tevlin Winter Sleep out in 2018

The Tevlin Winter Sleep out in 2018

Tevlin Winter Sleep Out – Friday, 19 August 2022, College Gym

Tevlin students from Years 7-12 will also be having a Winter Sleep Out on Friday, 19 August 6:30pm in the College Gym, where they will hear guest speakers from the Matthew Talbot Hostel. 

These speakers will lead discussions on the short and long-term treatments for homelessness and will also talk about many of their roles and experiences.

During the winter sleep out, Tevlin students will collate the donations and assemble key packs of toiletry and home-starter kits ready for distribution.

>>> Click here to view more information about the 2022 Tevlin Winter Sleepout.


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House


The World Scholar’s Cup is an international team academic program with more than 15,000 students participating from over 65 countries every year.

This year, the regional competition will be held at Queenwood School on Saturday, 10 to Sunday, 11 September 2022, and we are looking for as many interested students as possible to participate in the event. 

There are four events over the two days: collaborative writing, team debates, the Scholar’s bowl, and the Scholar’s challenge.

Does this sound like something you’d like to be part of?

>>> Click here to view further information about each of these events.

If you would like further information about this event, please don’t hesitate to email me.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking
