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A reminder that the Years 7-11 Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews are held on Wednesday, 27 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm.

*Please note, Wednesday, 27 April is a student-free day for the Senior School.

Bookings will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge and are now open. They will close on Tuesday, 26 April at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.

Instructions and Individual Teacher Zoom Codes

The interviews will be online via Zoom.

>>> Click here to view instructions and individual teacher zoom codes.

These interviews are an opportunity to meet class teachers and to assist students to set goals for the coming term.

Interview Protocol

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five-minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you:

Logging in to the Parent Lounge

Details on how to log in to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the term. The link to the Parent Lounge is below.

>>> Click here to log in to the Parent Lounge.

user id = your son’s student ID

password = if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password.’

Technical Issues? Need to Confirm Your Son’s ID?

Please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


As you may have already discovered, the Parent Lounge is a great place to check the details we currently hold on file for your son.

One area that we would like all parents to check and update is the Medical Details section. 

It’s important that this information is kept up-to-date, as it assists us in ensuring your son’s safety on campus, or whilst attending school camps and excursions.

How to Update Your Son’s Medical Details

>>> Click here to log in to the Parent Lounge.

Medical Details Parent Lounge

I would be grateful if you could check this information and update, where applicable, by the commencement of Term 2.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation


Now Open Every Monday During Term Time 8:30am-9:30am

A big thank you to all parents and carers who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool.

This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

We are steadily rebuilding stock levels and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. These are mostly academic uniform items with a few PE uniforms.

Email us to check on stock or pop in!

$30 Buy Back Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the designated Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team). If leaving Blazers and ‘All Weather Jackets’, you may include name and phone number inside the bag, and we can contact you to arrange ‘buy-back’ if appropriate.

What’s in Stock?

Unfortunately, there are currently no ‘All Weather Jackets’ in stock. We do have a good range of academic shirts available, and in addition, we have:

Contact Details

For more information on stock availability or to make an appointment, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool:

Phone: (02) 9369 0703. Please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop (turn right when stepping out of the lift on the uniform shop side).


Camille and Kirsten

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators


Conductor Emeritus: Vale Paul Goodchild

Paul was a prodigious talent, joining the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the age of 18, and remaining an active member for 42 years, ultimately being appointed Associate Principal Trumpet. Paul sadly passed away from cancer last Tuesday. He and his late father had a long association with the College. Paul graduated from Waverley in 1978, and Cliff was the Conductor at the College for 40 years, and had the College’s Senior Concert band named in his honour. Our thoughts and prayers are with Paul’s family and friends.

>>> Click here to view Vale Paul Goodchild.

Homework and Revision 

The debate about the value of homework gains attention and different perspectives from time to time. I appreciate the importance of family time together, the need for children to play, time out in nature, and physical activity, which are all connected to our overall wellbeing. However, the value of homework and revision is very well explained in Mrs Elizabeth Watson’s article in this newsletter. Getting the balance right across all of these elements is perhaps the right pathway. 

Music Camp 

Congratulations to our Music department and our musicians on their recent music camp. I have heard very positive feedback about their development and performances whilst away. For further information please read Mr Chris Balkizas’ report in the newsletter. 


Just as the current Years 5, 7 and 9 students are preparing for NAPLAN 2022, last week the 2021 NAPLAN results were uploaded onto the My School Website. The Waverley College student progress measure places our Year 5, 7 and 9 2021 cohort’s growth close to students with the same starting score and similar backgrounds across all domains of reading, writing and numeracy. Student progress is the most important measure for parents, teachers and the wider community, as it is such a valuable diagnostic tool.

Some highlights from the 2021 results are that the Year 7 cohort growth is strong across all domains, with numeracy demonstrating the most significant improvement. Over all testing domains, Year 7 results are above or well above average Australian students. Similarly, Year 9 reading, writing and numeracy scores are above all Australian students as per the table below.

NAPLAN table 2022

NAPLAN participation 2022

Beyond the My School Website, we always conduct a more extensive review of results and growth compared to schools who are statistically similar, enabling the College to identify areas of strength, targets and students who require diverse learning support. Some of the highlights from our analysis are that the combined literacy and numeracy scores of Year 7 Waverley College students, and the writing scores of Year 9 students, when compared to boys in statistically similar schools, trends in an upward direction.

The most valuable data from NAPLAN results highlights what we need to do to support our students in the future. The overall results indicate that students starting at the College in Years 5 and 7 need support in reading, writing, spelling and grammar. The programs that we have in place ensure that student growth in all domains is consistent with students of similar starting scores and backgrounds from Year 5 2019 to Year 7 2021, and Year 7 2019 to Year 9 2021.

What is particularly pleasing to note, is that the work we have been doing in our Year 7 and 8 Literacy programs in 2019-2020 have seen the student growth in writing improve significantly from the rate of growth in 2017-2019. Please note, that we do not have a set of results from 2020, as NAPLAN did not run due to COVID-19 restrictions.

We will continue to work on improving student growth, particularly in literacy, through the introduction of The Writer’s Toolbox in the Junior School and Learning Support groups in the Senior School. We will look to expand this program in the future to improve student grammar and punctuation, as well as sentence, paragraph and essay writing.

Spelling Mastery lessons are delivered to most Year 7 students (not just those students in Learning Support groups) in classes taught by specially-trained Direct Instruction teachers. This research-proven pedagogy engages students in intensive practices, utilising the articulatory loop, to memorise important knowledge and skills, resulting in a reduction in cognitive load and enabling deeper learning.  

Uniform Shop Update 

The Uniform shop has informed me that the new student lightweight rain jacket should be available in store for the start of Term 2 (maybe even late next week). There will also be a Supporters’ scarf, umbrella and rain jacket available in the coming weeks. A student hoodie and lightweight long sleeve training jersey are also now in stock for the colder winter days approaching, as part of our co-curricular suite.

Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG) 

I congratulate the students of both St Clare’s College and Waverley College who have created a new collaboration across their respective Ecology Committees. I look forward to working with them, and hearing about their shared strategies to both educate others, and reduce our impact on the planet. For further information please read student James Peate’s report in the newsletter. 

Student Congratulations

​​Kai Gregory (Year 8) won two very prestigious awards this season as part of the Coogee Competitive Surf Team: Age Champion (best overall across six events: surf swim, boards, ironman, sprint, 1k run and flags), and Best Competitor (#1 Competitor in Water at Surf Carnivals).

Kai was invited to join the Senior Team at the Australian National Championships in Coolangatta on 2 and 3 April, and will compete in the ironman, surf rescue, along with sprint, surf swim, boards and relays. Congratulations Kai!

COVID-19 Numbers 

Thank you for your support with mask wearing. This action has certainly slowed down transmission rates: from 179 last week, down to 71 for this week. Please find the latest COVID-19 numbers below. 

As at 1/4/22 COVID-19 Positive Close Contacts
Year 5 2 2
Year 6 13 10
Year 7 2 7
Year 8 4 6
Year 9 5 0
Year 10 2 4
Year 11 0 4
Year 12 3 2
Staff 4 1
TOTAL (71) 35 36

NSW Health Changes to Self-Isolation Requirements for Close and Household Contacts who Have Recovered from COVID-19

On Monday evening, the Minister signed the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order Amendment (No 1) Order 2022. The Amending Order amends the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order to exempt a person who is a close or household contact from the requirement to self-isolate if the person has had COVID-19 in the previous 12 weeks (up from the previous 8 weeks).

This means that if a student or staff member who has recovered from COVID-19 comes into contact with someone with COVID-19 within 12 weeks after they are released, they will generally not need to self-isolate or get a test. They can continue to go to school or work unless they have new COVID-19 symptoms.

Reminder for those who are close or household contacts:

Read more: results of 2022 Wellbeing Survey, Balancing Technology and Social Media in Children and Adolescents, May Procession, Parent Event – ‘It’s Time We Talked’, Terms 2-3 winter uniform and hair requirements.


2022 Wellbeing Survey

During Week 9, all students took part in the annual wellbeing survey. The College continually seeks a greater partnership with your sons and values their perspective.

To help us work better with your son’s journey through adolescence, we like to know from their perspective, what is working well with our Wellbeing system, and importantly, what we can improve on.  

The data collected through the survey is being analysed by the Heads of House, Psychologists, Director of Identity & Student Formation, and Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing, allowing us to make decisions as we work alongside your sons at the College.

This data will help inform our wellbeing structures, processes and support mechanisms for all students.

Senior Students in Braidwood

Key Points

Key points already extracted from this year’s survey include:

Senior Students

Importantly, students had the opportunity of providing affirmation for what we term ‘upstanders.’ These are the students who look out for their peers, and say ‘no’ to bullies.

We congratulate the following students in 2022 who were identified as ‘Upstanders.’

Kayden Baker (Conlon), Rhys Ferguson (Aungier), Felix Turini (Tevlin), Lachlan Henry Grant (Conlon), Daniel McSweeny (Brennan), Xavier Scally (Brennan), Daniel Risk (O’Connor), Billy Lagos (Conlon), Charlie Smith (Aungier), Lewis Hamilton (Brennan), Toby Johnson (Brennan), Achilles Zanapalis (Aungier), Axel Stapleton (Tevlin), Bailey Gosbell (Lacey), Christian Kitas (Conlon), Cy Preketes (Green), Dylan Varcoe (Brennan), Harvey O’Malley (O’Connor), Isaac Occhiuto (O’Connor), Noah Tofaeono (Quinn), Toby Davidson (Aungier), Charlie Gibbins (Brennan), Dash McDonough (Tevlin), Ngakau Hiroti (Lacey), Will Carter (Aungier), Hopper Dyke-Miller (Brennan).

As in previous years, those students who, according to their classmates, are making poor decisions with regards to their peer interactions, will be spoken to by their Heads of House and their parents notified.

It was great to note that there were only three students identified as bullies in this year’s survey. This number continues to decline each year.

Balancing Technology and Social Media in Children and Adolescents

Much of the wellbeing team’s role at the College involves building greater capacity in our students in using mobile technology and social media.

 In 2022, The Kidman Centre UTS is continuing to offer free online workshops delivered by clinical psychologists, to equip children, teenagers, and their parents with practical and evidence-based psychological skills. 

Thier next workshop assists parents with balancing their child’s use of technology and social media. We know that technology and social media can bring about many benefits when used appropriately. It can enhance social connections and even be used as a learning tool. However, we often hear from many parents they have difficulties knowing how to effectively balance their child’s technology use.

Mobile phone

This workshop will help parents tackle these concerns and introduce key parenting skills to facilitate effective technology and social media use.

When: Monday, 11 April 2022, 6-7pm via Zoom.

>>> Click here to view more information about these free online workshops.

Bookings: Please phone (02) 9514 4077 or email or

May Procession

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Our annual May Procession is fast approaching, early in Term 2, and will occur on Sunday, 1 May from 12pm to 1:30pm, in the Centenary Quad, here at Waverley College. Students will need to be in the Quadrangle by 11:30am.

This wonderful celebration of our College founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, and Mary our Mother, is a compulsory event for all students. As such, full school uniform including blazer and tie should be worn.

Students will be required to get their names marked off by their Mentor upon arrival.

Parent Event – ‘It’s Time We Talked’ – Save the Date

Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 5:30pm

‘It’s Time We Talked’ is a violence-prevention initiative that supports young people, parents, schools, government and the community sector, to understand and address the influence of pornography.

The program grew out of Maree Crabbe’s work with young people in secondary schools and community settings.

Maree noticed that pornography was increasingly playing a role in how young people learn about, think about and experience sexuality. The young people she worked with were keen to talk about pornography, but the adults in their lives often had no idea about pornography’s prevalence or influence – and those who did, often didn’t feel equipped to have the conversations.

These observations led to more questions, research, planning and writing. With significant philanthropic support, ‘It’s Time We Talked’ began in 2009.

Following a presentation to staff earlier in the day, Maree will be presenting to parents that evening.

Maree Crabbe

Maree Crabbe

How To Join the Zoom Meeting for ‘It’s Time We Talked.’

>>> Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 896 5492 2955

Passcode: 864555

Terms 2-3 Winter Uniform

All students are required to be in winter uniform from the start of Term 2 to the end of Term 3. This includes blazer and tie. The College has high expectations of our students, particularly when travelling to and from school on public transport. As was the case last year, students failing to do this will be subject to a Friday detention.

The positive message you give to the public through your uniform and appearance is a clear statement of what it means to be a Waverley College student, and your pride in yourselves and the College.

Blazer and tie

Sometimes students will take the Easter break as an opportunity to experiment with different hairstyles. The expectation is that students will meet the following guidelines on their return to the College:

Parents are asked to support the College with these expectations. If students do not comply with a request to address any breaches by their Head of House, they will then have three options:

1)   Go immediately to the barber at Charing Cross and have the inappropriate haircut rectified

2)   Rectify the inappropriate haircut themselves with clippers supplied by the College

3)   Return home until such time as the inappropriate haircut is rectified.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


Woollahra Libraries invite Waverley students to attend their exciting April School Holiday program of events.

What’s on Offer?

Would You Like to Know More?

>>> Click here to view more information about Youth Week drop in gelato and games.

>>> Click here to view more information about Woollahra Libraries School Holiday Program.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services

Years 9 and 10 Applied Philosophy Teacher


Speak up. Be involved. Get connected. Have fun.

Youth Week is an opportunity for young people to express ideas, diversity and views, create and enjoy activities, and celebrate talents and contributions as members of our community.

From Monday 4 – Sunday 10 April, there are numerous opportunities and events planned for young people to get involved with in Waverley including: surfing at Bondi, tips and tricks for your HSC, concrete riders skateboard lessons and skate jam, silent discos, poetry and author talks.

>>> Click here to check out things to do during Waverley Youth Week 2022.

>>> Click here for further details on the Waverley Council website.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Holiday Trading Notice

We will be open at the following times during the Easter break:

Normal Trading Hours

Normal trading hours resume from Friday, 29 April.

We look forward to assisting you with your uniform.



P: 02 9369 0709

A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

We are steadily rebuilding stock levels and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. These are mostly academic uniform items with a few PE and very few extra curricular uniforms yet.

Email us to check on stock or pop in Monday morning.

$30 Buy Back Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Please wear a mask when coming into the shop as per current school policy.

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the designated Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team). If leaving Blazers and All Weather Jackets, you may include name and phone number inside the bag, and we can contact you to arrange ‘buy-back’ if appropriate.

What’s In Stock?

Unfortunately, we don’t have any rain jackets in stock.

We do have a good range of academic shirts available, and in addition, we have:

Contact Details

For more information on stock availability or to make an appointment, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool:

Phone: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


Main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop (turn right when stepping out of the lift on the uniform shop side).


Kirsten and Camille

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators


P: (02) 9369 0703

A glance through this week’s newsletter certainly gives good insight into a busy and thriving College community, with a wonderful variety of activities, experiences and learnings on offer including: Earth Hour, College representation at St Mary’s Cathedral for St Patrick’s Day, PDHPE excursion to Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation, the Walawaani program for First Nation students, hospitality work placements, an invitation to join winter Art Club, Big Brother Little Brother gathering, homework club, Year 5 Camp to Stanwell Tops, Year 6 Camp to Collaroy, Year 12 retreat at four different destinations, commencement of winter activities and summer awards, Years 5-12 Student Reports update, and booking in for Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Student Interviews.

It is a great achievement of staff, students and parents that all of these can occur in these challenging times. I encourage your sons to get involved in the richness of College activities, as much learning can take place both inside and outside of the classroom. 

Stranger Danger 

Unfortunately, from time to time, we receive information from other schools where students have been targeted by people with possibly sinister intentions. Recently, on the North Shore, a young student was targeted by what the police would describe as an attempted abduction. The student was told that all buses were cancelled and that the school had sent ubers to get students home. Luckily, the student did not accept this offer of transport, and a concerned passerby intervened.

It is timely for all parents to remind their children to never accept a lift from someone they do not know. Encourage them to act immediately, to yell out to draw attention to the situation. Remind them to always be aware of their surroundings e.g. move away from slow-moving cars that come up alongside them. 

Science and Engineering Challenge 

Eight Year 10 STEM teams from Waverley were involved in the University of Newcastle Science and Engineering Challenge this week, competing against other schools in a fun and engaging day of activities and challenges.

These included designing an earthquake-proof tower, building a hovercraft, providing electricity to a city, and creating an environmentally-friendly house. All teams performed very well and took a lot out of the day. 

Stars of the East

I am excited to announce that our very own Tom Olds (Year 6 Orange Classroom Teacher) is representing Waverley College in the Cancer Council’s ‘Stars of the East’ event. This event is a high-energy, dance spectacular, bringing the Eastern Suburbs together and raising much-needed funds for The Cancer Council NSW.

Tom is fundraising for …

“My beautiful mother who has, unfortunately, had to battle the dreaded “C” word twice. She is the most influential woman in my life and is such a fantastic role model in terms of resilience, courage and dedication. 

Thankfully, she has managed to win on both occasions and I hope that I can help in providing much-needed funds to support the future research, so others can share similar stories.”

Tom Olds – Year 6 Teacher

>>> Click here if you would like to donate and keep updated on Tom’s progress.

COVID-19 Numbers 

Thank you for your support of our snap mandated mask wearing this week, for all students, staff and parents, whilst indoors at the College. This action will certainly slow down transmission rates, and hopefully ensure we can stay fully operational.

Please find the latest COVID-19 numbers below. Please remind your son to wash his hands regularly, and carry hand sanitiser for when this is not possible. 

As at 25/3/22 COVID-19 Positive Close Contacts
5 3 2
6 9 4
7 11 16
8 15 16
9 30 8
10 10 10
11 11 6
12 6 8
Staff 12 2
TOTAL (179) 107 72

Year 7 Routine School Vaccination

NSW Health will be visiting Waverley College on Tuesday, 5 April, 2022 to offer the following routine vaccines to Year 7 to protect them from preventable diseases:

Year 7 Human papillomavirus (HPV) 2 doses at least 6 months apart
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Whooping Cough (dTpa) 1 dose

NSW Health will also be offering catch-up vaccination during 2022 to students who missed HPV, dTpa or MenACWY vaccinations in 2020 and 2021.

Where this is not possible, parents/carers will be contacted and recommended to access free catch-up vaccines for their child at their local GP.

Please note, that any vaccine offered to students at school requires the signed consent of parents/carers.

The vaccination consent packs have been distributed to all of Year 7 students today. Anyone absent today, can pick it up from the Wellbeing Centre on Monday. 

Please ensure that you sign the consent form and ask your son to return them the following day.

>>> Click here to view more information about the NSW School Vaccination Program.

2024 Enrolment Applications Closing

Enrolment applications for 2024 will close on Thursday, 31 March 2022. Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2024, please ensure you complete an application form through our website.
>>> Click here to view the application form.

Please note, if your son is currently enrolled in the Junior School, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.
>>> Click here to submit an online application.

For any further enrolment questions, please contact the College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson at

Read more: bus travel survey, the conflict in Ukraine and wellbeing, 2022 May Procession information, parent event ‘It’s Time We Talked.’


Bus Travel Survey

The College has the opportunity to provide feedback to Transport For NSW, with regards to changes to the bus services that will affect travel to and from school.

To help us provide a clear picture of our needs, it is requested that you take a minute to complete the attached survey, so we can provide feedback to the operators.

>>> Click here to view and complete the survey.

The Conflict in Ukraine and the Wellbeing of Our Young People

Around the world, people are saddened and devastated by the events unfolding in Ukraine. Both adults and young people alike, are feeling the stresses of war from afar as they experience fear, frustration and helplessness.

The 24-hour news cycle has shown us upsetting images raising many questions, especially for our young people, about what is happening. This has backed on to over two years of often dire news about the COVID-19 epidemic. 


Parents and caregivers need to be guided by their son’s curiosity. There is strong evidence to suggest that having a supportive discussion about a stressful event in a developmentally-appropriate way, can actually decrease distress. It’s best to “name it, to tame it.” This will also combat any misinformation to which they have most likely already been exposed to, through social media, pictures or video clips.

Children need to know that they are being taken seriously. So it is recommended that you don’t avoid the difficult questions. Ensure you address their questions honestly and sensitively. With less life experience than adults, young people may need help navigating news about this crisis. Use this as an opportunity to model and encourage compassionate views towards fellow humans, regardless of distance or circumstance.

>>> Click here to view the 5.5-minute SchoolTV Special Report video on the Conflict in Ukraine.

May Procession

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Our annual May Procession is fast approaching, early in Term 2, and will occur on Sunday, 1 May from 12pm to 1:30pm, in the Centenary Quad, here at Waverley College. Students will need to be in the Quadrangle by 11:30am.

This wonderful celebration of our College founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, and Mary our Mother, is a compulsory event for all students. As such, full school uniform including blazer and tie should be worn.

Students will be required to get their names marked off by their Mentor upon arrival. 

Parent Event – ‘It’s Time We Talked’ – Save the Date

Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 5:30pm

‘It’s Time We Talked’ is a violence-prevention initiative that supports young people, parents, schools, government and the community sector, to understand and address the influence of pornography.

The program grew out of Maree Crabbe’s work with young people in secondary schools and community settings.

Maree noticed that pornography was increasingly playing a role in how young people learn about, think about and experience sexuality. The young people she worked with were keen to talk about pornography, but the adults in their lives often had no idea about pornography’s prevalence or influence – and those who did, often didn’t feel equipped to have the conversations.

These observations led to more questions, research, planning and writing. With significant philanthropic support, ‘It’s Time We Talked’ began in 2009.

Following a presentation to staff earlier in the day, Maree will be presenting to parents that evening. 

How To Join the Zoom Meeting for ‘It’s Time We Talked.’

>>> Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 896 5492 2955

Passcode: 864555


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


After two years of research and planning, we are delighted to announce that Waverley College will be offering parents and carers real-time access to assessment task results and formative task feedback via the College Learning Management System – CANVAS – in the coming weeks.

This will be in lieu of Years 7 – 12 Term 1 and Term 3 progress reports. Please note that we will still be issuing full reports via the TASS parent portal at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteer parents and carers from the Parents’ Association, who have dedicated their time in a trial of this new system to provide valuable feedback.

We would also like to thank the large number of parents and carers who attended the Parents’ Association meeting this term to hear about this initiative.

Major Benefits

One of the major benefits of this new system, is that parents and carers will be able to access information regarding the whole assessment process from notification to results, and feedback as it happens, rather than waiting for a static report at the end of each term. 


To facilitate a smooth launch, we will be staggering the release across year groups in the following stages:

As access for parents and carers according to this timeline becomes available, we will be in touch with instructions and a training video to assist with the setup and navigation of the system.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum
