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Read more: Government Funding Reductions, Co-Curricular uniform changes, Masterplan and SchoolTV Resources


Government Funding reductions 

The College has been made aware that it will receive less government funding this year and into the future. The government’s funding calculation model Direct Measure Income (DMI) is based on parental income. The College currently receives its funding from College Fees (60%) and Government Funding (40%). With these changes announced, the ratio will change to something closer to College Fees (66%) and Government Funding (34%). There is a $1.6M funding shortfall for 2021 and into the future. Put simply, this equates to approximately $1100 per student. We are discussing these issues with the College Finance Committee, College Advisory Council and our governing body EREA at present, and will communicate regarding the impact this will have. The College will look at all options including operational cost savings. 


Master Plan Stage 1 

The College architects are currently working on stage 1 of the new master plan which aims to ensure we have teaching, learning and wellbeing spaces that meet the educational and developmental needs of our students now and in the future. Stage 1 includes the refurbishment of classrooms and staff areas in the Main Centenary Building (East, West and North). It also sees a new building being built between the tennis courts and the Performing Arts Centre. This new building would house a Science Centre along with PDHPE and wellbeing spaces. On the Junior School campus the heritage building Froebel House would be refurbished along with the development of outdoor play spaces in Wingara. 


SchoolTV Resources

I would like to remind you of a digital wellbeing resource that helps to empower parents with credible, sound information with realistic strategies. It is produced utilising Australia’s leading experts on a number of topics affecting young people and families.

Click here to investigate these high-quality resources on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

You will find relevant and informative short videos and factsheets covering topics such as: consent, mental health, body image, cyber safety, drug and alcohol awareness, together with links to relevant websites including Beyond Blue, Black Dog, Head Space, Reach Out, Youtube clips, and TED Talks.

You will hear from experts like Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, one of Australia’s most prominent adolescent psychologists and leading authorities on teenage behaviour. I hope you may find this resource helpful and practical as we work together to raise the best possible men we can. 


Waverley College Uniform Change 

Over two and a half years ago, the College made the decision it was time to renew and refine our student academic, physical education and co-curricular uniforms. Previously, the College had two different uniforms between the Junior and Senior Schools, different uniforms between summer and winter, half the school wearing ties and the other half wearing an open neck shirt, and a multitude of different colours, versions, shades and styles of co-curricular uniforms. This is not the first time in the College’s 118-year history that uniforms have been reviewed or changed. The archives show that College uniforms and styles have changed, been reinterpreted and evolved over the years. 

The brief was to create a practical, contemporary and consistent look and feel across all of our uniforms from Years 5-12 that will take Waverley College into the future. A uniform committee was formed with representatives from current parents from different year levels, past parents, Old Boys, Junior School staff, Senior School staff and the College Leadership Team. This extensive consultation process was supported by Mr Jonathan Ward who is one of the top Australian designers and who has run many similar processes with a number of independent schools across the country. Students were also consulted for their direct feedback on how the uniforms felt and looked. 


Waverley College Uniform Change

The academic uniforms have been designed with a trans-seasonal approach to everyday dressing through choice of core essential and optional garments. This variety of choice allows boys to dress in what makes them feel as comfortable as possible, which affects their learning environment and general mood in a positive way. There have been many new items added to the suite of choice including vests, puffer jackets, and cardigans along with an all-weather Canadian-designed jacket to keep boys both warm and dry, and Senior School students now have the option to wear shorts in summer. 

We have also looked closely at the fit and structure of the garments to cater for the diversity of body types in our multicultural society, while maintaining a consistent look that is fit for purpose, age-appropriate and shows a subtle rite of passage through the ties the boys wear. 

Although it is still classic, it now has a more contemporary feel through the use of newly-developed fabrics that are lightweight, durable and comfortable. 

The overall theme of the uniform was inspired through the school archives so that it still reflects and respects the history and tradition of Waverley College yet looks to the future. There is now one school uniform from Year 5 to Year 12 that can be worn throughout the year and be layered and adapted to climatic conditions. 

The co-curricular uniforms have been designed to complement the academic uniform with the aim of creating ‘one’ Waverley, whether our boys are stepping onto the field, stage, court, track or pool to represent our College. The ‘one’ look reinforces that all activities and sports are just as important and valued as any other. Jonathan Ward researched the history of the uniform by exploring the College’s archived uniforms, Year Books and photographs in order to utilise and incorporate key traditional elements, while giving it a contemporary look and feel.

All of our co-curricular uniforms have seen slight changes including Football, Rugby, AFL, Volleyball, Cross Country, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Waterpolo, Swimming, Track & Field, Judo and Cycling. Efficiencies have been found where some items can be worn across multiple sports, which reduces costs for parents. 

Finally, we are pleased to announce that we are launching a new Indigenous round jersey. To do this, we have engaged a young Indigenous artist Billy Reynolds, who designed the West Tigers Indigenous jersey. He has created an artwork that will feature on each of our AFL, Football and Rugby 1st team jerseys. The design was inspired by the stories of his ancestors who lived on the lands where Queens Park is located today. We will be releasing the jersey and the inspiration behind the design during Reconciliation Week. 

Updating an entire academic, physical education and co-curricular uniform is no easy feat. 

Particularly, when a global pandemic hits right in the middle and disrupts supply chains and affects deliveries. We thank all parents for their patience and understanding whilst we await the delivery of the final items.

Co-Curricular Uniform Lookbook

Please click here to view the Academic Uniform Lookbook

If you have any questions about the uniform redesign please email

Have a great weekend.

I am pleased to confirm that the O’Connor House Mass will be going ahead on Wednesday 2 June 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm at the College Chapel.  Please take note of the following:

Please feel free to contact me at the email below if you have further questions about the House Mass.


Mr Matthew Barr

Head of O’Connor House


As your local bus operator we are writing to inform you that from Thursday 6 May 2021, community consultation commenced on proposed bus changes in the South East of Sydney, which are being led by Transport for NSW.

There are no impacts to dedicated school bus routes as a result of these proposed changes. However, we know students rely on regular route services on their travel to and from school that are proposed to change.

An integrated network plan for Sydney’s South East has now been developed to provide much extra capacity for customers, as well as to support existing and emerging travel patterns. The new light rail has changed how customers travel into and out of the CBD.

Key benefits of the proposed bus and light rail network

The Proposed Changes Will Simplify the Bus Network by:

How to Provide Feedback – deadline 18 June

To help shape the final plan, you can provide feedback until 18 June, 2021 on the proposal.

Please visit to find out more and to have your say.

It is important all feedback be provided in the survey at this link so Transport for NSW can consider it.

Transport for NSW will provide updates on the outcome of community consultation following a review of the feedback received. Changes to bus services are set to be introduced in late 2021.

Click here for summary of bus routes

Click here for South East map


Mr Brendan Rabbitt

Director Customer Operations, State Transit

Read more: Tournament of Minds, IMB EdTech Youth Challange and Gifted Awareness Week


Tournament of Minds – Seeking Two More Students Yrs 7, 8, 9

We are seeking two more students in Years 7, 8 or 9 to join the Tournament of Minds (TOM) teams. TOM offers teams of students the opportunity to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork.

Challenges are set in the following disciplines The Arts, Language Literature, Social Sciences or STEM. Students work collaboratively across two school terms on challenges focused on a current world issue such as sustainability or social justice. Students are encouraged to utilise their skills in problem solving, creativity and relevant subject areas of interest.

Please contact me for more information at


IBM EdTech Youth Challenge

The Australian Museum is delighted to be partnering with IBM and Macquarie University to launch the IBM EdTech Youth Challenge, opening 2 March 2021.

This challenge is an applied learning experience for students to understand and identify issues around environmental sustainability, health concerns and disaster resilience, and how artificial intelligence (AI) technology and design thinking methods can be used to tackle these problems.

The competition is open to high schools nationwide. Teachers with teams of students in Years 7 to 10 are invited to enter compelling projects where technology, with a focus on AI and machine learning, is applied to help solve existing or imminent problems facing society. A panel of judges will review submitted Project Logbooks and the team’s video pitch identifying their project issue and proposed AI solution, with prizes awarded to the most compelling entries from teams in Stages 4 and 5.

The deadline for submissions is 24 September. If you are interested in entering a submission, please see Ms Boyce.

Click here for more information


Gifted Awareness Week 2021

Gifted Awareness Week Australia was founded in 2015 by the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT) to raise awareness of the identification, support and learning needs of gifted children and to celebrate the dedication of individuals and educational bodies who are making a positive difference in the lives of gifted children and their families.

This year’s theme is ‘Thriving as Gifted’ and aims to promote diverse learning through awareness of professional development opportunities for educators, and events for parents and families to make a positive difference in the lives of gifted children.

Gifted Awareness Week 2021

Gifted Awareness Week 2021

External Resources and Event Information

A range of resources are available externally and include the following associations:

Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented

Gifted Awareness Week Website

Event Information for Parents and Students

The Gifted New South Wales website also includes information about events for parents and students to attend. This includes a seminar on Saturday 22 May run through GERRIC NSW about how parents can support their gifted children to thrive.

Waverley College offers a range of program services for gifted and high-ability students across all gifted domains – intellectual, creative, socio-emotional, and physical – to ensure their talents are nurtured and students are able to reach their full potential. For more information please contact Ms Boyce.


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


COVID-19 Update 7 May 2021

NSW Health have advised two new cases of community transmission within the last 48 hours, and are continuing to work to identify the source of transmission. The following precautionary restrictions are in-place for the Greater Sydney region (including Wollongong, Central Coast and Blue Mountains) from midday yesterday, 6 May until 12:01am on Monday 10 May 2021:

What this means for students, staff and parents:

*For co-curricular COVID-19 protocols for spectators, players and coaches over the weekend please click Mr Stephen O’Donnell’s article in the Sport section.


Mother’s Day 

I am disappointed that our two planned Mother’s Day celebrations have been postponed to Friday 21 May due to the recent COVID-19 activity in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. The Junior School Mother’s Day Mass will go ahead at Mary Immaculate Church: Year 5 at 10:30am followed by morning tea at the Junior School, and Year 6 at 12pm followed by afternoon tea at the Junior School.

We wish all our mothers, grandmothers, step mothers and those who play a maternal role in the lives of our students all the best for Sunday. Special thoughts go to some members of our community who can not see their mothers this weekend because of world travel restrictions in play due to the global pandemic. Happy Mothers’ Day!


May Procession & Founders Day 

It was wonderful to celebrate the 111th May Procession and Founders’ Day with our Waverley community here on campus, on a sunny Sunday May afternoon. Special thanks to guest speaker Patrick McClure AO (Class of 1967), who spoke to us about the alignment of two EREA Touchstones, Gospel Spirituality and Justice & Solidarity, within his own work-life journey. Thank you to all the students, parents and Old Boys for your attendance and for making it a memorable event. We proudly refer to ourselves as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition along with 54 other schools and 25 Flexible Learning Centres in Australia and 280 schools around the world. It is the spirit of Edmund Rice that helps to shape and define the common identity that we share with these schools, even though we all operate in many different contexts. Feast Days enable us to reflect on this identity and build upon the College’s traditions, values and touchstones. 


Urgently Seeking Volunteers for our Canteens

As you know, we are lucky enough to have two canteens that are open five days a week for breakfast, recess and lunch. We urgently need a full roster of volunteers each term to ensure that the canteens can continue to operate successfully.

The canteen will continue to be open every school day of the year.  Therefore, we are looking for as many volunteer workers as possible to assist us in our daily operations.

Lunch is provided for all volunteers. Please know, we highly value the assistance and support of our volunteer workers as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for the students. We welcome all members of the Waverley College Community (mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, carers etc). We are also happy to take on any availability, it all helps.

Please click here for the Senior School volunteer roster.

Please click here for the Junior School volunteer roster.


Edmund Rice Foundation – Help for India

In India, the second wave of the COVID-19 crisis is taking a devastating toll. Right now, urgent financial assistance to support frontline workers is required. ERFA has previously partnered with respected Indian-based NGO PRATYeK to provide vital support to vulnerable communities. The current health crisis cannot be overstated, and PRATYeK has requested urgent assistance from us. 100% of donations will go towards providing the PRATYeK frontline team with oxygen cylinders, medicine and COVID-curated first aid kits. The crippling undersupply of ICU beds and ventilators will also be targeted in this campaign. 

Click here to donate


George Richard Rummery (2.4.1928 – 26.4.2021)

Today we think of George Richard Rummery, QC, who passed away on 26 April aged 93, and whose funeral mass was today at St Mary Magdalene’s Catholic Church, Rose Bay. George was a much-loved husband, father to seven children, and grandfather, and maintained a strong relationship with us because his only son George William Rummery attended Waverley College. Tragically, young George died accidently on 20 March 1982, aged 13 and a half, when he was in Year 8. He enjoyed music and had particular gifts in singing and the mouth organ.

In 1986, George’s parents George and Barbara founded the George William Rummery Foundation for the purpose of providing, in his memory, an annual scholarship to pay the fees of a Waverley pupil to learn music or singing at the College. In recent years this scholarship has enabled several Waverley students to pursue their talents in music, and today we remember George for this generosity. He was known as a gentle, kind man with a keen intellect and passionate dedication to the law.

George Rummery senior, a compassionate man who dedicated a Waverley College music scholarship in memory of his son George Rummery

George Rummery senior, a compassionate man who dedicated a Waverley College music scholarship in memory of his son George Rummery


CSDA Debating and Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition

Last Friday we hosted the first round of CSDA Debating as well as hosting for the first time in 20 years, the Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition, a well-renowned and high-performing public speaking competition where students are given only 15 minutes preparation and required to speak for 8 minutes. Vice Captain Patrick Hoggett did a sterling job of representing Waverley at this event. A huge thank you to Ms Emma Halpin for the arrangements in hosting. Congratulations to the following students who took out the top three positions – 1st Bernard Lund (St Joseph’s College), 2nd Aidan Woo (Sydney Grammar School) and 3rd Jivian Naganathan (Sydney Boys’ High School). All students performed remarkably well and it was a pleasure to listen to their responses and perspectives. 

Patrick Hoggett

Patrick Hoggett representing Waverley at the Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition


NAPLAN Testing 

NAPLAN testing for Year 5, 7 and 9 students will be held over the coming two weeks. While we have prepared the students in these respective year levels, there is no preparation program per se beyond the effective learning and teaching of numeracy and literacy every day. The NAPLAN results give parents and teachers insight into the capabilities of each student as well as indicating their improvement since previous testing. The College uses these results as one set of data that informs teaching for individuals, as well as the adjustments that may be necessary for cohorts of students. Our continued focus in recent years has been around improving our students’ writing skills. 


Old Boys Union – AGM

The OBU AGM, was held last Sunday, with Council elections being conducted. I would like to congratulate the elected members, both the Executive & Council Members for 2021/22 and thank them for their ongoing support of the College community:

I thank all Old Boys who still have strong involvement with the College and these areas include: College Advisory Council Chair and other committee members, College Foundation Chair and other committee members, CAS General Committee Membership, Queens Park Committee, College Uniform Committee, College mentor program and guest speaker program, Wavefest master classes, Cadets, Co-Curricular Coaches, College Arborist, College Plumbers, 12 Teachers, two Support Staff, and, of course the Waverley College Old Boy Union Executive and Committee Members. Without this support, the College’s programs and operations would be significantly reduced. 


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Waverley mum, Kate Miranda, is undertaking a five-day trek in the outback to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). To help raise funds, she is hosting a dinner with comedian Chas Licciardello from the Chaser. Tuesday 25 May, 7pm, Love Supreme (180 Oxford Street), $85 three-course meal and entertainment. Get a few friends together and support a great cause. Details and tickets here. If you can’t make the dinner but would like to support JDRF, donate here. Contact details:

2021/2022 fees reminder and withdrawal notice

2021 Fees

2nd Payment – Due date 7/5/2021 (today)

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 16/7/2021; due date 30/7/2021

2022 Fees

1st Payment – Prompt payment date 21/1/2022; due date 28/1/2022

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 22/4/2022; due date 6/5/2022

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 15/7/2022; due date 29/7/2022

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount. Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay/BPoint). Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

 Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services

E: bgregerson@waverley,


Off Campus Accountability

From time to time, students make poor decisions off campus in the community. Common examples we see include parties over the weekend, an online interaction, on holiday, waiting for the train at Bondi Junction, walking to training at Queens Park, or shopping at Westfield.

At a recent webinar I attended run by AHISA (The Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia), the College’s policy regarding students’ accountability for their actions outside of school hours was validated by AHISA’s legal experts. They indicated that the school has a clear mandate to investigate and discipline where necessary, students who breach our Student Code of Conduct outside of school hours. Our right to do this is recognised by the law.

Just as the College celebrates upstanders who make positive decisions when in public, we will also take action against students who buy or sell illicit drugs, are involved in shoplifting or bullying off campus. All of these examples put our students at harm, as well as affecting the reputation of Waverley College.

Parents should be aware of this, and take precautions when their sons are unsupervised in public. This is particularly so when interacting with other school-aged students of the same and different ages at parties, the beach, catching public transport, online, or in a retail precinct. Remind them of their expectations as a Waverley College student.

It is also advisable to get on the front foot and let the College know if a mistake has been made off campus. We can support your son and help him repair the damage resulting from his actions. The consequences are often less when your son takes the initiative, and lets us know before we learn about a poor decision from the police or a member of the public.

Record Enrolments in NSW Independent Schools

Despite COVID-19’s effect on the economy, more families are choosing to educate their children at independent schools with data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and our own enrolment numbers at Waverley College supporting this.

In 2020, total enrolments in NSW independent schools grew by a record 5,352 students or 2.6 per cent according to the ABS. For the first time in our history, enrolments at the College exceeded 1500 in 2021. To ensure class sizes remain as small as possible, a number of year groups have added an additional stream. 

Waverley College’s ability to be agile and responsive to the needs of our community puts us in a strong position with enrolments. Our faith formation and Wellbeing Framework ensure each child’s pastoral needs are met. Our wide range of co-curricular sports and activities allows each student to thrive outside of the classroom. Importantly, our Teaching and Learning pedagogy focusing on best practice in boys’ education, ensures the range of academic needs at the College are met, and the potential of our most important resource, your sons, is met.

Parent Webinars in May and June

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is inviting parents to a free live webinar: eSafety’s Guide to parental controls. The session will equip parents/carers with the skills to set up devices and apps to keep young people safer online.

The College recommends all parents click here to take up this free eSafety webinar.

Click here to read more about the eSafety Commissioner

Esafety webinars 2021

esafety webinars 2021

Terms 2-3 Uniform

I would like to thank parents and students who have adjusted to our expectations regarding uniform in Terms 2 and 3. Only a handful of students failed to enter or depart campus last week wearing a blazer and tie.

The feedback from the community about our higher uniform standards is a credit to our entire community. It sends a clear message about the great things happening at the College and gets the students into the correct mindset for the start of the day.

Parent Lounge Access

Some parents have been unable to view their son’s pastoral care messages in the Parent Lounge. If you have not yet set up access to the Parent Lounge please follow the below steps.

Click here for a guide on getting access to the Parent Lounge

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at

We can now confirm that the uniform shop has received all Football jerseys and competition shorts (Football/Basketball).

However, we are still out of stock of the following items and sizes:

AFL jersey: Size 12 (Kids), Small and Medium

Rugby jersey: All stock besides size 8 and 10 (Kids)

Socks: size 2

If you do not have a new jersey, we are recommending one of the following options below:



We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will communicate with you as soon as stock is replenished.

Please note, if you haven’t received a jersey, we would still encourage you to visit the store next week for a fitting and to order your jersey. You will then be notified when it is back in stock.


Ms Jaimi Walker

Marketing & Development Manager


Our annual May Procession is fast approaching and will occur this Sunday 2 May from 12pm to 1:30pm in the Centenary Quad here at Waverley College. Students will need to be in the Quadrangle by 11:30am. Due to COVID-19 restrictions there will be no afternoon tea following the Procession.

This wonderful celebration of our College founder Blessed Edmund Rice and Mary our Mother is a compulsory event for all students. As such, full school uniform including blazer should be worn.

Our Waverley College Old Boys and Parents are warmly welcome to attend and are encouraged to join in this very special celebration. Please bring your rosary beads and we look forward to sharing this special occasion with our community.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


I am pleased to confirm that the Tevlin House Mass will be going ahead on Wednesday 5 May 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm at the College Chapel.  Please take note of the following:

Please feel free to contact me at the email below if you have further questions about the House Mass.


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House


Students should not attend school if they exhibit any of the following symptoms and get themselves COVID-19 tested, even if the symptoms are mild. 

It is important to maintain high testing rates to identify as many cases in the community as quickly as possible. The College Health Centre will continue to send students for COVID-19 testing who exhibit any of these symptoms. Please click here for further information.


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse, Waverley College Health Centre


Read more: Academic Development Programs, Yom Hashoah, ANZAC Day, COVID-19 Health Update.


Term 2 

The term has started well at the College and I wish all boys a successful term ahead. Thank you to those Year 7-10 parents that were able to attend parent/teacher/student conferences on Tuesday this week. Hopefully, relevant feedback and strategies were discussed in preparation for the term ahead. Please liaise with your son with regards to formulating his SMART goals for Term 2 that are to be recorded in his school diary on page 85. Input from parents, students and mentors will provide the greatest outcome. 

The College offers a variety of programs to further support your son’s academic development, ensuring he achieves his full potential, these include:

The Year 12 Tutorial Program 

The Year 12 Tutorial program has started this week and I encourage all boys to make time in their schedules to attend these valuable sessions. Last year’s cohort appreciated the learning and confidence that these tutorials provided with many boys surpassing their academic goals. Learn more in the Tutorial Program article in Year 12 Action Items. 

Home Learning Club

All students in Year 5 and Year 6 have the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks. Home Learning Club operates in the Junior School Learning Hub from 3-4pm, Monday to Thursday. Learn more about the program in Year 6 & 7 Action Items

Strength in Numbers 

This program is offered by the College to offer additional support to students who are finding particular concepts difficult to grasp, or who are keen to come in early to complete homework or who are high achievers wanting to embrace extension work.  Strength in Numbers runs every Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8am in E24. If you are interested in this program please email Ms Phoebe Guirguis, Head of Maths at

Study Groups

The College is committed to support and enhance Literacy and Numeracy across all stages, therefore, we also run Literacy and Numeracy study groups for Years 7 – 10 in the Senior School Library. 

Literacy Program – Monday and Tuesday 3:30 – 4:30pm

Numeracy Program – Wednesday and Thursday 3:30 – 4:30pm



This morning Channel 10’s Studio 10 crossed live to the Centenary Quad to showcase our Cadets in preparation for the ANZAC Day service. Click here to view the segment. 

Our Cadets will represent the College at the Waverley Council and North Bondi RSL services as well as our own service on Monday. Please see Major Julie-Ann De Kantzow’s ANZAC Day article for further information. 


Yom Hashoah 2021 – 80 years since Holocaust in Soviet Union

Yom Hashoah is one of the most important events on the Jewish calendar as it is the day that Jewish people and others remember the Holocaust. This year Yom Hashoah fell between 7-8 April. 2021 is a significant milestone as it denotes 80 years since the Nazi Germany invasion of the Soviet Union. We now know that the Nazis murdered more than one million Jewish people there.

In the 1980s and 1990s many Holocaust survivors from the Soviet Union came to Australia to make a new and happier life, but few of their extraordinary stories have been told. They are stories of extreme courage, privation, resourcefulness and resilience.

Should you wish to view this year’s Yom Hashoah commemoration and its moving speeches, stories and historical photographs, please click:

We must never let ourselves forget the horror of the Holocaust and must always stand up against anti-Semitism, prejudice and discrimination when we see it happening to groups and individuals. It must never be allowed to happen again.


Health Update – COVID-19 

Students should not attend school if they exhibit any of the following symptoms and get themselves COVID-19 tested, even if the symptoms are mild. 

The NSW Government website provides the following information for parents of secondary school children (12-17 years):

The website also stipulates that if you have any of the following symptoms you need to get tested for COVID-19 immediately: fever (37.5° or higher), cough, sore or scratchy throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, acute blocked nose (congestion), loss of appetite, muscle pain, joint pain, headache, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting and loss of appetite.

It is important to maintain high testing rates to identify as many cases in the community as quickly as possible. The College Health Centre will continue to send students for COVID-19 testing who exhibit any of these symptoms. Please click here for further information.

We really appreciate your support when it comes to sending your child for COVID-19 testing. Please note that any child presenting to school with any of the above symptoms will be sent to the Health Centre to be assessed. The nurses may then contact the student’s parents to come and collect the child for COVID-19 testing. Students cannot return to school unless they have returned a negative COVID-19 result to their Head of House (via email) or to the College nurse. 

Ms Adele Cutbush (College Nurse) will be working Monday to Thursday during Term 2 in the Health Centre. On Fridays, we welcome Ms Dani Hillier who joins the College today. Ms Hillier has been a school nurse for 15 years and is a highly skilled and capable health practitioner who is currently working part-time at St Andrew’s Cathedral School.

Should parents or guardians have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the College nurse on 9369 0644 or email


Staff Farewell 

We farewell Katrina King this week – Junior School Learning Support Teacher, who has accepted an exciting opportunity in Learning Support at Sydney Grammar School – Edgecliff. Katrina has worked at the College for 15 years and has been instrumental in the development of all our students, particularly those who have required tailored programs. Katrina has been a passionate learning support teacher and has made a significant positive impact on the learning outcomes of students in the Junior School. I would like to thank her for her dedication to the College and wish her the very best in her future endeavours. 


Mr Graham Leddie

