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As part of the continuation of your son’s enrolment into Year 11 in 2022, you are required to pay a fully refundable $750.00 continuation deposit to secure your son’s position. Your refundable deposit will be added to your Term 3, 2021 fees and due on the same date.

You will be credited $250.00 of your deposit in your Term 2, 2022 school fee account. The remaining $500.00 will be refunded to you at the end of Year 12 provided there are no outstanding textbooks, laptops, or other school resources or fees.

Please also note that the continuation deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable should you decide to withdraw your son from Waverley College after Wednesday 6 October 2021.

If your son is withdrawn from the College prior to the conclusion of Year 12, your deposit will be forfeited.

If you have any questions about the deposit, please feel free to contact the accounts department at or 9369 0621.

Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


This is a friendly reminder that there is a subject selection evening for parents and students of Year 10 from 6pm – 7:30pm in the College Gymnasium. This is a compulsory session where students will be provided with guidance from the College Principal, Director of Curriculum and Assistant Director of Curriculum regarding the Stage 6 Subject Selection choices that they are about to make. At the end of the presentation there is an optional session for any students or parents who have individual questions for Heads of Department following viewing the subject selection videos and reading through the booklet.  

>>> Click here for the classroom locations for the Subject Information Evening.

Information on the process is included below as per the article that has been in Nurrunga for the last three weeks.  

Subject Selection Process for Stage 6

 As per the communication in Nurrunga in Week 3, the Subject Selection process continues for Year 10 with Heads of Department presenting to them during their Careers lessons every fortnight.

 Alongside this Subject Selection Booklet which you received in Week 3, the Heads of Department have recorded information on each course which can be viewed by clicking on this link.

 Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

In Week 9 this term on Tuesday 15 June, there will be an onsite presentation in the College Gymnasium going through the Subject Selection process at 6pm. This is a compulsory event for Year 10 students. Heads of Department will then be available in classrooms onsite from 6.30pm – 7.30pm for you to pop in with any individual questions that you may have following viewing the videos. 

Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent/Teacher Interviews.

The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.  

Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.




Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


In support of the Visual Arts curriculum, Year 10 Visual Arts students will be attending two drawing incursion sessions run by Australian artist Tania Mason. Mason is an illustrator who currently works in the local area and has designed community installation ‘The Science of Pine’, a private commission for a public walk through area in Bondi Junction.

In the two sessions, students will develop skills in fundamental drawing techniques; watercolour, gouache, wax resist, charcoal and graphite drawing. All samples and artworks created in the incursion will be used as student works in the ‘Land Sea Air’ unit for Semester 2, as students document local flora and fauna from the Waverley area to form a visual inventory of our local environment.

The sessions will be held on the College Campus in the Visual Arts rooms. All materials will be provided.

Click here to complete the permission slip for the Year 10 Tania Mason Drawing Incursion 2021.

Please have your son return the permission slip to their Visual Arts teacher by Monday 31 May.

Visual  Arts:  Tania Mason Drawing Incursion  Organising Teacher: Ms Natalie Oates
Session 1: 4 June, 2021
8.45am – 12.05pm

Session 2: 23 July, 2021
8.45am – 12.05pm 
Waverley College: Art rooms
Cost:  $76.00 for both sessions – the cost for both sessions will be added to your son’s school fees.
Start time: Period 1 – 8.45am

End time: Period 3 – 12.05pm

Students will have their recess break at the usual time in the College bell times

Uniform: Students are to wear full academic uniform 

If you have any questions regarding the incursion, please contact the Visual Arts Department.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Artist Tania Mason

Artist Tania Mason, winner of the 2016 acquisitive Calleen Art Award for ‘Irregular Plasma’ 2016, gouache and acrylic on canvas. Her winning painting joined the Calleen Art Collection at the Cowra Regional Art Gallery.

Please click here to access the Year 10 Examinations Timetable

Year 10 students will also be undertaking their first attempt of the HSC Minimum Standards Tests.

The following link provides information on this testing from the Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter.

Minimum Standards Testing Information


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


As per the communication in Nurrunga in Week 3, the Subject Selection process continues for Year 10 with Heads of Department presenting to them during their Careers lessons every fortnight.

Alongside the Subject Selection Information Booklet Stage 6 which you received in Week 3 (also attached this week), the Heads of Department have recorded information on each course which can be viewed in this Web Link:

Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

In Week 9 this term on Tuesday 15 June, there will be an onsite presentation in the College Gymnasium going through the Subject Selection process at 6pm.  This is a compulsory event for Year 10 students. Heads of Department will then be available in classrooms onsite from 6:30pm – 7:30pm for you to pop in with any individual questions that you may have following viewing the videos. Specific locations will be provided closer to the time.

Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent/Teacher Interviews.

The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.  

Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access  the system  in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.

Timeline – Term 2

Timeline – Term 3


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Please be advised that the Year 10 Career Profile interviews begin on Monday 17 May.

Click here for the Career Profile Interview Schedule

The interview will take your son through his Profile and help him to get started on exploring some career ideas, prior to his subject selections for Years 11 and 12.

Interviews will be running during school lesson time via Zoom in the Careers Resources Room and Meeting rooms on level 1 of the Administration building.

Parents can join the Zoom meeting from work or home by copying and clicking on the relevant link at the top of the schedule. This link will also be sent to your son who can forward it to you. Please note that there are six links at the top of the schedule.

Each Year 10 student has been sent an email from Dr Kratzing with a copy of their report and details of their meeting time.

Could you please ensure that your son notes the date and time of his interview, as interviews cannot be rescheduled.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Co-ordinator


The process for Stage 6 subject selection commences this term. The significance of appropriate subject selection for study in Stage 6 is of great importance as it directly leads to the awarding of the Higher School Certificate.

To that end, we aim to provide a clear, thorough and supportive process in the lead up to these selections so that students may make informed decisions about their courses of study for their senior years. We advise the students to select subjects in which there is the greatest aptitude, interest and ability in order to achieve the best possible result and the most satisfaction.

Information will be delivered via the Wellbeing periods that are scheduled every Wednesday, Week A, Period 1. Last Wednesday, 5 May all Year 10 students completed their Allwell Testing in Periods 1-4 and have viewed presentations from Heads of Department in Periods 5-6. Heads of Department presentations will continue in Weeks 5 and 7 to assist students’ decision making. This term, Year 10 students also complete their Term 2 assessment tasks. This is an important period for feedback. Semester 1 results will be closely reviewed in conjunction with Career Profiling and Allwell testing results. Their achievement level in these will influence which courses they will be eligible to select.

Click here for the Subject Information Booklet Stage 6 2022-23 – comprehensive guide to policies, course prerequisites and course content

Click here for the Subject Requirements Booklet Stage 6 Year 11 2022 – criteria for course eligibility and enrolment

These should be read in conjunction with all of the opportunities for discussion and advice available to each and every student such as the Subject Selection Videos which will be available via a website link in Week 5 and the Subject Selection Evening at the end of this term.  

Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent/Teacher Interviews. The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6. 

Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1.

Timeline – Term 2

Timeline – Term 3


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum



Our Local Health District Immunisation Team will be visiting next week on Tuesday 4 May 2021 to provide the Meningococcal ACWY for all Year 10 students. We have not received as many completed vaccination consent forms as we have in previous years. Our vaccination participation rate is normally very high for Waverley College students, especially against Meningococcal.

The forms were distributed to the students last week in their house groups and every student received one (unless they were absent). Please ensure you complete the consent form and ask your son to return it to the Health Centre this week. If he does not return the completed original consent form, he will not be able to receive the vaccine against four strains of Meningococcal disease.

Meningococcal disease is a rare but serious infection that usually leads to meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord) and/or septicaemia (blood poisoning). Symptoms of meningococcal disease may be non-specific but may include sudden onset of fever, headache, neck stiffness, joint pain, a rash of red-purple spots or bruises, dislike of bright lights, nausea and vomiting. Up to 10% of meningococcal infections are fatal even with antibiotic treatment and survivors may be left with long term complications. 

The meningococcal vaccine works by triggering the immune system to fight certain infections. If a vaccinated person comes into contact with the infection their immune system is able to respond more effectively, preventing the disease developing or greatly reducing its severity. 

*Please note: consent forms can not be emailed and the original consent form must be returned. Public Health will not accept copies or scans of originals. If your son has lost his form please ask him to collect a new one from the Health Centre (unfortunately we can not email them to you).

Should you have any more questions please do not hesitate to phone me directly on (02) 9369 0644.


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse, Waverley College Health Centre


On Wednesday 5 May 2021 your son will be participating in the Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) Test during Periods 1-4. This is a mandatory test and you may remember your son also sat a similar test upon entry to Year 7 and Year 8.  In Periods 5 and 6 on that day, Heads of Department will be presenting to Year 10 students to outline subjects available for HSC study.  

This test forms a key part of Waverley College effectively and consistently measuring the academic growth of your son.  When combined with the NAPLAN data the College will have four years of data measurement to feedback to you regarding your son. We also use this data in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the school and to assist with subject selection pathways in Year 11.

After the testing day you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results.  These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date.

How does my son prepare for these tests?

There is no course material to study prior to the day.  It is a measurement, identical to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son is progressing during Year 10. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully, and use every minute to maximum effect.

What happens if my son is absent from the College that day?

There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away.

Information about the Testing Day

Date: Wednesday 5 May 2021

Time Schedule: 8:45 am – Start Session 1; 10:45 am – Recess Break; 11:05 am – Start Session 2; 12:30 pm – Finish

Venue: Lacey Gymnasium

On the Day:


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Dear Year 10 Parents and Carers,

Please click here to view the interview schedule for the Career Profile interviews beginning on Monday, 17 May  – Friday, 4 June, 2021

The interview will take your son through his profile and help him to get started on exploring some career ideas, prior to his subject selections for Years 11 and 12.

Interviews will be running during school lesson time via Zoom in the Careers Resources Room and Meeting rooms on level 1 of the Administration building.

Parents can join the Zoom meeting from work or home by copying and clicking on the relevant link at the top of the schedule. This link will also be sent to your son who can forward it to you.  Please note that there are 6 links – your son’s link appears in column A and the link has been published at the top of the schedule.

Each Year 10 boy will be sent an email from Dr Kratzing with a copy of their report and details of their meeting time.

Please ensure that your son notes the date and time of his interview as interviews cannot be rescheduled.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


The NSW Health School Vaccination Team are due to attend Waverley College on Tuesday, 4 May 2021. They will be vaccinating Year 10 students against four strains of Meningococcal (ACWY). 

The vaccination consent forms will be distributed to all Year 10 students this week during the Wellbeing time by their Heads of House. Please ensure that parents read and sign the form which gives written consent for your child to have the vaccination.

Once it has been signed, your son must return it to one of the College registered nurses in the Health Centre between 8-4pm, Monday to Friday. Please note that if your son does not return the consent form he cannot be vaccinated. Consent forms can not be returned by email, the hard copy must be submitted. 

Should parents or guardians have any further questions about the vaccination program, please do not hesitate to contact the College nurse on 9369 0644 or email:


Ms Adele Cutbush

Health Centre Registered Nurse
