The South Eastern Sydney Local Health District is due to attend Waverley College on Tuesday 16th of August, 2022 for Year 10 routine school vaccinations.
The following vaccines are being offered to students in 2022:
Year 10 | Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) | 1 dose |
Parent Information Kits which include an information sheet, consent form and privacy statement have been distributed to students to be taken home and signed. These were distributed to all students in Year 10 in the house assemblies held on Friday, 22 July, 2022. If you wish for your child to receive school vaccinations please return your consent card to the Health Centre as soon as possible. Please note that any vaccine offered to students at school requires the signed consent of parents/ guardians.
Consent may be withdrawn at any time. Parents/ guardians who wish to withdraw consent may do so by writing or by phoning the school.
Should your child miss the upcoming clinic, they will be offered catch-up vaccination throughout the year where possible. If your child is due to receive catch-up vaccination in the school program but has received their dose with the GP, please inform the school as soon as possible to avoid any potential vaccination errors.
More information regarding the school vaccination program is available at:
Ms Adele Cutbush – Registered Nurse, Health Centre Waverley College
Bookings will open during the school holidays for the Years 7-11 Parent/Teacher/ Student Interviews, to be held on Monday, 25 July from 8:30am – 6:30pm, face-to-face in our College Gymnasium.
You will be notified via email once the bookings become available. These will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.
Bookings close on Wednesday, 20 July at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.
In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration.
To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we kindly ask that you please:
Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1. The link to the parent lounge is below.
>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Parent Lounge.
user id = your Family ID
password = if you cannot remember your password, you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’
Please email iAssist at
Mr Chris Soden
Assistant Director of Curriculum
Thank you for your attendance at the Year 10 Subject Selection Information evening on Tuesday.
You can view the presentation slides from the evening in the link below.
>>> Click here to view the presentation slides from the Year 10 Subject Selection Evening.
You can also watch pre-recorded videos for any sessions that you did not manage to attend, in the link below.
>>> Click here to watch these pre-recorded videos.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to submit a question via the website or contact the College directly.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Director of Curriculum
The Year 10 Subject Selection Information Evening is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, 21 June in the Waverley College Gymnasium from 6pm – 8pm. This is a compulsory event for all Year 10 students and parents and carers.
The evening will provide an overview of the Stage 6 Subject Selection process and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the courses in which they have an interest.
To this end, the evening will be structured as follows:
>>> Click here to view the Kenny Classrooms Venues.
This information should be considered along with the information provided via:
>>> Click here to view the Subject Information Booklet Stage 6.
>>> Click here to view the Course Requirement Booklet.
>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Subject Selection Website.
These should be read in conjunction with all of the opportunities for discussion and advice available to each and every boy. They will also be posted in the following secure site with the Head of Department videos which will be released later this term.
Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent / Teacher Interviews.
The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.
Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation, and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside the Executive Assistant to the Director of Curriculum’s office on Level 1 by Thursday, 28 July.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Director of Curriculum
On Monday, 20 June, boys from Years 9 and 10 PASS will participate in an incursion run by Wheelchair Sports NSW. This opportunity links to the topic of physical activity and sport for specific groups in the PASS programme.
The Wheelchair Sports Roadshow team will facilitate a session and share their experience of life with a disability. Boys will get a unique and fun experience to try Wheelchair Sport while increasing knowledge of diversity and inclusion.
The cost for this will be included in school fees.
Image courtesy: Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT
Each class will meet at the gym at the start of their designated period:
Boys are required to wear their PE uniform as they would for a normal PE practical lesson. Students are still expected to attend school wearing full winter academic uniform.
Mr Pat Darvill
Students from Waverley College and St Clare’s College in Years 9-12, are performing in our school production of Cosi on Tuesday, 7 June, Wednesday, 8 June and Thursday, 9 June at 7pm in the Br R. J. Wallace Performing Arts Centre (PAC).
Waverley College is committed to an all-round education of boys, including the Creative Arts. It is very important to expose students to theatre from an early age, because it helps to increase their dramatic literacy.
As such, it is my pleasure to inform you that students in the following classes are invited to attend the matinee performance of Cosi at 12pm on Tuesday, 7 June at no charge.
Students will participate in class discussions around the staging of the show, the production elements such as the set, lighting and sound effects used, as well as, the directorial vision and the acting techniques evident throughout.
For the Drama students, there is a written task associated with viewing the production.
If your son studies one of the following subjects, then yes you do:
Please complete the permission slip for the excursion no later than Wednesday, 1 June 2022.
>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.
I’d like to warmly invite you to come and see the show at an evening of your choice.
Tickets are selling fast. Get in quickly and book seats before we sell out!
Bookings are open via our website link under the heading ‘Events’ on our webpage.
>>> Click here to view information about booking tickets.
Tickets will not be available at the door, so please ensure you book early, to get a seat on the day you desire.
Ms Alison Jinga
Head of Drama and Entertainment and Producer of Cosi
In support of the Visual Arts curriculum, Year 10 Visual Arts students will be attending two drawing incursion sessions run by Australian artist Tania Mason. Mason is an illustrator who currently works in the local area, and designed community installation The Science of Pine, a private commission for a public walkthrough area in Bondi Junction.
In the two sessions, students will develop skills in fundamental drawing techniques; watercolour, gouache, wax resist, charcoal and graphite drawing. All samples and artworks created in the incursion will be used as student works in the ‘Land Sea Air’ unit for Semester 2, as students document local flora and fauna from the Waverley area to form a visual inventory of our local environment.
The sessions will be held on the College Campus in the Visual Arts rooms, C11.
*All materials will be provided.
Students will have their recess break at the usual time in the College bell times.
Uniform: students are to wear full academic uniform.
Yes. Please complete the permission slip for the two sessions no later than Monday, 30 May 2022.
>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.
If you have any questions regarding the incursion, please do not hesitate to contact the Visual Arts Department.
Ms Natalie Oates
Head of Visual Arts
The process for Stage 6 subject selection commences this term.
The significance of appropriate subject selection for study in Stage 6 is of great importance, as it directly leads to the awarding of the Higher School Certificate.
To that end, we aim to provide a clear, thorough and supportive process in the lead up to these selections, so that students may make informed decisions about their courses of study for their senior years. We advise students to select subjects in which there is the greatest aptitude, interest and ability, in order to achieve the best possible result and the most satisfaction.
Information will be delivered via the Wellbeing periods that are scheduled every Wednesday Week A Period 1. This Wednesday, 11 May all Year 10 students completed their Allwell Testing in Periods 1-4. Heads of Department presentations will run in Weeks 4, 6 and 8, to assist students’ decision making.
This term, Year 10 students also complete their Term 2 assessment tasks. This is an important period for feedback. Semester 1 results will be closely reviewed in conjunction with Career Profiling and Allwell testing results. Students’ achievement levels in these will influence which courses they will be eligible to select.
Below are two documents which are also available on the College Website:
>>> Click here to view the Subject Information Booklet Stage 6.
>>> Click here to view the Course Requirements Booklet Stage 6 Year 11 2023.
These booklets should be read in conjunction with all of the opportunities for discussion and advice available to each and every boy. They will also be posted in a secure site with the Head of Department videos, which will be released later this term.
Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3, after the Parent/Teacher Interviews.
The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.
Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form, via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday, 28 July.
Mrs Lynsey Porter
Director of Curriculum
Please find in the link below, the half-yearly examination timetable for Year 10 that was sent to the students at the beginning of Week 3.
>>> Click here to view the YEAR 10 Semester 1 2022 Exam Timetable.
You will note that students have Minimum Standards Tests scheduled towards the end of the examination period. Since 2020, students in NSW have needed to meet a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to receive the Higher School Certificate.
Students will have many chances to meet the HSC minimum standard from Year 10 until a few years after completing Year 12, but their Higher School Certificate will not be awarded until the minimum standards have been met.
Students will demonstrate they have achieved the minimum standards by completing three online tests to a Level 3 standard. These online tests are 45-minutes long each, and include:
The first opportunity for Year 10 to complete these tests will be held during Term 2, Week 6 at Waverley College, towards the end of the half-yearly examination period. The dates are outlined on the examination schedule.
Feedback of student results will be provided as soon as it becomes available, usually within two weeks.
For further information, please see the HSC Minimum Standard Information on the NESA website, which can also be viewed in the link below.
>>> Click here to view the HSC Minimum Standard Information.
If you have any queries, please contact Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum.
Mr Chris Soden
Assistant Director of Curriculum
On Wednesday, 11 May 2022, Year 10 students will be participating in the Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) Test during Periods 1-4 in the College Gymnasium. This is a mandatory test and you may remember that all students sat a similar test upon entry to Year 7 and Year 8.
This test forms a key part of Waverley College effectively and consistently measuring the academic growth of all students. When combined with the NAPLAN data, the College will have four years of data measurement to provide feedback to you, regarding your son. We also use this data in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the school and to assist with subject selection pathways in Year 11.
After the testing day you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results. These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date.
There is no course material to study prior to the day. It is a measurement, identical to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son is progressing during Year 10. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully, and use every minute to maximum effect.
What happens if my son is absent from the College that day?
There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away.
Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Time Schedule:
Venue: Lacey Gymnasium. We will meet promptly at 8:35am in Braidwood in House groups.
On the Day:
Mrs Lynsey Porter
Director of Curriculum
Literacy and Numeracy tutorials recommence in the week beginning Monday, 2 May.
Mr Michael Couani
Head of English
From next Monday, 28 March, you will be able to make bookings for the Years 7-11 Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews to be held on Wednesday, 27 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm.
This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge and bookings will close on Tuesday, 26 April at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.
The interviews will be online via Zoom. Instructions and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be sent prior to the session.
These interviews are an opportunity to meet class teachers and to assist students to set goals for the coming term.
In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five (5) minutes’ duration.
To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we request that you:
Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the term. The link to the parent lounge is below.
>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Parent Lounge.
user id = your son’s student ID
password = if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’
Please contact iAssist at
Mr Chris Soden
Assistant Director of Curriculum