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On Wednesday, 11 May 2022, Year 10 students will be participating in the Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) Test during Periods 1-4 in the College Gymnasium. This is a mandatory test and you may remember that all students sat a similar test upon entry to Year 7 and Year 8.  

This test forms a key part of Waverley College effectively and consistently measuring the academic growth of all students. When combined with the NAPLAN data, the College will have four years of data measurement to provide feedback to you, regarding your son. We also use this data in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the school and to assist with subject selection pathways in Year 11.

After the testing day you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results. These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date.

How does my son prepare for these tests?

There is no course material to study prior to the day. It is a measurement, identical to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son is progressing during Year 10. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully, and use every minute to maximum effect.

What happens if my son is absent from the College that day?

There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away.

Information about the Testing Day

Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Time Schedule:

Venue: Lacey Gymnasium. We will meet promptly at 8:35am in Braidwood in House groups.

On the Day:


Mrs Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Literacy and Numeracy tutorials recommence in the week beginning Monday, 2 May.

Schedule – College Library 3:30-4:30pm


Mr Michael Couani

Head of English


From next Monday, 28 March, you will be able to make bookings for the Years 7-11 Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews to be held on Wednesday, 27 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm.

This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge and bookings will close on Tuesday, 26 April at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.

The interviews will be online via Zoom. Instructions and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be sent prior to the session.

These interviews are an opportunity to meet class teachers and to assist students to set goals for the coming term.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five (5) minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we request that you:

How Do I Access the Parent Lounge?

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the term. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

user id = your son’s student ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues? Need to Confirm Your Son’s ID?

Please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 10 Elevate Session, Study Sensei is held during the Year 10 Careers / Wellbeing – Period 1 on Wednesday, 23 March, 2022.

Students will attend the session with their Careers / Wellbeing Teacher in their timetabled classrooms.  

They should bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

>>> Click here to view further information about Elevate Education.

Free Parent / Carer Webinars

Elevate work with our students in Years 9-11 at key times in the year, and they also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

How to Register for Free Parent/Carer Webinars

>>> Click here to view Registration Information for free Elevate Webinars. 


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Years 5 and 10 will be taking part in a Little Brother / Big Brother gathering on Friday, 11 March from period 4 until period 6.

Students will first meet at 12:05pm for a BBQ lunch in the Braidwood area, and will then be transported by bus from Carrington Road to Bondi Beach.

Students will travel in House groups with their buddies, and will then participate in activities whilst at the beach.

There will be a House anti-bullying photograph competition as well.

Year 5 students will then return to the College by bus, along with attending Cadets.

The remainder of the Year 10 students will be dismissed from Bondi Beach at approximately 2:30pm.

Heads of House and Year 5 teachers will be in attendance.

Please complete the permission slip below to enable your son to attend.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.

ALL students should wear their PE uniform and bring a water bottle please. There will be no swimming on the day.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


As per the College Calendar, this is a friendly reminder that there is a compulsory information evening for parents and students of Year 10, next Thursday, 24 February from 6pm – 7pm.  

The session will run online and the link to view is below.

>>> Click here to view the link to the Parent and Student Information Evening.

The session marks the beginning of the transition into senior studies and post-school pathways for Year 10 students.  

What Will the Session Cover?

During Ms Porter’s session, she will make reference to the Subject Requirements Information Booklet which can be accessed via the link below.

>>> Click here to view the Subject Requirements Information Booklet.

Please note that this information booklet will be updated in Term 2 with some minor changes, depending on any decisions regarding HSC courses on offer in 2023-2024.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Assessment Schedules for 2022 are now available for students in Year 10 here, and on the College website. Students should download a copy of their schedule, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.

>>> Click here to view the Year 10 Assessment Booklet.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


As you are aware, we have just completed the deployment of MacBooks for Year 10. As part of the iLearn package, we have partnered with FamilyZone to provide CyberSafety software that you can use to manage your son’s online activity whilst away from school. We still manage this when they are at school.

The FamilyZone application is pre-installed on the school device, and we will ‘onboard’ parent email addresses with FamilyZone in the next few weeks. You will then receive an email prompting you to register to enable you to use the software. If you do not wish to receive the registration email, and you would rather not take up this offer, please email by Friday, 26 November, stating that you wish to opt out of the Family Zone program.

Further information around FamilyZone and some tips and tricks regarding CyberSafety can be found below at the Waverley College FamilyZone hub:

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College FamilyZone hub.

You can also view the FamilyZone flyer, which has a support contact number should you have any questions or issues setting up your account once you have registered.

>>> Click here to view the FamilyZone flyer about support for parents.

This is a service provided for free by Waverley College as part of our iLearn program.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation



Date Activity Dress Extras
Thursday 18/11 David Kobler presentation all day: GYM PE Uniform Bring your own lunch and recess

Bring a PEN

Friday 19/11 Normal school day School Uniform Bring your own lunch and recess
Monday 22/11 Last day of classes for Year 10

Periods 1-2: Stage 6 Transition Study Skills. You will meet in Braidwood and then head to the GHR or the Gym. Venues will be emailed this week.

School Uniform Bring your own lunch and recess

Periods 1-2 bring your laptop and a pen

Tuesday 23/11 Manly/Spit walk and Picnic Day

Meet in Centenary Quad by 8:40am

Buses provided 

PE Uniform Need to bring Opal card as dismissed from Circular Quay

Bring your own lunch and recess or money to purchase + water bottle

Wednesday 24/11 9am -12pm: Pinnacle Team building and leadership activities

Meet at the Tennis Courts

After lunch: Christmas card writing to your Year 5 Little Brothers then early dismissal

PE Uniform Bring your recess, BBQ Lunch provided, bring your water bottle


Thursday 25/11 Periods 1-2: Presentation by Phil Britten, Bali Bombing Survivor

Meet in GYM

Periods 3-6: House sporting activities at Queens Park

PE Uniform Bring your own recess and lunch or purchase from the Canteen.

Bring your water bottle

Students will be dismissed from Queens Park

Friday 26/11 Periods 1-2: Presentation by Brent Sanders – meet in the GYM

Periods 3-6: Year 10 Retreat Day at Centennial Park, meet in the Chapel at the end of recess

PE Uniform BBQ Lunch provided

Bring your water bottle

Students will be dismissed from Centennial Park


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


On Monday, 15 and Tuesday, 16 November, Year 10 will be issued with their new Student MacBook. At the same time, they will also be returning devices or having them released if they are being purchased.

Students were emailed on 1 November, with their appointment times and the room they should attend. If they are returning a laptop, it must be returned with the Apple power adapter to avoid any additional charges.

Students should also ensure they have backed up any important files from the old unit, as once returned, files will not be able to be recovered. Google Drive should be used for this purpose, ahead of the appointment time.

Purchased devices will be released by iAssist Staff and from that point should not be used in school.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


Book Hire Textbook Return Process 2021

Students in Years 7-10 will be returning their texts to the Book Hire office during Weeks 7 and 8, once their Semester 2 tasks are completed.

Year 10 students will need to return books during the dates scheduled below to ensure that the return is COVID-safe. Students should ensure that they have their books in their lockers ready to return on their scheduled date.

*Year 10 will need to return books on Wednesday, 17 and Thursday, 18 November.

Books to return

If a student is absent during the scheduled period, they must make arrangements to return their books as soon as possible.

When is Book Hire Open?

Monday to Thursday

Students who need to return books outside of these times, may use the returns crate which will be located at the entrance to the Library.  

Should you have any questions, please contact Ms Nikki Pearce on 02 9369 0636 or


Ms Nikki Pearce

Book Hire Coordinator


Dear Parents and Carers of Year 7 and Year 10 students, 

NSW Health has been working with education authorities so that school vaccination can be offered as school-based learning returns.

In 2021, NSW Health is offering the following vaccines:

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 2 doses at least 6 months apart


Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (dTpa) 1 dose.

Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) 1 dose.

While the school vaccination program has been disrupted due to remote learning in some areas, vaccination clinics are being rescheduled as students return to school.

COVID-19 Safety Measures

NSW Health has implemented additional measures based on expert clinical advice to reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission in school clinics, including:

What Parents/Carers Should Do

There is no need for parents/carers who have given consent for their child to receive vaccinations at school to take any action, except to:

>>> Click here to view information about COVID-19 symptoms and how COVID-19 spreads.

When Students Will be Vaccinated

Vaccinations will be offered to consented students as soon as possible as clinics are rescheduled at our College, noting that catch-up vaccination can be offered at our College at any time in 2021 or 2022 if necessary. Waverley College held its school-based vaccination program on 1 November, 2021.

You will be advised if your child cannot be vaccinated at College and recommended to arrange vaccination with your GP or another immunisation provider.

More information

>>> Click here for more information about school vaccination during COVID-19.


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse


