Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 8. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers.
*These tutorials apply to Year 11 students undertaking an HSC subject in 2024.
These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.
Date | Subject | Time | Staff | Room |
Monday, 18 March 2024 | Studies of Religion II | 3:30pm – 5pm | Cooper/ Stewart | E40 |
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Maths Standard 2 | 7:30am – 8:30am | P Cornish | E33 |
PDHPE | 7:30am – 8:30am | Darvill | GHR | |
Industrial tech multimedia | 3:30pm -4:30pm | Gibbs | W32A | |
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | Riley | E23 |
Maths Extension 1 | 7:45am – 8:45am | Hall | E32 | |
Friday, 22 March 2024 | Hospitality | 7am – 8am | B McCarthy | TF1 |
It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.
The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.
Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 7.
*These tutorials apply to Year 11 students undertaking an HSC subject in 2024.
Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.
Date | Subject | Time | Staff | Room |
Monday, 11 March 2024 | Studies of Religion II | 3:30pm – 5pm | Cooper/ Stewart | E40 |
Tuesday, 12 March 2024
PDHPE | 7:30am – 8:30am | Darvill | GHR |
Industrial tech multimedia | 3:30pm -4:30pm | Gibbs | W32A | |
Maths Standard 2 | 7:30am – 8:30am | P Cornish | E33 | |
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Spanish Beginners | 7:30am – 8:30am | D Kroll | W24 |
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | Riley | E23 | |
Thursday, 14 March 2024 | Society and Culture | 3:15pm – 4:45pm | Theo | W32 |
Friday, 15 March 2024 | Hospitality | 7am – 8am | B McCarthy | TF1 |
It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.
The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.
Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 11 Elevate Session, Ace Your Exams, is held during Period 1 on Wednesday, 6 March 2024.
This is a compulsory session for HSC plus ATAR Students who will attend the session in their timetabled classes. This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:
Further details can be found HERE
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 6.
*These tutorials apply to Year 11 students undertaking an HSC subject in 2024.
Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers.
These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.
Date | Subject | Time | Staff | Room |
Monday, 4 March 2024
Legal Studies | 7:15am – 8:15am | Theodorou | W32 |
Studies of Religion II | 3:30pm – 5pm | Cooper/ Stewart | E40 | |
Tuesday, 5 March 2024 | Maths Standard 2 | 7:30am – 8:30am | P Cornish/Silsby | E33 |
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | Riley/Mountfort | E23 |
Modern/Ancient History | 3:30pm -4:30pm | Brophy/Diamadis | K11 | |
Thursday, 7 March 2024 | Industrial tech multimedia | 3:30pm -4:30pm | Gibbs | W32A |
Friday, 8 March 2024 | Hospitality | 7am – 8am | B McCarthy | TF1 |
It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly.
To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.
The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.
Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Dear Year 11 Families,
Access to Dr Salter’s Year 11 study skills session closes in one week. Please take advantage of this valuable learning opportunity before access ends on 5 March 2024.
Access HERE
Username: waverley11
Password: expires5march
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 5.
Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers.
These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.
Date | Subject | Time | Staff | Room |
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Maths Standard 2 | 7:30am – 8:30am | P Cornish | E33 |
Legal Studies | 3:30pm -4:30pm | Theo | W32 | |
Wednesday, 28 February 2024
Spanish Beginners | 7:30am – 8:30am | D Kroll | W24 |
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | Riley | E23 | |
Mathematics Extension II | 3:30pm – 4:30pm | Hall | E32 | |
Thursday, 29 February 2024 | Society and Culture | 3:15pm – 4:45pm | Theo | W32 |
Friday, 1 March 2024 | Hospitality | 7am – 8am | B McCarthy | TF1 |
It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly.
To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.
The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.
Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Years 9-12 Waverley students and their families are invited to attend the next ‘Study in the US’ virtual information session from Internationally Educated.
This general presentation will cover the US university application process as well as the higher education system in the US.
A brief Q&A session will follow the presentation.
*Registration is required.
When: Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 6pm AEDT
Further information and register: HERE
Attention Year 11 and 12 scholars! Ignite your intellect in the inaugural Edmund Ignatius Rice Speech and Essay Competition.
Craft your thesis, dive into the details, and illuminate the touchstones that resonate in today’s world.
Discover the competition insights in the link HERE.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 4. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.
Date | Subject | Time | Staff | Room |
Monday, 19 February 2024
Studies of Religion II | 3:30pm – 5pm | Cooper/ Stewart | E40 |
Studies of Religion I | 3:30pm – 5pm | Boumelhem | E41 | |
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | Mountfort | E26 | |
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
Visual Arts | 3:15pm – 5pm | Turnbull | C13 |
Maths Standard 2 | 7:30am – 8:30am | P Cornish | E33 | |
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | Riley | E23 |
Maths Extension 2 | 3:30pm -4:30pm | Hall | E32 | |
Thursday, 22 February 2024 | Society and Culture | 3:15pm – 4:45pm | Theo | W32 |
Friday, 23 February 2024 | Hospitality | 7am – 8am | B McCarthy | TF1 |
It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.
The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.
Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 3.
Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.
Date | Subject | Time | Staff | Room |
Monday, 12 February 2024 | Studies of Religion II | 3:15pm – 4:45pm | Cooper/ Stewart | E40s |
Tuesday, 13 February 2024
Visual Arts | 3:15pm – 5pm | Turnbull | C13 |
Maths Standard 2 | 7:30am – 8:30am | P Cornish | E33 | |
Wednesday, 14 February 2024
Spanish Beginners | 7:30am – 8:30am | D Kroll | W24 |
Mathematics Extension II | 3:30pm – 4:30pm | S Hall | E32 | |
Friday, 16 February 2024
Hospitality | 7:30am – 8:30am | B McCarthy | TF1 |
Maths Advanced | 7:30am – 8:30am | M Mountfort | E26 |
It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend.
Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program. The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.
Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Dear Year 11 Students and Parents,
If you missed the study skills evening this week, or felt there was too much to absorb in one go, we have good news for you.
We have arranged for you to be able to access a filmed version of Dr Salter’s study skills session at home.
The study skills seminar has been broken down into bite-sized chunks, so if you do not want to do it all in one go, you can work through the session at your own pace. You can also watch any of the videos again up until Tuesday, 5 March 2024.
The video page will prompt you to download the handout for the session and show you at the end where you can then access all the slides from the session shown in the video. Students should use the handout and then complete the reflection after the videos.
The link to access the session form is:
Username: waverley11
Password: expires5march
Our school also has access for the year to
Username: forwaverleycollegeonly
Password: 94results
Please take advantage of these opportunities to learn strategies to become a more powerful learner.
Ms Martina Cooper
Director of Curriculum
Dear Parents/ Carers and Students in Years 7-12,
All students in Years 7 and 8 should have received their stationery pack and class teachers will advise when and what materials are needed for particular lessons.
Years 9 and 10 teachers will also advise students about subject specific requirements.
In the interim, students are advised to bring writing materials: exercise books and pens, as well as their laptop, to all classes.
The same advice applies to Years 11 and 12 students.