Year 11 Design and Technology and ITW students will attend a stimulating excursion at the Powerhouse Museum, to see a selection of incredible Band 6 HSC projects, presented by students from around the state, from the 2022 HSC.
When: Friday, 24 March 2023
Where: Students will assemble in the Braidwood area at 9am. We will walk to Bondi Junction to catch the train to Central Station, and then walk to the Powerhouse Museum located at 500 Harris Street, Ultimo.
Clothing: Full school uniform must be worn.
Food: Students are required to bring a packed lunch to eat during a break outside the venue.
Dismissal: Students will be dismissed from the Powerhouse Museum around 2:15pm to make their own way home. It is your son’s responsibility to ensure he completes the work from classes missed on the day. Any student who has Cadets must inform us, so that they can be released early, to get back to school by 3:15pm.
Excursion cost: Approximately $43, billed to your account.
Parent/Carer permission: parent/carer permission is required. Please complete the permission slip in the Parent Lounge by Friday, 17 March.
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to remind you that our CANVAS Learning Management System is open for Years 5 – 12 parents and carers, in lieu of a Term 1 progress report.
This enables parents and carers to be notified when students receive assessment task notifications and results for assessment tasks in real-time, rather than waiting for a static report snapshot.
Further information on the purpose of launching this system, instructions for access, and an outline of what parents and carers can access, can be viewed in the short video below that we released in 2022.
We now have an easier method to sign in for parents/carers via our SSO. Please make sure you save this weblink to your Internet browser for easy access to the login page.
The weblink is:
Click here to view the login page
If so, please email iAssist outlining the issue, or use the CANVAS Helpdesk, found on the dashboard of your CANVAS page.
You are invited to a ‘Study in the US’ live, virtual information session. The session will cover the application process as well as the higher education system in the United States.
A brief Q&A session will follow the presentation.
Where: Online
When: Tuesday, 21 March, 6pm AEDT
If you’re interested in learning more about a US university pathway, please click the button below to register.
Ms Kath Knowles
Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator
Click here to view the permission slip for 11MS02 on 15 and 16 March
Click here to view the permission slip for 11MS01 on 20 and 21 March
Time: 8:30am – 4pm
Cost: $499
Abyss Scuba Diving will run a PADI Open Water Diving Certification with our students, which is internationally recognised and will allow students to dive up to 18m below the surface.
The course is split into two sections – Theory and In-water training/Dives.
Theory will be completed online during class time and at home if necessary.
Dives will take place on:
For safety, all students must complete a Scuba Medical Questionnaire that asks about medical conditions that could be a problem while diving. If none of these apply, you sign the form and you’re ready to start.
If your son has or has ever had asthma, or wheezing with breathing, or wheezing with exercise; frequent or severe attacks of hay fever or allergy; frequent colds, sinusitis or bronchitis; any form of lung disease; pneumothorax (collapsed lung); other chest disease or chest surgery; behavioural health, mental or psychological problems (panic attack, fear of closed or open spaces); epilepsy, seizures, convulsions or take medications to prevent them; recurring complicated migraine headaches or take medications to prevent them; blackouts or fainting (full/partial loss of consciousness); frequent or severe suffering from motion sickness (seasick, carsick, etc.); dysentery or dehydration requiring medical intervention; a head injury with loss of consciousness in the past five years; recurrent back problems; back or spinal surgery; diabetes; back, arm or leg problems following surgery, injury or fracture; high blood pressure or take medicine to control blood pressure; heart disease; heart attack; angina, heart surgery or blood vessel surgery; sinus surgery; ear disease or surgery, hearing loss or problems with balance; recurrent ear problems; bleeding or other blood disorders; hernia; ulcers or ulcer surgery; a colostomy or ileostomy, he may not be able to participate in the PADI Open Water SCUBA diving course.
If any of the conditions in the medical form or above apply to your son, as a safety precaution, a dive medical must be completed by a specialist physician to assess the condition as it relates to diving, and sign a medical form that confirms that you’re fit to dive.
I recommend that you phone and arrange an appointment as soon as possible. You will need to accompany the boys as their parental guardian/carer and sign the paperwork.
A copy of the permission slip has been emailed to students’ parent/carer/guardian email address.
Please read the above information and give your permission for your son to participate in this excursion.
Details: Australian Museum Shark Exhibition, ferry trip to Manly and snorkelling
Date: Thursday, 23 March 2023
Time: 9am – 3pm
Cost: $0
Students meet at The Australian Museum (1 William Street, Darlinghurst) at 9am.
As a class, we will view the Shark Exhibition, learning about in the history and biology of sharks. After the exhibition, we will then make our way to Circular Quay to catch the ferry to Manly. Students will have the opportunity to speak to the crew on the ferry. From there, students will participate in a snorkelling activity at Manly Cove.
Uniform: students to wear full sports uniform and bring a backpack with swimming attire, hat, towel and sunscreen.
Students are required to bring enough food for the day, including water bottle and their OPAL card for use on public transport.
Students will be dismissed from Circular Quay at 3pm.
Should there be any concerns or medical conditions that may limit your child’s ability to participate in these activities, please do not hesitate to email me:
A copy of this permission slip has also been emailed to parents and carers.
As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 11 Elevate Session – Ace Your Exams – will be held during Period 1 on Wednesday, 8 March.
This is a compulsory session for HSC plus ATAR Students who will attend the session in their timetabled English classes. HSC plus Vocational Students are also welcome to attend. They should liaise with their English Studies teacher prior to the session so they can be allocated a session to attend on the day.
This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:
Click here for further details
Elevate work with our students in Years 9-11 at key times in the year, and they also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.
Click here to register for Free Parent/Carer Webinars
Year 11 Entertainment, SLR and Marine Studies students are required to undertake a First Aid Course as part of their studies. This course will be delivered by Australian Lifesaving Academy, NSW, and requires the successful completion of both an online First Aid module and the attendance at a face-to-face practical day at Waverley College.
The boys should have already enrolled in the course, and they will shortly be emailed directly by the course provider with details on how to log on and complete the online component. Students need to have their USI (unique student identifier) number for this purpose.
NOTE: The online component needs to have been successfully completed before attending the practical day.
The practical component of the course will be delivered at the College in the Fitzgerald Room on Friday, 10 March 2023. The course will begin at 8:45am and conclude at approximately 3pm.
Boys must be dressed in their school uniform.
All participants must bring the following to the training day:
The total cost of the course will be billed to parent/carer accounts.
Parents/carers are invited to give their permission in the notification email that will be sent to them.
Any questions should be directed to their class teachers please.
For the past 18 years, InspirationED (formerly HSC in the Holidays) has partnered with leading universities to support Years 11 and 12 students to achieve their best in the HSC. Over 100,000 students have benefited from this program since its inception.
Year 11 and 12 students are invited to a free HSC Seminar, run in partnership with Macquarie University, on Saturday, 11 March, 9:30am-11am.
This session will be both on-campus and live streamed as a webinar.
The presentation will be delivered by a former Senior HSC marker and will include insight into the following topics:
Spaces are strictly limited and registration is essential.
Please call 1300 677 336
Click here to view the seminar flyer
During the 2022-23 summer school holidays, Year 12 student Theo Varvaressos spent two weeks surrounded by many highly-regarded scientists and like-minded students exploring the opportunities available to budding scientists post the HSC.
The experience was split up into two weeks.
Week one was online, where participants networked with industry experts and a range of different scientists such as the CEO of Lockheed Martin (an Australian defence contractor), the NSW state recipient of Australian of the Year Professor Veena Sahajwalla, and UN scientists and board members.
Week two saw participants traveling to a variety of labs specialising in computer science, quantum computing, biomedical sciences, and environmental chemistry. Participants also visited universities, a nuclear reactor, spoke with professors, attended lectures, conducted experiments, and attended a range of social events.
Theo highly recommends Year 11 students apply for this significant opportunity, as he highlights the benefits of meeting and questioning a range of scientists and doctors on their occupations and career paths. He was able to determine the day-to-day tasks for a range of professions and industries, enabling him to determine the appropriate university and degree best suited to his passions.
Theo also mentions the added benefit of a bonus ATAR point!
If you would like to learn more about the National Youth Science Forum, please see Ms Brown or Theo and we can discuss your application further.
Click here to view the National Youth Science Forum website
On Monday, 27 February 2023, Year 11 SLR students will be attending a simulator session at Off-Piste Ski and Snowboard. Activities will be practical and involve outdoor recreational activities such as skiing and snowboarding. This aligns with the Outdoor Recreation Unit being completed in Term 1.
Students are required to make their way to the venue (located in the Entertainment Quarter) by 9:15am. We have external providers running the activities for the students.
Students will be required to make their own way home when the excursion concludes at 12:30pm (this is due to mentor/parent interviews being conducted in the afternoon).
Students are required to wear full PE practical uniform. Students can bring lunch but there are also facilities to purchase food.
To attend the excursion, students need to return the permission slip below by Friday, 24 February 2023.
Click here to view the permission slip
For the past 18 years, InspirationED (formerly HSC in the Holidays) has partnered with leading universities to support Years 11 and 12 students to achieve their best in the HSC. Over 100,000 students have benefited from this program since its inception.
To kick off the school year, InspirationED would like invite you to a free HSC Seminar, run in partnership with UTS and Macquarie University, taking place later this term. The dates and venues are below:
The presentation will be delivered by a former Senior HSC marker and will include insight into the following topics:
Spaces are strictly limited and registration is essential.
Please call 1300 677 336
Dear Parents/ Carers and Students,
The link to the Years 7-12 Assessment Booklets, on the College Website, was emailed to all Parents/ Carers and Students.
You can also access the link to the Curriculum page of the College Website HERE. Please scroll down to the relevant year group to access the downloadable booklets.
Students are advised to download a copy of their assessment booklet and transfer the key dates for their subjects into their diaries/ calendars.