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This week Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( ran a study skills evening with Year 11 parents/carers and students. The session focused on helping students identify changes and improvements they could make to their approach to their studies, to maximise their results in their final years of school. 

The main areas covered with Year 11 were working effectively in the evenings and dealing with distractions, managing time efficiently, planning for assessments, making brain-friendly study notes regularly, and using a wide variety of active study techniques to suit individual learning preferences. Parents/carers are encouraged to review the handout from the session with students, and discuss the main areas identified where changes need to be made. Students are encouraged to work through the Post Session Checklist.

If you missed the study skills evening this week, or felt there was too much to absorb in one go, we have good news for you.

We have arranged for you to be able to access a filmed version of Dr Salter’s study skills session at home.

The study skills seminar has been broken down into bite-sized chunks, so if you do not want to do it all in one go, you can work through the session at your own pace. You can also watch any of the videos again up until Monday, 6, March 2023. The video page will prompt you to download the handout for the session, and show you at the end where you can then access all the slides from the session shown in the video. Students should use the handout and then complete the reflection after the videos.

The link to access the session from is:    

Username: waverley11

Password: expires6march

Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn strategies to become a more powerful learner.

Parents/carers can also find additional study skills tips on the following website:  

All secondary students and parents/carers at our school also have access to an excellent study skills website to help students develop their skills.

Go to and enter the username: forwaverleycollegeonly and the password: 94results.

There are lots of valuable handouts on the THINGS TO PRINT page on this site, and students can work through the units where they need additional help.

Serving the community and Social Justice is at the heart of our College and Edmund Rice ethos. We are pleased to once again offer this opportunity to our Year 11 students this year.

Our Year 11 Service Learning Program will begin in Week 3 on Monday, 16 February, with the first team of boys volunteering in our local community, one afternoon after school. 

All Year 11 students are required to nominate two community volunteer placements to attend this year. They attend in a volunteer capacity once per week, over a three-week period. Students nominating to attend Matthew Talbot Hostel will only attend for two weeks. Boys can volunteer at any time throughout Term 1, Term 2 or Term 3.

The program endeavours to provide students with meaningful volunteer experiences and opportunities, where they are able to witness first-hand, the transforming power of being able to make a difference to the lives of another individual in need. 

Volunteering at Matthew Talbot Hostel

Volunteering at Matthew Talbot Hostel

Year 11 Service Spreadsheet

In the first week of school, all boys were given access to the Year 11 Service Spreadsheet to nominate their teams and add their name to an organisation. 

*Parents/Carers: can you please check with your son to learn if he has done this, and enquire where and when he is doing his service?

Prior to attending, students and parents/carers will receive a reminder email from Ms Cooper, Head of Religion, confirming these attendance details. If a student is unable to attend, he is responsible for organising another boy to replace him, and will need to nominate another time slot.  

If your son does not have a placement as yet, could you please remind him to add his name to any of the organisations below. 

Partner Organisations

This year, we thank our partner organisations who are able to support our students:

Further Questions?

Please direct these to either:

Dear Parents/Carers and Students in Years 11 and 12

Earlier this week, all students in Years 11 and 12 received their Assessment Schedules. The Assessment Booklets, which outline further details regarding processes and tasks, are currently going through the final checks and will be available on the College website next week.

Parents/Carers and Students will receive an email with a direct link to the page on the College website where they will be able to download the latest version of the schedules plus other relevant information.

Students should ensure that they save a copy of the schedule on their laptop and it is recommended that they add the key dates to their College Diaries.

Year 11 students in this course will begin the year by studying Outdoor Recreation. This provides them with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate safely in a wide variety of outdoor recreation activities.

On this occasion, students will be attending the Point Piper Kayak Centre, and will engage in kayaking and stand up paddle boarding activities to increase their knowledge of lifelong physical activity in the outdoor environment.

Students will be given a hard copy permission slip which needs to be signed by a parent/carer and returned to school by Monday, 6 February please.

>>> Click here to view the excursion permission slip.

Dear Parents, Carers and Students of Year 11

We are looking forward to you joining us next Wednesday, 8 February at 6pm for the parent/carer and student information evening on Study Skills with Dr Prue Salter in the College Gymnasium.

Parents/carers and students should attend together, as the session is very interactive. Both students and parents/carers also need to bring along a pen. Handouts will be given out during the evening.

The main areas that will be covered are:

Also, just to remind you that our school is a subscriber to the study skills website.

Click here to view the Study Skills website

This website will help you develop essential skills for academic success. There are units of work on improving time management skills, how to study, research skills, summarising, technology use, brain and memory and much more. Everything you need to know about becoming a more powerful learner and improving your marks at school, can be found on this site.

For example, learn how the colour of your room affects your ability to study, what the best study techniques are for your type of brain, how to improve your handwriting, and useful software and apps to block yourself from technology distractions.

You will also see lots of useful handouts, grids and planners at the bottom of the THINGS TO PRINT page.

How to Access the Handbook

To access the handbook, go to and login with these details:
username: forwaverleycollegeonly
password: 94results

The more of this website you can work through, the more you will set yourself up for academic success.

As the Term and College year are now officially finished and with some students having been away over the last couple of weeks, the Book Hire Room will be open 8am-4pm, as well as a crate placed at the Senior School Reception from Monday, 5 December until Wednesday, 7 December for any outstanding textbooks that need to be returned.

Thank you so much for all your help and wishing everyone happy holidays!

One more week left until the end of the term and end of the school year. With all exams done and dusted, assessments handed in and the summer holidays just around the corner, it’s time for all textbooks and English novels to be returned to Book Hire!

As such, if everyone can please ensure that ALL their textbooks have been returned by no later than Wednesday, 30 November, that would be greatly appreciated.

Please note that Book Hire is open Monday-Thursday, 8am-4pm, with the library as the second drop off point if needed.

A HUGE thank you to all students who have been diligent and returned their books already :)


With the beginning of the HSC year now having begun for Year 11/12 students (and Year 10 approaching senior study), InspirationED would like to share some free live-streamed webinars taking place on Sunday, 13 November.

Designed for both students and parents/carers in Years 10 and 11, the webinars will be delivered by qualified counsellors and senior HSC markers to address the following topics:

Register Now!

Can’t Make the Live Session?

For those who cannot make the live sessions, we will share the recordings as on-demand videos for all registrations.

Further Information

If you require any further information, please call 1300 677 336.

With the beginning of the HSC year now having begun for Year 11 and 12 students (and Year 10 approaching senior study), InspirationED are offering free seminars at UTS and Macquarie University, in November this year.

Designed for both students and parents in Years 10 and 11, the seminars will be delivered by qualified counsellors and senior HSC markers to address the following topics:

Dates and Times

Spaces are strictly limited, so it is recommended that you secure your place as soon as possible.

Please click on the buttons below to download the flyer and/or to register on the website.

Download flyer


For further information, please call InspirationED 1300 677 336.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Just a friendly reminder that all current Year 11 student textbooks are now due back for return to Book Hire.

Issuing of Year 12 textbooks will be delayed until your son’s Year 11 books are returned.

Thank you to all the students who have already actioned their returns!

We hope that your son has settled well into the start of Year 12. As per the College Calendar, there is a Year 12 (2023) Parent and Student Information Evening next Wednesday, 19 October in the College Gymnasium at 6pm.

There will be a number of speakers who will provide an overview of the most important information that parents, carers and students need to know for the HSC including: the HSC assessment program, processes for illness/misadventure claims, and other important items.

Each family will also need to read through the HSC Policies and Procedures booklet which can be accessed by clicking on the button below.

HSC Policies and Procedures Booklet

Please take time to read through this booklet with your son, particularly if he is ever absent from school or unable to complete a task due to illness/misadventure.  

Please rest assured that we are all here to support your son on his HSC journey, so please contact the Curriculum Team, Heads of Department or Heads of House if you have any questions or concerns.  

As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 12 (2023) Elevate Session – Student Elevation – is held during Period 1 next Wednesday, 19 October, 2022. This is a compulsory session for HSC plus ATAR Students who will attend the session in their House groups as per the schedule below.  

HSC plus Vocational Students are also welcome to attend. They must inform their Period 1 teacher that they will be attending the session prior to the day, otherwise they must attend their scheduled Period 1 class.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Click here for further details about Elevate Education

Free Parent/Carer Webinars

Elevate work with our students in Years 9-12 at key times in the year, and they also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

Register for free parent/carer webinars