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Parents and Carers can make bookings for the Year 12 Teacher Parent Student Interviews to be held on Tuesday, 15 March, 3:30pm-7pm.


Bookings need to be made through the TASS Parent Lounge, and bookings will close on Monday, 14 March at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.


The interviews will be held via Zoom. Iassist will email instructions and individual Teacher Zoom codes on Monday, 14 March.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five (5) minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that parents:

Book Via The Parent Lounge 

>>> Click here to view the Parent Lounge.

User ID = your son’s student ID

Password = if you cannot remember your password, you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password.’

Technical Issues? Need to confirm your son’s ID?

For any technical issues, or if you need to confirm your son’s ID, please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


The Uniform Shop will be open for two weeks only, from Friday 18 February, for Year 12 Jersey fittings.

Year 12 Jerseys will carry the student SURNAME only.

Orders and payment can ONLY be made at the uniform shop at the time of fitting. We are unable to accept any late requests for jerseys.

Orders closing end of Wednesday, 2 March.


Uniform Shop

P: (02) 9369 0709


Level 3, Centenary Building,
Senior School Campus
(Enter via Reception and take the lift to the 3rd Floor)
131 Birrell Street

Year 12 students will have the privilege of working all day with a wonderful group called ‘Character Builders’ on Friday, 18 February.

Students are requested to wear their PE uniform on the day and to bring a pen.

The workshop will provide valuable insights and opportunities into developing servant leadership skills, and will be held in the Gym.

Normal school times apply. 


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Year 12 House Retreats will take place on Monday 28 – Wednesday 30 March.

Permission notes will be sent in the coming week. 


Warm regards,

Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Years 11-12

Assessment Schedules and Information Booklets for 2022 are now available here, and on the College website, for students in Years 11-12. Students should download a copy of their schedules, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.

>>> Click here to view the Preliminary Assessment Booklet.

>>> Click here to view the Year 11 Assessment Schedule.


>>> Click here to view the Higher School Certificate Assessment Booklet.

>>> Click here to view the Year 12 Assessment Schedule.


>>> Click here to view the Year 11 Higher School Certificate Assessment Information. 

>>> Click here to view the Higher School Certificate Assessment Information.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Waverley College Year 12 students have been given the opportunity to attend the award-winning RYDA Road Safety Education workshop (COVIDSafe measures will apply). RYDA is designed for 16-17 year olds as they begin to drive or ride in cars driven by their peers.

Why is this Workshop so Important?

This workshop, which supports classroom learning as part of a broader program, provides students with the tools, habits and motivation to take action and stay safe on our roads, throughout their lives, as both drivers and passengers. Students do not need to have their license to take part in the workshop.

What Will Students Learn?

This is the perfect time in students’ lives to engage in this program, as it addresses, in a real and practical way, the many dangers and challenges young people face on our roads. In small groups, students work with facilitators to develop and practise personalised strategies and life skills, which will help them make positive choices, both as drivers and highly influential passengers.

How will the Workshop be Delivered?

The workshop combines personal stories, demonstrations and interactive activities to ensure that students are engaged during the sessions. Information regarding the RYDA excursion is detailed below.

When and Where?

Date: Monday, 7 February, 2022

Venue: Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre

Depart from school: 8:15am

Return to school: 3:10pm

Cost: $55.10 per student (charged to your account)

Do I Need to Give Permission?

Yes. Please complete the permission slip below before Monday, 7 February.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip for the Year 12 Car Safety Excursion.


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of House


All textbook and library resources for Year 12 (2021) are now due back.

Ms Pearce will be on campus until Wednesday, 8 December.


Mr Bill Roberts and Ms Nikki Pearce

Head of Library Services

Book Hire Coordinator



As your son’s school career draws to a close, the time has come to look at what’s ahead. This includes starting to clear out what lies behind you, such as your Waverley uniforms.

We hope that many of you have benefitted from the Waverley College Secondhand Clothing Pool over your years at the College, and would love for you to consider gifting back to the College community by donating your son’s current uniforms, (academic and sports as well as bags), to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. Donations of all current uniform items, in clean and wearable condition for resale, are greatly appreciated.

Have You Heard About the $30 Buy Back Scheme?

This will provide someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform at reduced cost, whilst at the same time raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association. A $30 ‘buy back scheme’ is on offer for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition. Contact the Parent Volunteers at the Secondhand Clothing Pool via email to arrange the ‘Buy Back’:

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the special BLUE Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box, (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team).

Many thanks for your continued support of the Parents’ Association who are driving initiatives to support our students and community.

We wish you and your boys all the very best for their post-school adventures, and hope that they will remember their time at Waverley, fondly.

Secondhand Clothing Pool donations

Secondhand clothing pool donation box

Donate today!


Kirsten and Camille

Secondhand Clothing Pool Volunteers


Please read below the following information regarding the upcoming HSC Examinations.  

All students are to be onsite for the first exam English Paper 1 – on Tuesday, 9 November by 9:20am at the latest.  

We will meet in the Centenary Quad and you will be seated to ensure physical distancing.  

This will be the same for: 

We will meet for all other examinations (except Music I and II) on the Rooftop space, thirty (30) minutes prior to the time published in the NESA HSC Exam timetable below. Please ensure you use the stairs when making your way up to the roof, because you will not be able to access the lift.

>>> Click here to view the 2021 NESA HSC Exam timetable.

Read NESA’s COVID-safe exam rules carefully:

>>> Click here to view NESA’s COVID-safe exam rules.

Ensure on your arrival that you:

HSC Examinations Key Points and Processes

1. Students were issued with a copy of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Rules and Regulations instructions at the start of Year 12. It is each student’s responsibility to comply with these regulations and attend his examinations on the correct date and time.

>>> Click here to view the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Rules and Regulations instructions.

2. Misreading the timetable is not a ground for misadventure.

3. >>> Click here to view the 2021 NESA HSC Exam timetable.

The examinations begin with English Advanced and Standard Paper 1 at 9:50 am on Tuesday, 9 November. Make sure you read the special equipment list carefully on P.2 for each of your applicable subjects.

4. Students should be in attendance at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled starting time in full College Uniform including the College Jersey. College rules regarding shaving, hairstyles etc… apply throughout the examination period.  

5. Students must bring their ID cards. All mobile phones and notes must be put away in lockers — they cannot be taken into the examination room.

6. The College understands that NESA permits students to leave the examination room prior to the scheduled finishing time. It is an expectation of the College that students should use all available time to complete each examination to the best of their ability. Any student leaving an examination prior to the finishing time must sign out at the Wellbeing Centre. The College does not accept any responsibility incurred from a student’s early departure.

7. COVID-19 measures from NSW Health include the following advice:

a) Students and staff must not attend an exam if:

i) They have flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or sense of smell);

ii) They have been tested for COVID-19 and have not yet received their test result;

iii) They have been directed by NSW health to self-isolate;

iv) They have tested positive for COVID-19.

b) Students and staff must:

i) Confirm they have not been asked by NSW Health to self-isolate and do not have any flu-like symptoms before they enter the exam room;

ii) Practice good personal hygiene during the exam including:

      1. regularly wash their hands;
      2. cough and sneeze into their elbow;
      3. avoid touching their face;

c) Students and staff must wear a face mask. NESA has sent through further details regarding masks this week which are outlined below:

HSC students must wear a face mask inside the exam room and while waiting to enter, unless they have a medical exemption.

Students can remove their mask to adjust it or drink water.

It is a breach of exam rules to not wear a mask (without a medical exemption).

The Presiding Officer will refer students who are not wearing a mask to the Principal to discuss consequences.

The consequences of not wearing a mask have been included in the Malpractice Warning, which is read to students at the start of every exam by the Presiding Officer.

Requiring students to wear a face mask during the HSC exams reduces the risk of students, presiding officers and supervisors:

d) If a student presents with flu-like symptoms they may be required to leave the exam room and will be advised to be tested for COVID-19 and seek medical advice;

e) Students submit a COVID illness/misadventure application, where appropriate;

f) Students with known illnesses with symptoms similar to COVID-19 will need to provide necessary medical documentation and notify Ms Porter prior to the examination.

8. Any students who are absent (as per the COVID-19 instructions above) or running late due to unforeseen circumstances must notify Ms Kath Knowles as soon as possible on 9369 0651 or

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming examination period.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Gentlemen, I hope that your Week 3 onsite HSC seminars went well this week and we are looking forward to having you back onsite for face-to-face lessons and wellbeing activities next week. Please remember that the final extended HSC session is next Monday, 25 October with the Studies of Religion I and Studies of Religion II practice exams.  

Please arrive promptly at 8:40am for an 8:45am start to the following venues organised by class:

Week 4 from Tuesday, 26 October will be face-to-face classes and a series of activities organised by the wellbeing team.

Week 5 will be a time for at home study.

For those of you who need assistance with organisation and/or motivation, the recording of the HSC examination preparation by Dr Prue Salter and a range of other useful resources can be accessed in the link below:

>>> Click here to view Dr Prue Salter’s HSC exam preparation recording and other useful resources.

Username: forwaverleycollegeonly

Password: 94 results

Follow the steps in the video and if you need help with your plan, Dr Prue Salter provides info in the video on how to send notes through to her for feedback. 


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Dear Year 12 Students, Parents and Carers,

Gentlemen, I hope that your Week 2 online seminars went well. Please remember that extended seminars during Week 3 and Monday of Week 4 (Monday, 25 October) will be conducted as face-to-face sessions. This will provide a valuable opportunity to work with your teachers in preparation for the HSC Examinations commencing on Tuesday, 9 November.  

The rooming and times for the SOR I and SOR II exams in Week 4 will be communicated to you next week.

Please be reminded that face-to-face classes will resume in Week 4 from Tuesday, 26 October. Week 5 will be a time for at home study.

>>> Click here to view the updated seminar schedule, including onsite venues.

All the best with the final lap of this journey.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


The WCPA (Waverley College Parents’ Association) will provide a Welcome Back Breakfast for Year 12 students on Wednesday, 27 October.

Students can collect it from the canteen from 8:30am, and if they’re unable to collect it before school, then Nina will have the breakfast available at recess to pick up from the quadrangle.

We hope their last few weeks at the College are enjoyed. We’re thinking of them as they commence their HSC exams.


Best wishes

Jade Stapleton and the Parents’ Association