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Dear Year 12 Students, Parents and Carers,

Thank you for attending the meeting this week where we outlined the plan for Year 12 students in Term 4.

>>> Click here to view the Term 4 Year 12 Overview.

>>> Click here to view the Weeks 2-4 Extended Seminar timetable. 

Significant Wellbeing Events

Please know that all Year 12 students, both HSC plus ATAR and HSC plus Vocational, will be invited to attend significant wellbeing events next term such as the Graduation Assembly.

Senior School Library Opening Hours in School Holidays

The Library will be open from 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday of the school holidays for students who cannot study at home.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Today, NESA has released the HSC Examination Timetable for 2021 which commences on Tuesday 9 November.

>>> Click here to view the HSC Timetable for 2021.

The timetable outlines that students will be sitting a full set of examinations.

NESA has provided updates on key dates:

NESA have also released advice regarding COVID-safe examination protocols which include:

>>> Click here to view information about the illness and misadventure process.

>>> Click here to view further details about COVID-safe exam rules.

Plans for Term 4 — Zoom Meeting 15 September 12:05pm

The College will now be able to finalise our plans for Term 4 in terms of classes, seminars and significant events. Year 12 students and parents will be invited to a meeting next Wednesday 15 September at 12:05pm via Zoom Webinar to go through these plans. Further details of this meeting will be shared on Monday.

Your agility, patience and positivity in the face of all of these changes and announcements has been second to none. Now we have some certainty, we look forward to walking with you in this final part of such a unique HSC journey.

Ms Gabrielle Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Thank you to Year 12 HSC plus ATAR students for attending the online study skills and motivation seminar to assist in preparation for the HSC Examinations.

>>> Click here to view Part 1 of the slides.

>>> Click here to view Part 2 of the slides.

>>> Click here to view the notes.

>>> Click here to view the grid.

>>> Click here to view the catch-up video.

User name: year12waverley

Password: year12waverley


The best support you have is each other, learning together is a great way to help you stay focused.

Wishing you all the best and feel free to contact Dr Prue Salter if you have questions or want feedback on your plan.

>>> Click here to contact Dr Prue Salter. 


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Just a friendly reminder that as previously mentioned, the Year 12 processes for end of lease laptops is also underway. All the information on prices, payments, options can be found on the relevant information sheets.

The information sheets are also published in the Parent Lounge — School Links — End of Lease Macbooks;


>>> Click here to view the Year 12 – 2021 laptop information sheets.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


Congratulations to our Year 12 students for getting through the HSC Trial Assessment period and finalising assessments and course outcomes across their subjects as we approach the end of Term 3.

Over the next few weeks, teachers will be returning scripts with valuable feedback to assist in preparation for the final HSC Examinations and finalising course outcomes which will be the focus of the remainder of classes in Term 3.

Revised HSC Examination Timetable Coming

NESA has indicated that during September they will release a revised HSC Examination Timetable and details regarding the plan for face-to-face opportunities on 25 October for Year 12 students preparing for HSC Examinations. Once this information is released, we will be working on what this will look like for Waverley College students and will update you forthwith.

Tuesday 7 September – Online Sessions With Brent Sanders and Dr Prue Salter

We recognise that students may be struggling to navigate all of these changes and may be potentially experiencing waning motivation, so next Tuesday 7 September they will have the valuable opportunity to attend an online session with Brent Sanders who will examine critical issues such as peer pressure, decision making, self-discipline, respect, motivation and essential keys required for success. 

HSC plus ATAR students will also attend a session on Study Skills by Dr Prue Salter which will provide strategies to work through the challenges of changes to the HSC Examinations and hone motivation.

Students will then be allocated some home study time in the afternoon to work on the advice presented during the morning and focus on any study or outstanding work. This will provide a much needed circuit breaker towards the end of a very challenging term.

The Program for the Day

Periods 1-2 HSC plus Vocational students

Students attend scheduled lessons via Google Meets.

HSC plus ATAR students – Dr Prue Salter Study Skills

Students will join the session by 8:45am.  The link is currently available in their Google Calendar.

Dr Prue Salter will provide valuable tips on HSC Examination preparation and motivation, particularly during such uncertain times. This is the session that Year 12 students report is the most valuable of the Study Skills sessions in the final push toward the HSC Examinations.

Periods 3-4 All Year 12 Students – Brent Sanders ‘Life Choices for Young Men’

Students will join the session at 10:45am.  The link is currently available in their Google Calendar.

Brent Sanders is an ex-Police officer from Winning Edge Strategies who will offer an engaging presentation on ‘Life Choices for Young Men.’ This is not a self-protection seminar but rather a presentation to address what are relevant issues facing young men in our society.

The main focus behind Life Choices for Young Men is to deliver a frank, open and down-to-earth presentation to the boys which examines critical issues such as peer pressure, decision making, self-discipline, respect, motivation and essential keys required for success.

The presentation addresses the following:

  • Taking responsibility for yourself and your actions
  • Life is all about choice
  • The importance of respect and self-discipline 
  • The course also includes an in-depth discussion around sexual assault, indecent assault, consent and respect within relationships.
Periods 5-6 All Year 12 Students

Home study — time to go through study timetables, catch up on work and go through the learnings from the online sessions.


Warm regards,

Ms Gabrielle Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Please be advised that NESA is working to reschedule HSC exams to start on 9 November 2021 in line with today’s announcement by the Premier and Minister for Education. 

The updated start date means HSC results will be released in mid-January.

NESA will publish a revised exam timetable in early September and is continuing to work very closely with NSW Health and the school sectors to develop comprehensive COVID-safe protocols for running the exams. NESA is aiming for these protocols to be available in early September.

The College will continue to update you as information about the new timetable and COVID-safe plans becomes available.


Warm regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


The laptops currently held by Year 12 students will be end of lease in December and parents can now nominate to purchase or return units once the HSC has been completed.

We have put together an information sheet explaining the process. The sheet is published in the Parent Lounge — School Links — End of Lease Macbooks .

>>> Click here to view the Year 12 – 2021 Laptop Information Sheet.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


Year 12 Meeting Friday 6 August 2021 – Plan B

Thank you for attending the Year 12 meeting today outlining that we will be enacting Plan B for the HSC Trial Period.

>>> Click here to view a Student Overview of HSC Trials 2021 Plan B.

I thank the Heads of Department for their tremendous hard work in creating a task that is best suited for each course’s context.

You will still follow the HSC Trial Examinations Timetable that begins on Wednesday 18 August but you will access an alternate online open book task via Canvas during each examination period.

These open book tasks will replace HSC Trial Examinations for your school-based assessment. Once the CSSA and Independent Trial security periods are over, we will make sure you have copies for practice before the final HSC Examinations.

Further details will be shared next week about logistics as will further instructions from Heads of Department.

Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Timetable 2021

>>> Click here to view the Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Timetable 2021.

This revised timetable has also been posted on the Waverley College App. Please read the details carefully as there are now staggered starting times for some of the bigger exams, particularly English and Studies of Religion.


Warm regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Thank you to all Year 12 Parents and Students for attending our meeting today at lunchtime to go through the latest updates regarding the HSC Trial Examinations and other questions surrounding Year 12.

As promised, here is the information that I shared, including key dates, surrounding UAC applications. The latest advice from UAC is that with the rescheduled HSC Exam timetable, UAC has made the following date changes:

There are no additional schemes in place at UAC to consider a COVID-19-related disadvantage. If any students are making any applications to universities, and have any questions, they should contact Ms Knowles who will assist them – particularly if any students are interested in early entry possibilities to ease the pressure.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Dear Parents and Carers of students in Year 12,

Thank you for your ongoing support of your son and the College as we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic.

So you are aware, we had a meeting with Year 12 students today to clarify the following:

The current advice from NESA, in line with Health advice, is that HSC Trial Examinations will go ahead onsite in Week 5 as scheduled. The CSSA (The Catholic Secondary Schools Association), who set the dates for the HSC Trial Timetable, has confirmed that they do not intend to postpone the examinations further. The message to students is that the HSC Trial Examinations will go ahead as scheduled and if there are any changes to this advice we will work with NESA to inform students straight away of any contingencies.

This also applies to students completing Major Works, Projects or Performances. Teachers will continue to work with students if there are essential reasons for being onsite.

Since our meeting at 12.05pm, NESA has released the following update regarding adjustments to timings of the HSC Examinations and Major Work/ Performance due dates which has been communicated to students via email:

These changes mean all students have some additional time to prepare for exams or complete their project and still receive their results this year.

The decision aims to give students as much clarity as possible so they can focus on their studies, their wellbeing and plans for the future.

Revised timetables for the language oral, practical, performance and written exams will be published on the NESA website and Students Online by next Friday.


Kind regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


>>> Please click here to view the updated Trial HSC Examination Timetable.

This was sent to Year 12 parents and students on Tuesday 20 July 2021.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Dear Year 12,

I hope that your HSC preparation is going well as we begin a term that is certainly a different one than we expected. We can’t change the way things are, so let’s focus making the most of some advantages – not having to lose time traveling to and from school each day, being able to get focused work done at home, being able to contact your teachers easily for help, being able to focus just on your studies at this critical time with the Trials being pushed back a few weeks.

You are getting close to the finish line, exciting stuff. Visualise yourself in LESS THAN 4 MONTHS, sleeping in each day, going out to the beach, seeing friends, going out at night – much better that the lockdown happens now rather than when you finish Year 12! And good luck to those with performances and major works in the next weeks, soon that will be another thing off your plate.

As you prepare for the Trials, the Dr Prue Salter Year 12 Support Study Skills resources can assist you with your preparation.  Login to the videos using the details below:    

Username: year12waverley

Password: year12waverley 

And watch this video in the Term 3 section:

Watch this video early in Term 3. You may like to pause in each section and then complete the activities on the worksheet below for that section before continuing to the next.



* Complete the PDF Handout for this section



* Complete the PDF Handout for this section



* Complete the Handout (DOC) for this section



* Complete the Handout (DOC) for this section


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum,
