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On Friday 7 May, Year 12 received a copy of the UAC guide for 2021-2022. I asked them to take the time in the coming weeks to familiarise themselves with this book.

They also received the following three documents:

Click here for Careers Newsletter UAC Super Edition (provides more comprehensive information)

Click here for Undergraduate Fact Sheet Key Dates 2021-22

Click here for Year 12 Checklist for Applying Through UAC

Students’ UAC PIN numbers were previously emailed to them by UAC. Students need to use this PIN number when they apply to University.

It’s best to apply before midnight on Wednesday, September 30, 2021 to avoid the increase to the processing charge. Some courses, particularly those with additional selection criteria, have earlier closing dates.

Please note that a number of courses are not yet available to be selected. They will be added when details have been confirmed.

If your son was absent on Friday 7 May, please see me next week to collect a copy of the guide and the accompanying documents.

Please see me if you have any questions or concerns.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Year 12 Formal

Thursday, 17 June, 2021

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to celebrate your school journey with your year group.

Venue: Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont.

Time: Formal photos from 6:00pm. Seated by 6:30pm. Dinner 6:30pm to 10.00pm.

Who: Student and Partner. Partner’s name and contact details need to be registered at the time of booking. Photo ID is required to gain entry to the venue.

Cost: $155 per person including three course dinner and entertainment.

Dress: Formal attire for both men and women.

Booking window opens at 6:00pm on Friday, 14 May and closes on Sunday, 6 June.

Please click here to book your ticket

Table Arrangements

Important Event Details



Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing and Ms Suzi Sucur, Student Wellbeing Administrator



The full 2021 HSC written exam, languages oral exam and practical and performance exam timetables are available on the NESA website. Please click on the links below:

Click Students Online for students to access their personalised 2021 student HSC written exam timetable.

Click here for the 2021 HSC written exam timetable.

Click here for important dates for the 2021 practical and performance exams.

Click here for the 2021 languages and oral exam timetable.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Year 12 Graduation Mass and Valedictory Dinner – Wednesday 15 September 2021

Following a review of our Year 12 graduation events carried out in 2019 by our Wellbeing Team and College Captains, it was decided to introduce another event for Year 12 and their families when they graduate from the College in 2021. Following a Graduation Mass to be held in the afternoon at St Mary’s Cathedral, Year 12 and their parents/guardians will join the College staff for a Valedictory Dinner at Darling Harbour on the evening of Wednesday 15 September. More information about these events will be released later in Term Two.

Year 12 Formal – Thursday 17 June 2021

Students and their partners are invited to the Year 12 Formal which will now be held on the evening of Thursday 17 June at Jones Bay Wharf. Students have been briefed today about the event. Official information, the invite and booking details will be published in next week’s Nurrunga.


Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing and Ms Suzi Sucur, Student Wellbeing Administrator



Year 12 PDHPE classes will be attending an excursion to Sydney Academy of Sport, Narrabeen on Friday 21 May (Term 2 week 5). Students need to be at school at 7.45am and will return by bus at 3.15pm.

Important note: students are required to wear full school uniform. All students need to bring PE practical gear, running shoes, swimming gear and a towel. Students will need to bring lunch because there are limited facilities available to purchase food.

Key dates for registration, permissions, medical forms:

Monday 20 May

Permission Slip for Waverley College needs to be returned to your son’s PDHPE teacher by Monday 10 May. Please click on this letter with permission slip for further information. This has already been given to students.


If you still have not completed the Sydney Academy of Sport medical/consent/booking form, this is overdue. This is a compulsory requirement for attendance and must be completed by parents for each student online. 

You will need the following details to complete the form:

To complete please click on this registration link 

Please contact me at the College if you have any questions or concerns: 


Mr Patrick Darvill

Head of PDHPE

E: P: 9369 0610

Please be reminded that our school has arranged for all Year 12 students to click here to access Dr Salter’s video support program for 2021. 

Username: year12waverley

Password: year12waverley  

Now is a good time to watch the following videos for Term 2:

This video series consists of multiple short videos (length varies from two to twenty minutes, four hours in total) that provide targeted support for Year 12 throughout this crucial year.

 The videos are designed to address the specific study skills needs of Year 12 at particular times and are grouped into videos for each term. Access to this expert video series helps to increase the circle of support for Year 12. 

More information and access details are found by clicking on this flyer.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum



Brought to you by Eastern Suburbs Cooperative Libraries, Larry Grumley presents this Year 12 lecture series with tips and advice for upcoming HSC exams in:

Bookings are essential for this FREE event at Waverley Library, Bondi Junction.

Click here for more information


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services, Waverley College


Please see below the tutorials on offer for Year 12 students during the school holiday break.

>>> Click here for the Year 12 Tutorial Schedule – June/ July school holidays

Topics covered during the tutorials have been included on the spreadsheet.

To register for a tutorial, please add your name to the spreadsheets below. There is a separate tab for each subject at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

Week 1 >>> Click here for Week 1 – 21/06/21 – 25/06/21

Week 2 >>> Click here for Week 2 – 28/06/21 – 02/07/21

Week 3 >>> Click here for Week 3 – 05/07/21 – 09/07/21

Please bring any equipment you may need for the tutorial (e.g. textbooks, notepads, pens etc.)

Students are to enter the school through Reception on Birrell Street.

If you require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact me at


Ms Lauren Ryan

Executive Assistant to Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning


A friendly reminder that the consent and medical form for the Senior and Kairos Retreat are due today, Friday 30 April. Please click here to fill in the form. 

Thank you to the parents who have already completed the form.

Please click here for your son’s retreat type and location. 


Senior Retreat

The Senior Retreat is taking place from 12 to 14 May and students will be attending the venue that is allocated to their House. The three venues are Benedict XVI Retreat Centre (Aungier, Green), Lutanda Camp Toukley (Brennan, Lacey, O’Connor) and Rathane (Conlon, Quinn, Tevlin).

The students will depart Waverley College by coach for their venues from 9am on Wednesday 12 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 2:30pm on Friday 14 May. Students are required to be at school by 8:30am on Wednesday 12 May.

What to bring: 

Cost: Will be billed to school fees.

We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at


Kairos Retreat

This retreat takes place from the afternoon of Tuesday 11 May until Friday 14 May.  The Kairos students will depart Waverley College by coach at 2:30pm on Tuesday 11 May and will return to Waverley College at approximately 3pm on Friday 14 May.  Students are to wear their PE uniform to school on 11 May.

For more information, please refer to the letter that was emailed to you last Friday, 16 April.

What to bring:

Cost: Will be billed to school fees.

We thank you for your cooperation regarding the Retreats and look forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


From Melissa Cahill and Rae Norman

Year 12 boys and their mothers are invited to a luncheon to celebrate their final year of school, and the many friendships that have been formed during that time.

Sunday 23 May, 2021 | 12pm-3pm

Doltone House, Hyde Park

$85 per person (Mother & Son = $170)

Register here: