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This is a reminder that the Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be held on Tuesday, 21 March. Bookings can be made through the Parent Lounge in TASS.

Meetings will be held via Zoom. An instructional video has been provided below to assist you with accessing the Zoom platform.

To connect to a Waverley College Zoom Parent Interview

Click here to view instructions

A list of Zoom account numbers will be sent to parents/carers by our IT Department prior to the meeting date. You do not need the zoom code to make your bookings.

*Bookings opened on Monday, 13 March and will close at noon on Monday, 20 March. Please ensure you book your appointment during this time frame, as we will be unable to open the bookings once closed.

Meetings will take place between either 3:45pm to 7pm or 4:15pm to 7:30pm, depending on the individual teacher. Please ensure that you leave a five-minute gap minimum between bookings, to allow for transition time.

The link to the Parent Lounge is below.
user id = email address
password = if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues?

If you have any technical issues with using the system, then you should contact the IT Department on 9369 0784 or email:

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to remind you that our CANVAS Learning Management System is open for Years 5 – 12 parents and carers, in lieu of a Term 1 progress report.

This enables parents and carers to be notified when students receive assessment task notifications and results for assessment tasks in real-time, rather than waiting for a static report snapshot.

Further information on the purpose of launching this system, instructions for access, and an outline of what parents and carers can access, can be viewed in the short video below that we released in 2022.

Easier Method for Parent/Carer Sign In

We now have an easier method to sign in for parents/carers via our SSO. Please make sure you save this weblink to your Internet browser for easy access to the login page.

The weblink is:


Click here to view the login page

Do You Need Technical Support?

If so, please email iAssist outlining the issue, or use the CANVAS Helpdesk, found on the dashboard of your CANVAS page.

You are invited to a ‘Study in the US’ live, virtual information session. The session will cover the application process as well as the higher education system in the United States.

A brief Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Where: Online

When: Tuesday, 21 March, 6pm AEDT

If you’re interested in learning more about a US university pathway, please click the button below to register.

Register Today


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

The Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be held on Tuesday, 21 March.

Appointment bookings are made through the Parent Lounge in TASS.

*Appointments may be made online from 9am on Saturday, 11 March and will close at noon on Monday, 20 March.

Meetings will be held via Zoom. The instructional video below will assist you to access the Zoom platform.

Click here to view the instructional video

A list of Zoom account numbers will be sent to parents/carers by our IT Department prior to the meeting date. You do not need the zoom code to make your bookings.

When Will Meetings Take Place?


depending on the individual teacher. Please do not try to connect with teachers until your appointment time.

How to Access the Parent Lounge

Click here to access the Parent Lounge

user id = email address
password = if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues?

If you have any technical issues with using the system, please contact the IT Department on 9369 0784 or email

Details: Australian Museum Shark Exhibition, ferry trip to Manly and snorkelling

Date: Thursday, 23 March 2023

Time: 9am – 3pm

Cost: $0

Students meet at The Australian Museum (1 William Street, Darlinghurst) at 9am.

As a class, we will view the Shark Exhibition, learning about in the history and biology of sharks. After the exhibition, we will then make our way to Circular Quay to catch the ferry to Manly. Students will have the opportunity to speak to the crew on the ferry. From there, students will participate in a snorkelling activity at Manly Cove.

Uniform: students to wear full sports uniform and bring a backpack with swimming attire, hat, towel and sunscreen.

Students are required to bring enough food for the day, including water bottle and their OPAL card for use on public transport.

Students will be dismissed from Circular Quay at 3pm.

Should there be any concerns or medical conditions that may limit your child’s ability to participate in these activities, please do not hesitate to email me:

Permission Slip

Click here to view and complete the permission slip

A copy of this permission slip has also been emailed to parents and carers.

Woollahra Libraries is inviting Waverley HSC students to attend their upcoming HSC events at Double Bay Library at 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay.

Rowan Kunz from Art of Smart is running two FREE workshops in March:

Reserve a Spot Now

Click here to view more information

Reserve a Spot Now

Click here to view more information

*Get in early, because bookings are essential.

For the past 18 years, InspirationED (formerly HSC in the Holidays) has partnered with leading universities to support Years 11 and 12 students to achieve their best in the HSC. Over 100,000 students have benefited from this program since its inception.

Year 11 and 12 students are invited to a free HSC Seminar, run in partnership with Macquarie University, on Saturday, 11 March, 9:30am-11am.

This session will be both on-campus and live streamed as a webinar.

The presentation will be delivered by a former Senior HSC marker and will include insight into the following topics:

Spaces are strictly limited and registration is essential.


Please call 1300 677 336

Book Now

Click here to view the seminar flyer

For the past 18 years, InspirationED (formerly HSC in the Holidays) has partnered with leading universities to support Years 11 and 12 students to achieve their best in the HSC. Over 100,000 students have benefited from this program since its inception.

To kick off the school year, InspirationED would like invite you to a free HSC Seminar, run in partnership with UTS and Macquarie University, taking place later this term. The dates and venues are below:

The presentation will be delivered by a former Senior HSC marker and will include insight into the following topics:

Spaces are strictly limited and registration is essential.

Register Today

Click here to view the flyer


Please call 1300 677 336

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students,

The link to the Years 7-12 Assessment Booklets, on the College Website, was emailed to all Parents/ Carers and Students.  

You can also access the link to the Curriculum page of the College Website HERE. Please scroll down to the relevant year group to access the downloadable booklets.

Students are advised to download a copy of their assessment booklet and transfer the key dates for their subjects into their diaries/ calendars.

Dear Parents/Carers and Students in Years 11 and 12

Earlier this week, all students in Years 11 and 12 received their Assessment Schedules. The Assessment Booklets, which outline further details regarding processes and tasks, are currently going through the final checks and will be available on the College website next week.

Parents/Carers and Students will receive an email with a direct link to the page on the College website where they will be able to download the latest version of the schedules plus other relevant information.

Students should ensure that they save a copy of the schedule on their laptop and it is recommended that they add the key dates to their College Diaries.

The Waverley College Parents’ Association warmly invites you to the Year 12 Mother & Son Luncheon.

When: Sunday, 26 March 2023

Time: Midday – 2:30pm

Where: Doltone House, Darling Island Wharf, 48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont

Tickets: $95 per person

Number are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Book Now!

Congratulations on the end of your secondary school life! Please consider donating your uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool, there is a blue donation bin at reception. This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, and at the same time, raising funds for the students of the College through the Parents’ Association.

$30 Buy Back Scheme – Blazer and All Weather Jackets

Did you know that there is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition?

Leave your donations at the Senior School campus reception in the blue Secondhand Clothing Pool donation bin. (If leaving Blazers and All Weather Jackets, please include name and phone number inside the bag, and we will contact you to arrange ‘buy-back.’)

Email us for more information or visit us on Monday mornings or Wednesday afternoons during term.

2022 Opening Hours

2023 Opening Hours

The first day open will be Monday, 30 January 2023, 8:20-9:30am


You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.


For more information or to make an appointment, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool.
(02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.

Secondhand clothing pool donation box

Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box in Senior School Reception


Camille and Kirsten

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators