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We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for English and Science. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.

Please visit the link below to register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!

You now pay for ICAS individually online! To confirm your child’s participation, visit and enter our unique school code FGF377 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments.

Bookings will open during the school holidays for the Years 7-11 Parent/Teacher/ Student Interviews, to be held on Monday, 25 July from 8:30am – 6:30pm, face-to-face in our College Gymnasium.

You will be notified via email once the bookings become available. These will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

Bookings close on Wednesday, 20 July at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we kindly ask that you please:

How do I Login to the Parent Lounge?

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

user id = your Family ID

password = if you cannot remember your password, you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues? Need to confirm your Family ID?

Please email iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Please find in the link below, the half-yearly examination timetable that was sent to Year 7 students at the beginning of Week 3.

>>> Click here to view the YEAR 7 Semester 1 2022 Exam Timetable.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


This is a reminder that the Online NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy will run next week from 10 to 12 May 2022

The NAPLAN timetable can be accessed in the following links:

*It is also recommended that students reboot their laptops on the morning of a test, to minimise issues with the online portal.


At the start of each test, students must line up in base classes in alphabetical order in the Centenary Quad.

Students must bring:

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills).

Students can use the public demonstration site below, to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

>>> Click here to view this public demonstration site.


If you have any questions regarding this practice test, please contact either Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum, Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Assistant Director of Junior School/Curriculum, or Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support.

Additional resources


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Literacy and Numeracy tutorials recommence in the week beginning Monday, 2 May.

Schedule – College Library 3:30-4:30pm


Mr Michael Couani

Head of English


Every year, Waverley places students from Years 5 – 11 in the da Vinci Decathlon, run through Knox Grammar School.

It is a fantastic opportunity to enrich academic studies and extend skills across a range of different domains, such as Art, Science, Creative Producers, English, Ideation, Mathematics, Poetry, Engineering, Cartography, Code Breaking and General Knowledge.

The da Vinci Decathlon is running in Term 2 online from 24 – 26 May, with specific year groups participating on separate days.

Seeking More Years 7 and 8 Students

We are seeking a few more students for a combined Years 7 – 8 team.

If you are interested, please email

Please note, spaces are extremely limited, so students who do not get a spot on the team will be placed on a reserves list.

Do You Need More Information?

For those who have not participated, more information can be found below.

>>> Click here to view further information about the da Vinci Decathlon.


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


Students in Year 7 will participate in a joint Geography and Religion excursion at Centennial Parklands and Wetlands Environmental Education Centre on Monday, 9 May 2022.

Students will undertake activities relating to the ‘Water in the World’ and ‘Stewards of Creation’ units of work.

Parent/Carer permission is required.

>>> Click here to view full excursion information and to complete the Google form permission slip.

I kindly ask all parents/carers to complete the Google form permission slip no later than Monday, 2 May.

Please note, students will walk to the venue from the College and will be dismissed from the venue at 3pm. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the College via email:


Mr Nicholas Sposari

Teacher of HSIE and Religion


From next Monday, 28 March, you will be able to make bookings for the Years 7-11 Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews to be held on Wednesday, 27 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm.

This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge and bookings will close on Tuesday, 26 April at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.

The interviews will be online via Zoom. Instructions and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be sent prior to the session.

These interviews are an opportunity to meet class teachers and to assist students to set goals for the coming term.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five (5) minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we request that you:

How Do I Access the Parent Lounge?

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the term. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

user id = your son’s student ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues? Need to Confirm Your Son’s ID?

Please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.

Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 10 and 13 May 2022

NAPLAN Practice Test Dates

In preparation for NAPLAN Online, our Senior School will be participating in practice tests on Monday, 21 March for Year 5 students from 9am, and Thursday, 24 March for Years 7 and 9 students.

This will provide students with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the test.  It will also give the College an opportunity to check that the correct infrastructure is in place. The practice tests are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked.

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Does My Child Need to Prepare for NAPLAN?

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills).

Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

>>> Click here to view the public demonstration site.

Further Information

>>> Click here to view further information.

Who Can I Contact if I Have Questions About this Practice Test?

If you have any questions regarding this practice test, please contact either Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum, Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Assistant Director of Junior School / Curriculum, or Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support. 

Additional Resources


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


If your son is well-spoken, intelligent, and knowledgeable on current affairs, then he will benefit from choosing Debating as a co-curricular activity during the Winter season. 

Debating can be joined alongside sport, as the competitions take place on Friday nights. Students train two sessions per week week, and these are flexible in order to accommodate students’ other commitments. Debating can also be a standalone Winter co-curricular option.

Each year, the Debating students in Year 12 achieve some of our highest ATAR results, including some of the members of the 2021 Honour Roll. These students compete in Debating their entire time at the College, proving the academic benefits of the activity.

Year 7 at the Catholic Schools' Debating Association Competition

Year 7 at the Catholic Schools’ Debating Association Competition in 2021

Year 8 at the Catholic Schools' Debating Association Competition

Year 8 students displaying rhetorical skill and confidence at the Catholic Schools’ Debating Association Competition in 2021

Waverley College competes in two Debating competitions during the Winter season:

We are currently looking for 10 Year 7 students who would be eager to represent the College in Debating. 

If your son is interested in participating in Debating, please contact the convenor, Ms Emma Halpin at and she will provide your son with more information.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Public Speaking and Debating


Do you often find your son with his head in a book? Does he like science fiction? War stories? Horror? Perhaps he has recently discovered crime fiction.

Parents, your Year 7 sons can come to the library at recess and / or lunch to share and talk about a book they are reading, have read, or to just consider a book they might like to read!

Year 7 Reading Club 2022

Library staff and student leaders will join in to make recess and lunches a place where your sons can connect to literature, have a bit of fun, and meet other students in their year.

Encourage your sons to come along! Biscuits and snacks will be provided, as we sit in a group together to share and inspire.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services

Years 9 and 10 Applied Philosophy Teacher


This is a friendly reminder that the Year 7 Parent / Student Study Skills Evening is scheduled next Tuesday, 1 March, 2022 at 6pm – 7:30pm as outlined in the College Diary.

>>> Click here to view further details about the Year 7 Parent / Student Study Skills Evening.

Please note that, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will be running the session online as a live stream event via ‘Zoom’.

>>> Click here to view the meeting link.

Meeting ID: 852 5717 7100

The password required to join is: study123

Students should ensure that they have an electronic copy of the Family Handout. A hard copy of the Family Handout was also distributed during the Year 7 Assembly this morning, if you and your son would prefer that format.

>>> Click here to view the Family Handout.

This is a compulsory event for all Year 7 students, and the skills will be put into practice as students progress throughout the year.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum
