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The Year 7-10 Semester 1 Report will be available today for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS.

This report provides an overview of your son’s performance in Semester 1 for each subject including: A-E grades for the focus subject outcomes, at least two recommendations and commendations outlining suggested targets and areas of strength for your son, Learner Profile grades and a mark plus cohort average (mean) based on his assessment task(s) for each subject completed up to this point.

Further information about how your son has performed in his cohort is available via the Parent Lounge Analytics. This area provides a box and whiskers graph that allows parents to view the position of their son’s mark in relation to the rest of the cohort in each subject. The box and whiskers plot indicates student groupings by quartile and median.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your family ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Once you log on, select the Academic Reports option from the menu on the left. You will then be presented with a list of available reports. In this case it will be the Year 7-10 Semester One Report where you will be able to download a PDF.

You can also access further analytics regarding your son’s performance across his cohort by going to the [Student Details] drop down menu and selecting [Academic Analytics]. Please note that this will be available approximately 24 hours after the release of these reports.

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at

 If you are unsure of your FamilyID or need assistance logging into the Parent Portal please contact the iAssist Team at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


From Friday 25 June at 12pm you will be able to make bookings for the Year 7-10 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Monday 19 July from 8:30am – 6.30pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will run in two sessions:

Zoom codes will be sent out prior to the session.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings, and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers.

Please ensure that you make bookings with your son’s main teacher in instances where one period is taken by another teacher.

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your family ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at

If you are unsure of your FamilyID or need assistance logging into the Parent Portal please contact the iAssist Team at



Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


This is a friendly reminder that there are subject selection pop in sessions for parents and students of Year 8 on Tuesday 15 June from 6pm – 6:30pm. This is an optional session for any students or parents who have individual questions for Heads of Department following reading the subject selection slides and booklet.  

>>> Click here for the classroom locations for the Subject Information Evening.

Information on the process is included below as per the article that has been in Nurrunga for the last three weeks.

Subject Selection Process for Stage 5

As your sons will be entering Year 9 next year, for the first time they will have some choice over their pattern of study for Years 9 and 10. Over Years 9 and 10, apart from the mandatory subjects, the students study two additional subjects commonly referred to as electives.

Click here for the booklet that outlines the pattern of study that students undertake over Years 9 and 10, including the elective subjects available.

Initially, the College is delivering the information for Subject Selection Information session via the Waverley College website. Click here to access Subject Selection Information.

Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

The actual subject selection process will be done online early next term. Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.

Details on how to do this process will be sent out closer to the time.

The most important thing is that the students are selecting elective subjects that they will enjoy. These are important decisions to make as they will influence the staffing and resourcing decisions the College has to make for the 2022 timetable.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


One of the important components of a Waverley student’s education is participation in the Cadet Program with the Waverley College Cadet Unit. This exciting adventure will be starting in Term 3 for the Year 8 cohort. To give you some understanding of this compulsory co-curricular activity, Year 8 parents are invited to attend an information evening in the PAC on Monday 31 May at 6.30pm. The PAC has a total capacity of 200, so please consider just one parent attending. 


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


As your sons will be entering Year 9 next year, for the first time they will have some choice over their pattern of study for Years 9 and 10. Over Years 9 and 10, apart from the mandatory subjects, the students study two additional subjects commonly referred to as electives.

This Subject Selection Information Booklet Stage 5 (click here) outlines the pattern of study that the students undertake over Years 9 and 10, including the elective subjects available.

Initially, the College is delivering the information for Subject Selection Information sessions via our subject selection website (click here).

Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

In Week 9 this term on Tuesday 15 June, Heads of Department will be available in classrooms onsite from 6pm-6:30pm for you to pop in with any individual questions that you may have following viewing the slides. Specific locations will be provided closer to the time.

The actual subject selection process will be done online early next term. Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.

Details on how to do this process will be sent out closer to the time.

The most important thing is that the students are selecting elective subjects that they will enjoy. These are important decisions to make as they will influence the staffing and resourcing decisions the College has to make for the 2022 timetable.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum



Please click here to access the Year 8 Examination Timetable


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


One of the important components of a Waverley student’s education is participation in the Cadet Program with the Waverley College Cadet Unit. This exciting adventure will be starting in Term 3 for the Year 8 cohort. To give you some understanding of this compulsory co-curricular activity, Year 8 parents are invited to attend an information evening in the PAC on Monday 31 May at 6:30pm.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU



As you know students in Year 8 don’t have an opportunity to study Drama as part of their curriculum. Hence the Drama Department is providing students with an opportunity to watch a performance and participate in a workshop in the final week of Term 2.

Zeal Theatre are coming to perform a play called Meltdown for Year 8, during periods 1 and 2 on Monday 10 May, 2021. Your son will then be withdrawn from one further period during the day, to participate in a Drama devising workshop.

Hopefully this will inspire some students who have forgotten about Drama to choose it as an elective in Year 9. For others, it will be an opportunity to watch an issue-based performance, and participate in a fun, experiential workshop. The workshop aims to give students an opportunity to learn theatrical techniques and work as a team to create an original play and perform it to the rest of the workshop group.

Venue: Waverley College

Date: Monday 10 May 2021

Meeting Time/Place: Braidwood, beginning period 1

Uniform: Full school uniform

Cost: $10.00 (This will be added to your account)

Meltdown Synopsis (from Zeal’s website):

Zeal Theatre’s 50th original production, ‘Meltdown’ deals with fear, depression, anxiety, stress and anger. Zane is 15 and his ‘normal’ family is rife with mental health issues; a Year 12 sister paralysed by fear, a stressed-out Mum, a little sister hooked on Social Media, a baby brother who can’t stop crying, and a volcanic Dad about to explode. With Zeal’s dynamic multi-character acting and blend of music, drama and comedy, Meltdown is a powerful story for all secondary students. 

Meltdown is written and performed by Zeal veterans who play a multitude of characters in a fast-paced production, blending elements of heightened naturalism, expressionism and verbatim theatre.                


Ms Alison Jinga, Head of Drama and Mr Peter Lamb, Drama Teacher




Actor Tom Lycos

Writer, director and performer Tom Lycos

Actor Stefo Nantsou

Writer, director and performer Stefo Nantsou