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An Information Evening has been organised for the India/ Nepal 2024 Tour as follows:

Click here to view more information in the brochure

On Monday, 19 June all Year 9 students will attend a ‘Consent Labs’ workshop during Period 4 in the PAC. Consent forms an important part of the PDHPE syllabus governed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and is taught in the Year 9 course at Waverley College.

Consent falls under the following PDHPE Outcome: PD5-3- analyses factors and strategies that enhance inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships.

The syllabus focus’ for the session will be: What factors enhance inclusivity, equality and respect in relationships?


Click here for more information

Year 9: Consent areas to be explored during the session

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the session.

Assemble Location: PAC
Missed Classes: Period 4 timetabled lesson
Cost: $2.85
Enquiries to: Mr Ben Shorthouse

Year 9 Photography and Digital students are going on an exciting evening ‘Light Painting’ photography workshop with artist and photographer, Peter Solness.

The students will have the opportunity to develop their manual photography skills, using long shutter speed exposures and illumination techniques in Periods 5-6, in the art rooms.

Afterwards, we will experiment with our light painting skills and ‘Paint’ the landscape around The Federation Pavilion in Centennial Park.

When: Tuesday, 13 June 2023.

Where: C12 Art Room for the introduction workshop during Periods 5-6, then Centennial Park for the evening session. Students will meet outside C12 at the end of lunch for the afternoon workshop in Periods 5-6.

Students will meet outside C02 at 5pm sharp to walk to Centennial Park for the evening photography session. We will finish by 7pm sharp at the pedestrian gate at the corner of YORK AND BIRRELL Streets (see map below).

The Parent Pickup Location is marked with a cross.

The Parent Pickup Location is marked with a cross.

Supervision: Parents/carers are advised that there will be no supervision between 3:30pm and 5pm.

Clothing: Students are to be in full school uniform.

Food: Students are strongly advised to pack their own afternoon tea/snacks if they are staying at school from 3:30pm and 5pm.

Parent/Carer Permission: Parent/carer permission is required. Please respond to the notification in the Parent Lounge no later than Monday, 5 June 2023.

Work sample from 2022 Waverley College student

Work sample from 2022 Waverley College student

Dear Parents and Carers

The Years 7-10 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews will be held on Wednesday, 26 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm.

*The booking system will be opened from Monday, 3 April at 5pm and close on Monday, 24 April at 5pm.

Please ensure you book your appointment during this time frame as we will be unable to open the bookings once closed. Bookings will be made via the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will run in two sessions:

Connecting to a Waverley College Zoom Parent Interview

Zoom codes will be sent out prior to the session. The instructional video below has been provided to assist you with accessing the Zoom platform – Connecting to a Waverley College Zoom Parent Interview.

Click here to view the instructional video

You may choose to book your appointments during the face-to-face session or the Zoom session, or you may consider a mixture.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we ask that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers.

Please ensure that you make bookings with your son’s main teacher in instances where one period is taken by another teacher.

The link to the Parent Lounge is below.
user id = email address
password = if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

If you have any technical issues with using the system then you should contact the IT Department on 9369 0784 or email

Congratulations on such a positive start to the NAPLAN testing period on Wednesday with the Writing component.

The remainder of the test sessions are scheduled for next Monday, 20 March to Wednesday, 22 March as per the testing timetable which is available by clicking the button below.

Click here to view the Senior School NAPLAN timetable

Students are reminded to bring their charged laptops, headphones and a pen.

We are seeking Expressions of Interest for an educational and cultural tour to India and Nepal in April 2024. The tour program will focus on aspects of Hinduism and a walk in the footsteps of the Buddha from a Studies of Religion perspective.

The geographical focus will include case studies of urban environments, population demographics, megacities, the impact of tourism and fragile ecosystems. It is anticipated that the tour will include New Delhi, the Taj Mahal, Rajasthan, Varanasi and Kathmandu with an immersive experience in an EREA school.

The tour is open to Waverley College students currently in Years 9, 10 and 11.

To indicate your expression of interest, please click the button below to complete the Google Form.

Click here to indicate your expression of interest



Please contact Ms Martina Cooper or Mr Adam Wallington.

There will be an Information Night early in Term 2 to provide further details.

A reminder that our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 15 and 24 March 2023.

As per the timetable below:

Click here to view the NAPLAN timetable

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online, as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills).

Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

If you have any questions regarding this test, please email either:


Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to remind you that our CANVAS Learning Management System is open for Years 5 – 12 parents and carers, in lieu of a Term 1 progress report.

This enables parents and carers to be notified when students receive assessment task notifications and results for assessment tasks in real-time, rather than waiting for a static report snapshot.

Further information on the purpose of launching this system, instructions for access, and an outline of what parents and carers can access, can be viewed in the short video below that we released in 2022.

Easier Method for Parent/Carer Sign In

We now have an easier method to sign in for parents/carers via our SSO. Please make sure you save this weblink to your Internet browser for easy access to the login page.

The weblink is:


Click here to view the login page

Do You Need Technical Support?

If so, please email iAssist outlining the issue, or use the CANVAS Helpdesk, found on the dashboard of your CANVAS page.

You are invited to a ‘Study in the US’ live, virtual information session. The session will cover the application process as well as the higher education system in the United States.

A brief Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Where: Online

When: Tuesday, 21 March, 6pm AEDT

If you’re interested in learning more about a US university pathway, please click the button below to register.

Register Today


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Whilst our boys are at AFX Cadet camp, let’s catch up!!

Click here to book tickets

In line with the PDHPE curriculum, all students in Year 9 will be participating in ballroom dancing lessons and an evening of dance during Week 7 of Term 1. The dance will be conducted in association with St Clare’s College and led by the Joan Carmody School of Dance.

Event Details

Monday, 13 and Tuesday, 14 March 2023 – Lessons in Periods 1 and 2

Ballroom dancing lessons will be conducted in the Brother Lacey Gymnasium at Waverley College during Periods 1 and 2. All students are required to bring their PE shoes to change into.

Wednesday, 15 March 2023 – Evening Dance 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Students will participate in an organised dance with St Clare’s College. The dance will begin promptly at 6:30pm and will conclude at 8.30pm. Students are requested to wear collared shirts, long pants and trainers. The dance will be supervised by both Waverley and St Clare’s staff members. Students are required to get their name marked off as they enter the dance.

This is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn the skills of ballroom dancing and to enjoy a social evening with their peers. Boys are reminded that they will be representing the College and therefore normal school expectations for behaviour and cooperation will apply.

Should you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to email me at the College at 

Ballroom Dancing with St Clare's College 2022

Ballroom Dancing with St Clare’s in 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 15 and 24 March 2023

Years 5 and 7 students will sit their test in Periods 1-2 and Year 9 students will sit their test in Periods 3-4.

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills). 

Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

Please click on this link 2023 NAPLAN Online – Information for parents and carers sheet for further information. 

If you have any questions regarding this practice test, please contact either Ms Lynsey Porter (Director of Curriculum), Ms Charlotte Stephens (Assistant Director of Curriculum) (Junior School), or Mr David Parnell (Head of Learning Support).

Additional resources:

Furthermore, if parents or carers are interested in learning about strategies to support their son through NAPLAN, our Head of Academic Enrichment, Ms Helen Barrie, has prepared an informative webinar below.

View Our New NAPLAN Informational Webinar From Ms Helen Barrie, Head of Academic Enrichment

Please take the time to view our impressive new nine-minute webinar where Ms Barrie outlines the Waverley College strategy for supporting student confidence in the lead up to NAPLAN testing.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum