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As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 9 Elevate Session, Study Skills Kickstart will be held in Period 1 on Tuesday, 21 February, 2023.

Students are asked to arrive promptly at the following allocated rooming:

Year 9 Elevate Study Skills Kickstart in Period 1

Students are required to bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Elevate Also Offers Free Parent / Carer Webinars

The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

Click here to register now

Click here for further information

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students,

The link to the Years 7-12 Assessment Booklets, on the College Website, was emailed to all Parents/ Carers and Students.  

You can also access the link to the Curriculum page of the College Website HERE. Please scroll down to the relevant year group to access the downloadable booklets.

Students are advised to download a copy of their assessment booklet and transfer the key dates for their subjects into their diaries/ calendars.

Dear  Parents and Carers,

As referenced in the Year 8 Assessment Booklets, there are some mandatory subjects where classes are streamed to ensure that students are supported appropriately and according to their needs. These subjects are Mathematics Years 7-10, English Year 9-10, and Science Years 9-10.

An overview for each of these subjects is outlined below:


Year 9

Class Structure
2 & 6 Streamed top classes of equal aptitude
1,3, 5-9 Mixed ability classes of equal aptitude

Year 10

Class Structure
1 Top streamed class
2 & 3 Streamed classes of equal aptitude
5-9 Mixed ability classes of equal aptitude


Year 7

The Year 7 cohort study Mathematics across two lines. Classes 1- 4 are graded on one line and classes 5-9 are graded on their line.

The grading is as follows within their line:

Line 1 Line 2
07MA01 07MA05
07MA02 07MA06
07MA03 07MA07
07MA04 07MA08

After the completion of the Term 1 Mathematics assessment task, the Mathematics Department will spend considerable time and effort to ensure that all students have been placed in the appropriate class.

Year 8

Class Structure
1 Accelerated (by invitation only)
2 Extension Class
3 & 4 Graded
5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Mixed ability

Please note that in Year 7 our students study Mathematics on two different lines. If your son was in, for example, 7MA04 last year and is now in 08MA06, this does not mean he has been “demoted”. In Year 7, Maths classes are streamed across two lines (1-4 and 5-9) however, in Year 8, the full cohort is graded across all nine classes.

Year 9

The structure for the Year 9 Mathematics classes for 2023 is as follows:

Class Structure
09MAA.01 Accelerated (by invitation only)
09MAL3.01 & 09MAL3.02 Study Level 3 Mathematics and are graded.
09MAL2.01 Study Level 2 Mathematics and is graded.
09MAL2.02, 09MAL2.03, 09MAL2.04 Mixed ability and studying Level 2 Mathematics
09MAL1.01 & 09MAL1.02 Mixed ability studying Level 1 Mathematics

Year 10

The structure for the Year 10 Mathematics classes for 2023 is as follows:

Class Structure
10MAA.01 Accelerated (by invitation only)
10MAL3.01 Extension
10MAL3.02 Studying Level 3 Mathematics
10MAL2.01 Studying Level 2/3 Mathematics
10MAL2.02, 10MAL2.03, 10MAL2.04 Study Level 2 Mathematics and are graded.


10MAL1.01,10MAL1.02 Mixed ability and studying Level 1 Mathematics.


Year 9

Class Structure
1 & 5 Both streamed top classes
2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 Equal mixed ability classes

Year 10

Class Structure
1 & 5 Both streamed top classes
2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 Equal mixed ability classes


If you have any questions, please contact the relevant Heads of Department who will be able to assist.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students in Years 7-10

The Years 7-10 Assessment Booklets are currently going through the final checks and will be available on the College website next week.

Parents/Carers and Students will receive an email with a direct link to the page on the College website, where they will be able to download the latest version of the schedules plus other relevant information.

Students should ensure that they save a copy of the schedule on their laptop, and it is recommended that they add the key dates to their College Diaries.

As the Term and College year are now officially finished and with some students having been away over the last couple of weeks, the Book Hire Room will be open 8am-4pm, as well as a crate placed at the Senior School Reception from Monday, 5 December until Wednesday, 7 December for any outstanding textbooks that need to be returned.

Thank you so much for all your help and wishing everyone happy holidays!

One more week left until the end of the term and end of the school year. With all exams done and dusted, assessments handed in and the summer holidays just around the corner, it’s time for all textbooks and English novels to be returned to Book Hire!

As such, if everyone can please ensure that ALL their textbooks have been returned by no later than Wednesday, 30 November, that would be greatly appreciated.

Please note that Book Hire is open Monday-Thursday, 8am-4pm, with the library as the second drop off point if needed.

A HUGE thank you to all students who have been diligent and returned their books already :)


Thank you to all those parents/carers and students who were able to attend our 2023 Immersion Information Night on Tuesday.

For all those who are interested, but were unable to attend, everyone should have received a summary of the information.

Please note the closing date for applications is Monday, 21 November.

If you missed this important Information Night, you can learn about costing, expected itineraries, and also view the videos and information given on the night, by clicking the button below.

2023 Immersions Information

I look forward to having students take up these life-changing experiences.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation

Bravo and congratulations to our Year 9 students for completing all exams over the last couple of weeks!

With the end of the school year in sight, we kindly ask that all Year 9 students ensure they bring to school or check their lockers for any outstanding textbooks, due for return in Week 7A, starting next Monday, 21 November.

Please note that all textbooks are to be returned no later than Monday, 28 November!

Thank you to all students who have been proactive in returning their textbooks already.

Current Parents/Carers and Students of Years 9 and 10, are invited to an Immersion Information Night on Tuesday, 15 November in the PAC, starting at 6pm, if they are interested in participating in any Immersions in 2023.

At the moment, we are currently organising immersions for Timor-Leste, Fiji and Red Earth Cape York. All information regarding costing and expected itineraries, will be discussed on the night.

These wonderful formation opportunities are a privilege to be part of, as we work to build relationships with the communities we visit. As such, places will be limited, and students will need to undergo an interview process for selection.

I look forward to having students take up these life-changing experiences and hope to see you there.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation

The NSW School of Languages is a distance education school run by the Department of Education that offers 12 languages for study from Years 9-12. The courses are taught in a blended mode, including online coursework (completed during the scheduled school study lessons in the library), and a weekly 20-minute speaking lesson (delivered online).

The languages available in 2024 are: 

Enrolments are being accepted for students from Waverley College who would like to study an accredited course with NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) and in Years 11 and 12 which count towards your ATAR.

NSW School of Languages Course Information

Application Form for 2024

Should you require further specific details about your course of interest, please view the NSW School of Languages website or contact Ms Quintana via email or on 02 9369 0619.



Ms Priscilla Quintana

Head of Languages

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

4pm – 5:30pm

Waverley College Senior Library

In this inaugural Speed Mentoring Event, illustrious Waverley College Alumni will advise and mentor students on study, pathways and professions. Our mentors represent various backgrounds that extend to engineering, physiotherapy, leadership, IT, investment, sport, finance, business, entrepreneurism, and communications.

A panel discussion will be followed by dynamic one-on-one mentoring where students will gain insights and be inspired by Waverley graduates who are now hugely successful in their chosen careers. Come prepared with any questions you may want to ask.

Speed mentoring event

Don’t miss this important opportunity to learn about the future of work and how to maximise your potential!

This event is open to all interested students.

Light refreshments will be available in the Library from 3:30pm.

Please RSVP here by Monday, 8 August.

Enquiries, please email Ms Venettia Miller.


We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for Years 7-10 Science and English. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment.

This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online in school time and sitting dates commence in Term 3.

How to Register and Pay

Please visit the link below before Monday, 1 August to register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!

You now pay for ICAS individually online.

>>> Click here to register and enter our unique school code FGF377 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments.


Ms Emily Pace and Ms Andrea Fernandez

Assistant Head of Science, Assistant Head of English

