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This week our Year 9 students had the valuable opportunity to attend a workshop on Study Skills Kickstart by Elevate.

The workshop covered:

Year 9 Elevate Study Skills Program

Year 9 Learning Valuable Study Skills

Year 9 Elevate Study Skills Program

Student Participation Was Key to this Successful Session

Would You Like to Learn More About Junior Seminars?

>>> Click here to view Junior Seminars at Elevate Education.

Elevate work with our students in Years 9-11 during key times throughout the year.

Free Webinars for Parents and Carers

Elevate also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings. Parents and carers can click on the link below to register.

>>> Click here to register for the free parent/carer webinar series.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 9 Elevate Session – Kick Start – is held during Period 1 on Tuesday, 15 February, 2022. Students will attend the session in the following venues in House Groups:

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Further details can be found in the link below:

>>> Click here to view more information about Junior Seminars at Elevate Education.

Free Parent/Carer Webinars

Elevate work with our students in Years 9-11 at key times in the year, and they also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

How to Register for Free Parent/Carer Webinars

>>> Click here to view registration information for free Elevate webinars.

All Year 9 students will be attending this session during their timetabled lesson in Period 1.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Assessment Schedules for 2022 are now available for students in Year 9 here, and on the College website. Students should download a copy of their schedule, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.  

>>> Click here to view the Year 9 Assessment Booklet.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Book Hire Textbook Return Process 2021

Students in Year 9 need to return their texts to the Book Hire office during Week 8, once their Semester 2 tasks are completed.

These books need to be returned during the dates scheduled below, to ensure that the return is COVID-safe. Students should ensure that they have their books in their lockers ready to return on their scheduled date.

Books to Return

If a student is absent during the scheduled period, they must make arrangements to return their books as soon as possible.

Book Hire Opening Hours


Students who need to return books outside of these times, may use the returns crate which will be located at the entrance to the Library.

All books must be returned by Monday, 29 November.

If you have any questions please contact Ms Nikki Pearce on 02 9369 0636 or


Ms Nikki Pearce

Book Hire Coordinator


Thank you to our Year 12 SRC Captains and Prefects who organised a basketball competition for our Year 8 students on Wednesday. The Year 8s who participated were an enthusiastic group of young men who enjoyed both the competition and music provided. Thanks to all who attended.

Next week, the Year 9 competition will be held on Wednesday in the Gym. We look forward to seeing all of Year 9 there.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Year 8 Basketball Comp a Success!

Year 8 Basketball Comp a Success!

Thanks Year 12 SRC!

Thanks Year 12 SRC!

To assist all students in their return to face-to-face learning this term, Heads of Department and their teams have carefully reviewed the assessment task programs for students in Years 7-10 in accordance with NESA guidelines. Students were scheduled to sit examinations in Weeks 5-6, but this has now been adjusted with the following considerations:

Please rest assured that Heads of Department have also worked with each other to ensure a balance across the expectations for tasks due in the same week. 

Students should reach out to their teachers, Heads of Department or Heads of House if they need any support with the assessments that are due.  

Adjusted Assessment Schedule

>>> Click here to view Year 7 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.

>>> Click here to view Year 8 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.

>>> Click here to view Year 9 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.

>>> Click here to view Year 10 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Although we are learning online, students are still able to complete their Duke Of Edinburgh from home! Students are required to complete one hour a week of physical recreation, a skill and a service. Here are some ideas for your son to consider in order to maintain his award progress whilst in lockdown:

Physical Activity

Now more than ever we need to ensure we are consistently getting up and moving our bodies. 

Track your fitness progress

Track your fitness progress over time


There are many ideas for learning a new skill at home! Here are a few:

Senior School student practicing his guitar during a music class

Learn a new musical skill at home


A reminder that your log must be at least 1-2 sentences explaining your participation. Don’t forget to download the ORB Participant app for quick logging! 


Ms Gemma Brown

Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader


Bookings are open for the Years 7-10 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Monday 19 July from 8:30am-6.30pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will run in two sessions: 8.30am-11.30am and 12.45pm-6.30pm. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both sessions will now be conducted online via Zoom.

Zoom codes will be sent out prior to the session.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers. 

Please ensure that you make bookings with your son’s main teacher in instances where one period is taken by another teacher.

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

user id = Your family ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


The Year 7-10 Semester 1 Report will be available today for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS.

This report provides an overview of your son’s performance in Semester 1 for each subject including: A-E grades for the focus subject outcomes, at least two recommendations and commendations outlining suggested targets and areas of strength for your son, Learner Profile grades and a mark plus cohort average (mean) based on his assessment task(s) for each subject completed up to this point.

Further information about how your son has performed in his cohort is available via the Parent Lounge Analytics. This area provides a box and whiskers graph that allows parents to view the position of their son’s mark in relation to the rest of the cohort in each subject. The box and whiskers plot indicates student groupings by quartile and median.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your family ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Once you log on, select the Academic Reports option from the menu on the left. You will then be presented with a list of available reports. In this case it will be the Year 7-10 Semester One Report where you will be able to download a PDF.

You can also access further analytics regarding your son’s performance across his cohort by going to the [Student Details] drop down menu and selecting [Academic Analytics]. Please note that this will be available approximately 24 hours after the release of these reports.

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at

 If you are unsure of your FamilyID or need assistance logging into the Parent Portal please contact the iAssist Team at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


From Friday 25 June at 12pm you will be able to make bookings for the Year 7-10 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Monday 19 July from 8:30am – 6.30pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will run in two sessions:

Zoom codes will be sent out prior to the session.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five minutes’ duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings, and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between meetings with the teachers.

Please ensure that you make bookings with your son’s main teacher in instances where one period is taken by another teacher.

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents in Term 1.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your family ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at

If you are unsure of your FamilyID or need assistance logging into the Parent Portal please contact the iAssist Team at



Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Please click here to access the Year 9 Examination Timetable


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum



Students in Years 5, 7 9 will be participating in the annual NAPLAN tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy online this year between Tuesday 11 May and Thursday 13 May. Students must bring their fully charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Click here for NAPLAN Parent Information Pack

Click here for NAPLAN Timetable 2021

Students are encouraged to click on this link to practise for the tests

They should try out the online tools including calculator, protractor and  ruler, as well as text magnification and flags.


Should you have any questions regarding this practice test please contact either:

Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum and Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support

