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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


O’Connor House Mass

From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis


O’Connor House Mass

Last Friday, 16 June, 2017, the O’Connor House Mass was celebrated by College Chaplain Fr Milani. This House Mass had special significance in that it was Fr Milani’s final House Mass as he is retiring at the end of this Term.

Fr Martin Milani with Angus Mattick, Prefect of Spirituality


The Readings (1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 and Matthew 5:13-16) mirrored the theme Strength through Diversity – Let Your Light Shine in Front of Others with O’Connor Prefect of Spirituality, Angus Mattick, connecting this message with the Waverley College environment in his Reflection.

Other features of this Mass included the Entry Procession, featuring the new Touchstone Banners, the Gospel Procession, which included symbolic lamps and a ‘bushel basket’ and the Communion Reflection Song Burn Bright by Natalie Grant. I would like to thank the staff and students responsible for their organisation and specific roles during the Mass. Our House Masses now begin at 8.20 am which gives parents an opportunity to attend and it was wonderful to see parents at the O’Connor House Mass. All parents are most welcome.

The next House Mass is the Quinn House Mass which is to take place on Friday 28 July, 2017 at 8.20am.


Reflection from O’Connor Prefect of Spirituality, Angus Mattick

In our House, O’Connor, as well as throughout the whole school, we must be able to recognise the unique qualities of every person, and realise that all our talents and differences contribute to making our school a better place. This concept is established in the passage we’ve just heard very clearly.

This is reflected in today’s Gospel: “You are the salt of the earth but if salt has lost its taste how can its saltiness be restored? ….You are the light of the World”. The passage implies that within a group of people there is a diverse range of gifts and talents. Everyone possesses the power to change their lives and contribute to the community by letting their talents ‘shine before others’ and by using them to the best of their ability. We have everything here at Waverley: the most important of these are opportunities to express strength and individuality. We have opportunities to excel in academia, sport, social justice, technology, drama, music and countless other areas. Imagine what we could achieve as a community if we were able to join all our talents and qualities together?

All members of the community have countless opportunities to express their strengths and talents. Here at Waverley there are copious opportunities that are available for everyone:

  • You may have strength in sport
  • A strive for academic achievements
  • A willingness to help others through social justice programs and immersions
  • The ability to express yourself in the areas of performing arts
  • Or maybe you’re more of a hands-on person and prefer to create ideas from scratch.

These are just a few opportunities for you to express your gifts to others.

Look towards the front. In the processions, we saw 4 candles being moved individually in front of you. In a way, these singular candles represent each of us, unique and diverse. However, if you combine the flames, you amass an unhindered light. This is exactly what the theme of this today’s mass is:

Strength Through Diversity – Let Your Light Shine In Front Of Others.

Each member of this house has their own role in contributing to the greater whole. This can could be seen in our weekly House Assemblies: the initiative of one Home Group actually running the assembly without the help of Mr Barr or any of the prefects is very impressive. This was recently seen with Mr Roberts’ and Mr Soden’s Home Groups. Each member has to work together collaborating and using all their skill sets to create a successful meeting. It’s this kind of unity that we require in this House if we are to have strength through diversity. We should applaud those who express their individual qualities, and those that exceed in them and this should be celebrated and shared with all members of O’Connor.

On the back of the booklet in front of you is a list of quotes from a variety of globally known figures, from Benjamin Franklin to the famous author, Stephen King. These quotes optimise this idea of letting your personal light shine and using your talent to the best of your ability. Just take a minute after this assembly to read and reflect on them. In my opinion one of the most significant quotes is from Benjamin Franklin; “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?”


Ferociter Anima Gloria. Spirit, Soul, Pride. Our own motto emphasizes the Willingness, Dignity and Power of all to represent our House; the courage and determination to continue and pursue success and power together by uniting and never giving up. Never give up, let your light shine, and embrace strength through diversity.


Australian Catholic Youth Festival

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is taking place on 7-9 December 2017, mainly at Homebush in Sydney.

For further information, please click HERE.