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O’Connor House Report – Term 2, 2019

From Head of O’Connor House, Matthew Barr

As we come to the end of another busy, yet rewarding term, it seems like it was a long time ago that we kicked the term off with a School Assembly, acknowledging the Winter Co-Curricular 1st Team Squads and Captains. It was great for the school to gather and show our support and celebration of these students in their chosen sporting endeavours. Congratulations to Andrew Tinellis, Noah Pearce and Marko Dundovic who were selected as Captains for their Sport/Activity. All students have worked hard for a number of years to reach the pinnacle of their chosen sports at Waverley.

The 2019 College Musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ certainly did not disappoint. Audiences were treated to a fantastic array of music, song and dance – with a number of members in O’Connor House displaying their vast musical talents and dazzling us with their onstage performances. Special mention to Roman Kotecsky who played a lead role in the musical. O’Connor also had on stage two Year 8 students, Pierre Bourel and Mitchell Cahill, whom I am sure will have learned a great deal and they are sure to have a big role in future musicals.Part of the Production crew to help ensure everything ran smoothly backstage included: Brock Preston, Eddie Williamson, Riley James Cebokli, Oscar Rowson, Jordan Hulme and Patrick Chan.

Mid-Year Prefects were announced to assist our leaders for the remainder of 2019. Congratulations to Patrick Kite and Grayson Thomas on their promotion into this position, we know that you will lead with willingness and positivity. Great reward for continuing to be positive and leading by example after missing out on initial appointments.

Year 12 receiving their candles at the O’Connor House Mass

O’Connor House Mass was held in the College Chapel in Week 5, it was a night of reverence, prayer and community gathering. It was fantastic to see so many parents from both the Senior and Junior schools in attendance to celebrate our Catholic faith. The new format of a night-time mass followed by a supper seemed highly valuable in parents, teachers and students continuing to build links and embrace our sense of community. I would like to thank the House Prefects for organising and special thanks to Father Bernie Thomas for leading the mass.

Constructing Solar Buddies

Once again O’Connor House raised funds and constructed the Solar Buddies for energy for regions of poverty. This year our students will take them on the upcoming Timor Leste Immersion to donate to students and families. The students constructed the Solar Buddies during House Assembly time and this allowed the students to work together to create the finished product.

Indeed a highlight of this Term has been the support of a first time College initiative, Running for Premature Babies. O’Connor students Riley James Cebokli, Sebastian Richardson, Nickita Hatjinikitas and Andrew Tinellis all raised funds and participated in the SMH Half Marathon. Andrew raised nearly $1000 towards the charity which was a great achievement for a very worthy cause.

The College Athletics Carnival at ES Marks was during the last week of the term. It was fantastic to once again have the Junior School as part of the carnival. Highlights of the day were winning the House Relay and Tug-o-War with a representative from each year group contributing towards the victories. It was a wonderful display of House spirit and teamwork.

To cap off the end of term we congratulated the following students at the Head of College Assembly. Luke Mclellan, MacKenzie Flitcroft, Patrick Healey, Julian Tee and Jake Perks all received Head of College Awards for continual high standards across all subjects and attitude towards their learning. Well done boys.

As we move towards the midpoint of the school year, I would like to wish everyone a restful and recharging break and especially wish those Year 12 students preparing for their HSC Trial examinations strength and motivation to stay focused on the task at hand.

A special mention to the students attending the Timor Leste and Red Earth Immersions during the holiday break and early Term 3, may the experiences bring you much growth and reward in your personal journeys.

I look forward to continuing to build on the strong start made by everyone and thank the O’Connor mentors and students for their support and hard work during the First Semester.