We congratulate Cadet of the Week, SGT Caleb Urquhart, who has been working really hard to get to know his recruits online and making his lessons engaging and interactive. Three weeks into online learning and we can all sympathise that this is not an easy task. Well done, Caleb!

SGT Caleb Urquhart
After the first three weeks of participation, 7 Platoon is ahead in the Platoon Points Competition. Remember, attendance, participation and engagement all count towards points from week to week. Bonus points are also up for grabs. The platoon with the most points upon our return wins the Pizza and Popcorn Party.
This week’s training starts looking at the skills recruits need for Bivouac and AFX by covering Health and Hygiene in the Field and the principles of First Aid, while our Seniors in Support Company are enjoying a Company-based activity in an Online Escape Room.
I wish everyone a safe and healthy week.
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au