Read more: Cadet of the Week, Space Escape, Lunge for Legacy.
Cadet of the Week
Congratulations to our Cadet of the Week – SGT Sarah Teitler of 6PL. Sarah’s approach to online learning has been exemplary. She engages well with her recruits from week to week, and her passion for Cadets and the care she shows for her platoon is excellent. Well done, Sarah!
Recruits last week learnt the safe and economical way to pack a pack ready for AFX, so important for Company morale and efficiency. I was really impressed with the submissions to the assessment with the top points going to:
- REC Lachlan Isaac – 6PL
- REC James Peate – 8PL
- REC Juliette St Clair – 10PL
Space Escape!
In lieu of the Archery and Laser Tag activities planned for Cadets in Term 3, our recruits will take turns with an Online Escape Room over the next three weeks. This will add a bit of variety to our training, and provide an excellent team-building platform for Company bonding.
Lunge for Legacy
I am proud to announce that the Cadet Unit will be raising funds for Legacy during September through Lunge for Legacy 2021.
>>> Click here to read more about Lunge for Legacy 2021.
This activity is open anyone who would like to support the families of our veterans who are coping with the consequences of suicide.
Our Companies will compete against each other in the online environment, seeing who can do the most lunges and who can raise the most funds. Service is a key tenet to Australian Army Cadets and we are proud that our Company Commanders are contributing to the community in such a meaningful way.
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au