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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Online Cadets

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow 


Read more: Cadet of the Week, Space Escape, Cadet uniform issue for recruits, Lunge for Legacy.

Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to our equal Cadets of the Week – CPL Campbell Porteus of 7PL and CPL Aodhan Williams of 9PL.

Just one term into their new rank positions as Corporals, these young men have demonstrated excellent leadership and compassion as Section Commanders.

CPL Williams has been consistently impressive, week after week, in teaching and engaging with his recruits with energy.

CPL Porteus worked particularly well, looking after his section on Friday, in difficult circumstances. His Company Commander was very impressed with his command of the situation.

Well done, gentlemen!

So many nominations!

We have so many nominations for Cadet of the Week every week (which is a great problem to have!). With one more week of Cadets to go this term, not everyone will get a mention here, but I thank all our rank and recruits who have engaged with their platoons with diligence and spark. All Company Commanders have noticed a significant improvement in rapport and engagement across the term. Let’s keep those connections going as we head into Term 4.

Space Escape

This week, C Company and 5 Platoon will enjoy a break from the CDC as they compete against each other, and the clock, in the virtual Space Escape Room. The rest of the Unit will continue their lessons in the field skills required for AFX 2022, and the RSM will start teaching static drill to develop skills in self-discipline, self-monitoring and team building.

Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits

As we head into Term 4 in the online environment for the first five weeks, we will take this opportunity to issue Cadet Uniform and Camp Supplies to our new recruits in a COVID-friendly manner. Please check out the ‘Action Items’ section of this Newsletter for further details.

Lunge for Legacy

A reminder to the College community that it is not too late to support your son’s Company in our service to Lunge for Legacy. A Company is leading the charge with monies raised and Support Company with lunges completed:

>>> Click here for A Company.

>>> Click here for B Company.

>>> Click here for C Company.

>>> Click here for D Company.

>>> Click here for SPT Company.

>>> Click here for RHQ.

Lunge for Legacy 2021


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
