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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Online Cadets Continues

Commanding Officer Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

With news just to hand that the online environment will continue for another four weeks, we are looking at novel ways of engaging our cadets, while still teaching them the skills they need for our return.

Online Escape Room to be Trialed

Some of our most popular options on Friday afternoons include Laser Tag and the Climbing Wall which are obviously not feasible in the current climate. Instead, we are trialling an online Escape Room for our Seniors as a team building exercise and, if successful, we will open this up to the rest of the Unit. In the meantime, our Training Officer is busy pulling together video demonstrations and online presentations to be uploaded from week to week, to teach the many field skills required in the lead up to Bivouac.


Bivouac is now planned for 17-19 September, which is the first weekend of the school holidays. To parents who have already booked holidays for this time, please do not be concerned. We understand completely, given the short notice possible.

New Recruits

To all our new recruits, I would encourage you to keep connected with your platoons. It will make Unit Parades so much more enjoyable upon our return if you spend time getting to know your Corporals and Sergeants and Staff.

Stay safe.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
