From the Head of Science, Gary Kennedy
Congratulations to Year 12 student Cameron Walker on being selected by the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) to attend the National University of Singapore Summer Science Camp (NUS SSC) in June of this year. NUS SSC includes inspiring lecture series and laboratory sessions conducted by experienced university professors, visits to NUS’s state of the art research centres, and an opportunity to network with students from around the world and expand cultural horizons.
Cameron’s selection followed on from his attendance at the NYSF 2017 January Sessions. The NYSF aims to encourage young people to continue studying science related subjects in university and to build careers in the various science, technology and engineering fields and has been operating for more than 30 years.
Cameron was selected to attend the NYSF by the Rotary Club of Bondi Junction who also supported him financially in his attendance. Each year, the NYSF facilitates participation in a number of similar international programs for young Australians in year 12. In 2017, over 50 NYSF students will be heading off during the year for one of these opportunities.