The Secondhand Clothing Pool is in desperate need of several items — which really means that fellow parents and carers are in need of those.
We are getting many enquiries for the following items with close to no stock available for sale:
- blazers
- jumpers
- long trousers (sizes 10, 12, 14, 16)
- PE jackets
- trackpants (all sizes)
- all weather jackets
- hoodies.
There is a ‘buy back’ option, with $30 paid for blazers and All-weather jackets in great condition.
Please check your sons’ wardrobes for items that have been outgrown and can be passed on. The more we can sell, the more parents and carers are able to donate back what their sons have outgrown. Let’s get this cycle moving again!
All donations (not only the above specified items) are gratefully received, with profits from sales going straight back into the College to benefit all students via the Parents’ Association.
*These funds also enable the ‘Legacy Fund’ which pays for new uniform items for one or several students in need every year.
Donations can be left in the blue box to the left of the Senior School reception desk.
We thank you very much for your generosity!
Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators
Camille and Kirsten