From the Senior Library
Waverley College Library provides the students with access to an awesome eBooks collection, using the popular Overdrive Platform. Students can access a variety of top quality eBooks, from the classics to epic fantasy to down-to-earth stories about everyday lives.
eBooks are great for those looking for some holiday reading, as you can borrow the books without leaving your front door! All you need is a comparable device, for example your MacBook Air and your college logon details.
But, wait!
There’s More!
The eBooks you borrow from the Waverley College Overdrive Collection will be automatically returned! So that means no late fees! No going out into the rain to put it in a return chute, at like 12am in the morning, just to avoid a fine!
Are You Doing the Premier’s Reading Challenge?
Then why not check out the Overdrive Main Page for some awesome suggestions. Either check out the suggestions on the front page, or go to Collections – Premier’s Reading Challenge to see the whole list.
To access the Waverley College Library Overdrive collection, check out the e-Resources page on the Library Community Haiku or see a member of the Library Team.