L-R Linda McGuiggan (2018 Vice President), Hayley O'Sullivan (2018 Secretary), Mary Ramsay (2018 President), Graham Leddie (Head of College), Christina Fragias (2017 Treasurer) and Greg Bodkin (2017 President)
From 2017 Parent Association President, Greg Bodkin
President’s Report for 2017
The final meeting for the Waverley College Parents Association for 2017 was held on Tuesday 14 November, where we closed the year by acknowledging our hard working team and electing an enthusiastic new group to represent parents and carers next year. Below is the report I gave to the meeting and a list of your new Parent Association Executive and Committee.
This year’s meeting sees the end of my tenure as President of the Parent Association for Waverley College. It has been a privilege to have been afforded the opportunity to work with the college community over the past three years in this role and for a number of years beforehand as Vice President. I believe we have been able to build on the foundations of previous committees and progress the college community as a truly valuable part of the college ecosystem.
Quietly reflecting on this year, we saw many highlights including:-
- Start of year cocktail party
- Regular Parent Association sponsored guest speaker meetings
- The return of the Blue and Gold Ball.
- Parent’s survey and feedback to Head of College
The one change I am particularly pleased with for this year was the integration of the Mothers’ Club and Parents’ and Friends’ Association into the new Parent Association and the establishment of the Parent and Past Parent Year Representatives. One year on, I believe this is a really positive change and the year-based functions organised by the Parent Year Representatives was another way in which the college community continues to build.
The work and support of all parents across our functions, special events and social gatherings is really well appreciated. The goal of the Parent Association is to support the community engagement element of the schools strategic plan and having a strong parent representation and participation is a great enabler.
I would like to thank all of the Parent Representatives and my Executive team members for their contribution to the college community over 2017. Without your passion and commitment to supporting the many events that take place these would not occur and our college community would not be the inclusive and important part of college offering as it is today. To each and every one of you many thanks.
I would also like to thank Patsy Thompson and Sandy Templeton-Martin from the Clothing Pool for their sustained support and coordination of this very important service back to the college, they’re report showed how valuable a contribution this is to the college. I would also like to thank Donna Drew for representing past parents and continuing the RUOK? traditional event at the college. To continue to be involved and active in the college community even though you have no son studying is something for which we are very grateful.
I would also like to recognise and thank the college staff who generously give their time to support the function of the Parents Association. Jennifer Divall, Rebecca Curran, Suzi Wright, Bryn Gregerson, John Kara and Graham Leddie are all very strong supporters and contributors to our association.
A number of the current executive will be stepping down after a number of years of service. So in particular to Kathy Davies and Christina Fragias, thank you for the outstanding contributions you have each made to the Parent Association and Waverley College.
I believe the Parent Association has plenty of opportunity to grow and improve. I know with confidence that the next executive will be able to take the foundations we have built and continue the evolution of the association so that it continues to add value and build a strong sense of college community.
I see a number of potential areas for growth, which could include working more closely with supporter groups to enable a truly coordinated association of parents working to support the strategic goals of the college. I also believe there is a need to define and implement a process for the allocation of the annual parent levies to projects that support the strategic plan for the school. I am also sure that the Parent and Past Parent reps in their second year will continue to make a great contribution. These ideas I will leave with the incoming executive to review and pursue if justified.
Finally, all the best for 2018, I will not be too far away and look forward to staying involved albeit in a College Board member capacity next year.
Waverley College Parents Association 2018
Congratulations to our new team:
President – Mary Kate Ramsay
Vice President – Lisa Sullivan-Smith
Vice President – Linda McGuiggan
Secretary – Hayley O’Sullivan
Treasurer – Deb Johnson
Year Parent Representatives
Year 5 – Steph van Dam, Jade Stapleton, Rozy Dorizas
Year 6 – Nicole Bowman, Rozy Dorizas, Fran Vivieaere-Bates
Year 7 – Stephanie Schofield, Chantelle Lyons, Lisa Mullins, Naomi Isaac, Carolyn Palmer
Year 8 – Liz O’Neill, Violetta Elliot
Year 9 – Clare Corban, Nora Shahinian, Liz Clothier
Year 10 – Sarah Hope, Maureen Andrews
Year 11 – Lamya Sadi, Suzie Ruse, Rox De Luca, Luke Gardiner
Year 12 – Linda McGuiggan, Maureen Andrews
Past Students – Donna Drew
Clothing Pool – Patsy Thompson, Sandy Templeton-Martin