From WCPA President, Mary Ramsay
Saturday evening saw over 560 parents and staff celebrate the new school year at the annual Waverley College Parents’ Association (WCPA) Welcome Cocktail Party. It was a great opportunity to welcome all our new parents and carers to the school as well as catch up with old friends. Photos of the evening are on the Waverley College Facebook page.
- As well as organising events like the Welcome Cocktail Party, the Parents’ Association aims to:
- Work in partnership with the College in providing our children with a Catholic education in the tradition of Edmund Ignatius Rice.
- Provide a friendly and welcoming environment to make it easier for parents to meet, socialise and become involved in College life, and thereby enjoy a “sense of belonging” to the Waverley College Parent Community.
- Provide a conduit for the raising of funds via school levies and other fundraising activities for the benefit of our children, via either the Parents’ Association or any of our other Parent Supporters Groups.
- Provide a forum for matters affecting our children’s education and development to be productively discussed.
- Represent parents in circumstances where it is appropriate to do so.
The WCPA holds meetings once a term and all parents are warmly invited to attend. Graham Leddie, the Head of College, usually attends and presents a report on College activities and developments. The first meeting of 2019 was held this week. Please note some key dates for the remaining meetings this year – and other Parents’ Association events:
- Sunday 5th May – May Procession and Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice – Morning Tea
- Wednesday 8th May – WCPA Term 2 Meeting
- Wednesday 4th September – WCPA Term 3 Meeting
- Wednesday 13th November – WCPA AGM and Term 4 Meeting
- Saturday 23rd November – WCPA End of year Function for Old Boys, Past and Present Parents and Carers/ School Community
- TBA – Mothers of Past Students Event
We look forward to seeing you at our next Parents’ Association event.