Sydney Academy of Sport athletic track
Year 12 PDHPE classes will be attending an excursion to Sydney Academy of Sport, Narrabeen on Friday 21 May (Term 2 week 5). Students need to be at school at 7.45am and will return by bus at 3.15pm.
Important note: students are required to wear full school uniform. All students need to bring PE practical gear, running shoes, swimming gear and a towel. Students will need to bring lunch because there are limited facilities available to purchase food.
Key dates for registration, permissions, medical forms:
Monday 20 May
Permission Slip for Waverley College needs to be returned to your son’s PDHPE teacher by Monday 10 May. Please click on this letter with permission slip for further information. This has already been given to students.
If you still have not completed the Sydney Academy of Sport medical/consent/booking form, this is overdue. This is a compulsory requirement for attendance and must be completed by parents for each student online.
You will need the following details to complete the form:
- Event Reference ID: 17802
- Booking start date: 21/05/2021
- Booking Venue: Sydney Academy of Sport
- Organisation: Waverley College
To complete please click on this registration link
Please contact me at the College if you have any questions or concerns:
Mr Patrick Darvill
Head of PDHPE
E: pdarvill@waverley.nsw.edu.au P: 9369 0610