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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


PDHPE Uniform Changes for 2017

Stephen O'Donnell, talks to his touch football team; Zavian Taylor-Simi, Reeve Smith and Elijah Garratt.

From the Head of PDHPE, Patrick Darvill

Parents and students are asked to be aware of the PDHPE uniform requirements listed below for 2017. Please note that the only top allowed for practical lessons is the PDHPE sports shirt. No other Waverley sports or tour tops are allowed.

The PE uniform consists of

  1. Waverley PDHPE Sports shirt ONLY
  2. Blue Waverley shorts
  3. Sports shoes with non-marking soles
  4. Short white socks or sports socks
  5. Waverley College cap

For swimming: * Speedo style racing brief swimming costumes or Waverley swim shorts – No exception.