The Waverley College Piano Competition will be held on Tuesday, 7 and Wednesday, 8 June 2022.
Open to students both enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program within the College and those taking lessons externally, the Competition offers an opportunity for students to show off their very best playing, whilst under the scrutiny of a respected invited adjudicator.
It provides a chance to build confidence and performing skills in front of an audience, including their peers, as well as the incentive to learn and prepare repertoire to the highest level possible. Additionally, it allows the occasion to hear other students in the same area of study and to compare performances and receive helpful notes from an expert adjudicator.
It’s all about taking part and enjoying both the process and chance to share your music with others … and possibly taking away one of the prizes on offer for each Division!
Winners will be offered the privilege of performing at the Chamber Music Festival, to be held later in the year.
Would You Like More Information and an Application Form?
These are available from Ms Kossenberg, PAC Coordinator – please email kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.au
When Are Applications Due?
Get thinking about what you would like to play, and submit your application form by Monday, 30 May 2022.
Mrs Keiran Kossenberg
Performing Arts Centre Coordinator
E: kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.au