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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Prayer for Easter

We thank you
that Easter is not about
a people,
but all people,
that your love
and your Salvation
are for all who confess
with voices, hearts and lives
that the tomb is empty
because Jesus is risen,
that we might know
that lives might be
and your name
now and for eternity.


From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

I encourage all parents to take their sons along to one of the Easter Masses in their local Parish. It is a time for reflection and thankfulness as we remember the death and resurrection of Christ. Let us be thankful for our rich blessings, celebrate the true meaning of Easter with our families, and rest as we end another busy term.

We wish everyone a happy, holy and safe Easter.