Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing
The College would like to extend an invitation to our Presentation Day events on Wednesday, 1 December to help us celebrate our successes in 2021 as a College Community.
Due to COVID restrictions, families can watch the event via our Live Stream link.
>>> Click here to view our Presentation Day Live Stream link.
Parents of award winners are encouraged to watch the event via our Live Stream link, but can attend if they are double vaccinated. Parents of award winners who wish to attend, must also wear a mask, and check in using the QR code upon entry.
There will be two presentations:
- Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 — 9am-10:15am
- Years 9, 10 and 12 (2022) — 11am-12:30pm
>>> Click here to view the Presentation Day invitation and important COVID-safe information about the event.
Presentation Day is a compulsory event for all students to attend and attendance rolls will be taken.
We look forward to enjoying this significant celebration with you.
Warm regards,
Mr Patrick Brennan
Deputy Principal – Staff & Student Wellbeing