Dear Parents and Players,
Expressions of Interest are being sought for a proposed Basketball Tour to Japan in December 2024 (4-24 December).
This will be a development tour, comprising three teams: Freshmen, Junior Varsity and Varsity. The total number of players is strictly limited to 36.
To indicate your ‘Expression of Interest’, please use the button at the bottom of this page. Should there be sufficient expressions of interest before this date, an information evening will be held in the PAC from 6pm-7:30pm on Wednesday, 14 February 2024. This information session will cover costs and inclusions, dates and proposed itinerary, policies and procedures as well as other items. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
As part of the selection process, coaching staff, teaching staff, and the College’s Finance Department will be consulted and asked to provide feedback and information on each candidate in terms of basketball-related criteria, wellbeing record, academic performance, and school fee status. This information will be used to determine the final touring group. Please be aware that Years 7, 8 and 12 (2024) students are currently not able to participate in the proposed tour.
To ensure the tour proceeds to the next stage, a ‘non-refundable’ deposit of $2,000 is payable on behalf of any interested player by 3:15pm, Monday, 23 February 2024.
Payment should be made to:
BSB: 062-124
Account number: 0090 3139
Quote: ‘BballTour-SURNAME’
Please send me an email receipt of your deposit.
A minimum of 36 deposits must be paid for the tour to proceed. If more than the required number of deposits are paid, a decision will then be made on which 36 players will be offered a place on the tour. Any player who is not selected to tour will be placed on the waiting list and their deposit will be refunded.
In our preliminary discussions with the tour provider, it is estimated that the tour will cost $8,900. This is subject to change with confirmation of the final itinerary. Currently, the following payment plan is in place:
- $2,500 by 28 March 2024
- $2,500 by 28 June 2024
- $1,900 by 13 September 2024.
A list of successful candidates selected to tour will be notified once all tour spots have been filled.
To register your ‘Expression of Interest’, please click the button below to complete and submit the Expression of Interest form no later than 3:15pm on Monday, 12 February 2024.