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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Quinn House Report

Head of Quinn House and HSIE Teacher, Ms Olivia Kite

Farewell Head of Quinn House, Ms Olivia Kite

End of Year Wrap-Up

2020 was nothing like we expected it to be, regardless, Quinn House demonstrated their resilience, enthusiasm, and willingness to get in and be involved. 

Quinn House Captain: Dane Perica

Term 1 and Term 2

Term 1 and Term 2 certainly tested our Waverley Spirit as both involved on-campus and off-campus learning. Students and teachers adapted incredibly well. In their Wellbeing Groups, boys discussed the challenges they faced, the missed social connections with staff, friends, and peers, and their newfound appreciation for our ‘normal’ way of life. 

Thank you to all of our Quinn Mentors and families for their support of their boys and the College throughout this difficult time. 

Term 3

Despite being a Term that posed many challenges for the College, we still managed to celebrate and raise awareness around significant Social Justice issues. 

On Friday 28 August, the College celebrated Wear it Purple Day. The day was used to raise awareness around the importance of fostering supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for young people who identify with the LGBTIQA+ community. 

Wear It Purple Day 2020

Indigenous Literacy Day was celebrated on Wednesday 2 September. Quinn House and the College raised funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation who buy books for remote communities in both English and First Language. 

Finally, R U OK? Day was celebrated by the College on Thursday 10 September. College Old Boys Patrick Clifton, Lachlan Drew-Morris, and Luca Moretti broadcast their podcast live from the College with Wendell Sailor and Maryanne Larkin. The group discussed what we can do to follow up with family and friends after we ask R U OK?

Term 4

Term 4 would usually have seen the Year 12 Retreat and Year 10 camp take place, however with COVID-19 restrictions, we had to be flexible. Year 12 had their retreat postponed until Term 2, 2021, and Year 10 were given the opportunity to participate in Activity Week. 

Year 10 Activity Week started with all the Houses meeting at Queens Park for a House Athletics Carnival, before moving back to the College for a House Swimming Carnival and BBQ lunch. On the day, students showed their competitive nature in sprint races and relays both on land and in the water and finished off with a diving competition for the biggest splash and most technical dive. 

Throughout the week the boys also developed their Rock and Water skills and knowledge, prepared study timetables, and learned how to make Smart Choices with David Kobler. 

Towards the end of Activity Week students caught the bus from the College to The Spit and walked with our Houses to Manly. The walk enabled students to connect with each other, reflect on their week, get their heart rate up, and enjoy the beautiful weather and views Sydney has to offer. 

Year 10 finished off the year with a week of service. Students visited La Perouse Primary School, Kadoo Tours, My Big Kitchen, Rough Edges, the Matthew Talbot Kiosk and finally took part in a Reflection Day. 

Each venue commented on how well behaved, respectful, mature, and engaged our students were. Year 10 spent Reflection Day in Centennial Park reflecting on values, relationships, and goals for 2021. 

Quinn House Spit to Manly Walk

Oscar and Dane in the Three Legged House race

Oscar and Dane in the Three-Legged House race

Award Winners for 2020

Congratulations to all of our Award winners for 2020:

Harrison Thorpe, Lachlan Miranda, Sam Stewart, Thomas Walker, Charles Hely-Hammond, Angus Anthony, Giulian D’Etorre, Fritz Jahnke-Tavana, and Mark Gapanov.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful summer break!