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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Quinn House Report – Term 1, 2019

From Head of Quinn House, Olivia Kite

So far, 2019 has been a successful year for the students of Quinn House.

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 began their journey at the College attending Year 7 Camp in Broken Bay.

The camp is a wonderful opportunity for students to build friendships, gain confidence, explore Australia’s history, support and encourage one another through a range of physical and mental activities, test their Harry Potter trivia knowledge and bake damper over an open fire. Our newest Quinn members showed leadership, kindness, initiative, mateship and a love for the outdoors. The boys returned from camp excited about their new friendships and eager to start the academic year.

Big Brother Little Brother

Our Year 5 and Year 10 Little Brothers and Big Brothers spent time together this Term getting to know one another. The Quinn Boys spent the morning playing tug-o-war, touch football and soccer in Waverley Park. This opportunity gave both groups of boys the chance to be active, develop friendships and learn to communicate and engage with people from different grades, backgrounds and experiences.

Thank you to all the teachers and mentors involved who made the day a success.

Swimming Carnival and CAS

Term 1 saw the Senior Swimming Carnival take place at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. After some fierce competition, chanting and a lot of enthusiasm, Quinn House placed second on the day. Congratulations to Brennan House who won the carnival.

CAS was another successful night for Waverley College. Congratulations to Stuart Swinburn who broke an 18 year old College record.

Summer Sports Awards

The summer season was hugely successful and congratulations to the follow Quinn student who received awards for their performance over the season:

  • Stuart Swinburn : Murray Garretty Award for the Most Outstanding Performance at CAS
  • Dylan Purbrick: Jack Standen Award for Best and Fairest – Cycling
  • Spencer Chavez: Best New Rider – Cycling
  • Massimo Bucci: Best and Fairest – Lawn Bowls
  • Dion Sinodinos: Best and Fairest – Internal Tennis
  • Vincent Torsellini: Best and Fairest – U15 Water Polo
  • Bryn Siltala: Best and Fairest – 9A Basketball
  • Leo Shanahan: Best and Fairest – 2nd XI Cricket
  • Maxim Brooks: Best and Fairest – 9A Cricket
  • Scott Swinburn: Best and Fairest – 8A Cricket

Quinn Mentors

Finally, welcome to Ms. Annie Phillips and Mr. Michael Chan who look after Quinn 11 and Quinn4 respectively. Thank you to our Quinn mentors for all their hard work, patience, effort, guidance, and involvement with our students.

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Easter and break.