From the Head of Quinn House, Olivia Kite
Our main focus for Term 2, was social justice and raising awareness around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and topics.
Quinn House recognised and celebrated Reconciliation Week with an important assembly acknowledging the importance of learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture. We explored the meaning behind reconciliation and how important it is as we move forward as a nation.
We also recently celebrated NAIDOC Week. The College hosted Dean Kelly, a community liaison officer with National Parks and Wildlife and a community activist involved with issues around indigenous communities, Youth Off the Streets and Juvenile Justice. Dean spoke about the disciplines that he lived his life by and how important it is, as young men, that our students also try to live their lives in accordance with: respect, patience, observation and responsibility. James Knight and Bellino Testafredda from Year 7 spoke about influential figures Mum Shirl and Mick Dodson, and the impact each has had on Aboriginal communities, rights and recognition. Thank you to all of our Quinn speakers who participated in the assembly.
We celebrated Mass together as a House and community. The Mass explored the Year 12’s theme: Speak through Action. The Quinn House Prefects spoke of how each Quinn student could use their actions to make a positive change at the College, in their friendship group, within their community and at home with their family. Parents also joined us for Mass. This was particularly special as we also shared breakfast as a community afterwards. Thank you to Davina O’Hara and the students who helped her prepare a beautiful breakfast for over 200 people.
We also have a number of students who deserve to be recognised for their incredible achievements this Term:
- Luca Moretti – CAS 1st Rugby
- Harry Whiteman – CAS 2nds Rugby
- Mario Rebollo – Selected to represent NSW in U16
- Ned Wieland – who swam The Catalina Channel (38km) in 9 hours and 8 minutes. Ned will complete the Manhattan Island Swim on Saturday June 30th. We wish him all the best and he completes the final swim in the ‘Triple Crown’.
- Angus Anthony – Quarter Finals in Year 8 Debating
- Jack Hardwicke-Owen – selection in the NSW CIS Open Football team
- Thomas Walker – Cast member in College Production: ‘Stories in the Dark’
Congratulations to our Gold Awards winners this term:
Patrick Abrahams | Nicholas Pineiro |
Angus Anthony | Dylan Purbrick |
Ben Campbell | Mario Rebollo |
Hugh Clothier | Ronnie Roth |
Harry Cox-Nugent | Axel Runow |
Andrew Custodio | Xavier Schofield |
Oliver Davis | Brynn Siltala |
Ethan Flanagan | Darcy Standfield |
William Heffeman | Bellino Testafredda |
Charles Hely Hammond | Vin Toresellini |
Charlie Hudson | Riley Vidulich |
Axel Jeffries | Thomas Walker |
Chris Kallo | |
Aidan Korpar | |
Thomas McMahon | |
Kai Moonen-Narita |
The above students received more than 5 Blue Merit Awards from their class teachers for cooperation, achievement, leadership and effort.
Congratulations, also to Vin Torsellini who received a Head of College Award this Term for his outstanding efforts in class and in the playground.
I would also like to wish all those travelling on the Music Tour, Timor Leste Immersion and the Red Earth Immersions a safe and rewarding experience while away.
Wishing you and your family a restful holiday and I look forward to seeing you in Term 3.