Head of Aungier House, Mr John McCoy
Early Improvements
On Saturday, 7 May, Waverley College progressed into the second round of the GPS/CAS/ISA trial Rugby fixtures against St Ignatius’ College, Riverview. It was pleasing to see the improvements throughout all age groups. Waverley managed to be successful in 18 matches out of the 22 played. I am sure this will really help start to bring teams together as they begin to be established.
Last week at the College Assembly, our School Captain, Daniel McSweeny, addressed the student body. In his address he spoke about culture and “how we do things around here” at Waverley College. A key point which Daniel touched on, was support.
This week, I would like to highlight the supportive efforts of two of our students: Lucius McFarlane and Angus Sundkvist. Unfortunately, our 15As side was hit with illnesses over the weekend, arriving at the Riverview grounds with 13 players. Lucius and Angus, who played in the 14As match earlier, put their hand up to help out the 15As side. All just to support their Waverley mates.
The efforts displayed here led to a victory to the 15As, 19 to 17. We congratulate Lucius and Angus for their incredible and supportive efforts last week.
Wet Weather
Unfortunately, wet weather hit us again this week, which forced Centennial Parklands to close the Queens Park Grounds. This has been a great shame on the back of the momentum that teams gained, from last weekend’s results. A reminder, however, that if training is cancelled in the afternoons, students do have access to the Waverley College Weights Room, where they can complete conditioning training under the guidance of Mr Jeremy Roff.

Students using the Weights and Fitness Room
GPS/CAS/ISA Trial Fixture Vs Shore
This week, Waverley College will play Shore. Shore is a GPS school that has displayed improvements in their rugby program in recent years. All teams will need to be ready for this fixture, as it will certainly be a test for all age groups.
13s, 16s and Opens teams will play at Queens Park, while the 14s and 15s will be over the bridge at Shore. Players are reminded to check the Waverley app to confirm team selections for the week, as well as fixtures.
Thank you to our Helpers
We really appreciate and thank all those parents who generously provided time and energy to assist with the Canteen and BBQ at Queens Park. Last weekend, the weather was perfect, and the crowds were certainly back! We are so grateful to our parents and friends who played the role as hosts to our visitors, to make them all feel so welcome.
We have another big round of Rugby and Football this weekend, and would appreciate any offers of support – even if you are able to help with the Canteen for an hour, while your son warms up for his match.
Where Do I Sign Up to Help?
If any parents, carers and friends are free to assist at any stage this weekend (or throughout the season), please register your interests on the 2022 online roster.
>>> Click here to sign up to the online roster to help at the Canteen and BBQ at Queens Park.
Next weekend, our 14s and 15s finally get the chance to play on our home grounds at Queens Park. We are looking for parents from these age groups to assist with the canteen duties on this day. If you can help between 8am and 1pm, we would love you to sign up on the online roster above.
Waverley College App
A reminder that students, parents and carers are encouraged to download the Waverley College app and subscribe to ‘Rugby.’ Here, you can find weekly fixtures, team lists (updated weekly), and any important last-minute announcements.
Are You Interested in Writing Short Weekly Match Reports and Highlights for Nurrunga?
Interested students need to write 250–word (or less) articles to let the community know how their team performs each weekend. A weekly prize is up for grabs for the most entertaining articles!
Before submitting your article, please double check your spelling and 250-word count.
Please submit your 250-word articles via email to Mr McCoy jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Thank you to those parents and friends who have volunteered to help officiating over the week. Again, we would certainly welcome any support from parents and friends in the community, who can donate time to assist as officials.
Should you be interested, (whether you are qualified or not), please email Mr McCoy jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Presentation Night
We are still asking if any members of the community might have ideas about possible venues to cater for larger groups for our end of season Rugby Presentation Night. If you do have any ideas, please feel free to email these to Mr McCoy jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
I look forward to seeing you on the sidelines this weekend!
Mr John McCoy
Convenor of Rugby
E: jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au