From the Convenor of Rugby, Mr John McCoy
CAS Sevens
On Saturday 24 March the CAS Sevens competition took place at various venues across Sydney. Waverley College had a number of positive results with our 14s and 15s teams winning all their games. The 16s had three strong wins from the four games played and continue to show fantastic improvements as a playing group. The 13s and Opens both played entertaining rugby and had two convincing wins with two tight losses.
Thanks to all the players and coaches who took part in this great event. Thanks also to the referees, particularly Mr Richard Chen who organised the officials at Queens Park for the Sevens.

CAS Sevens
Internal Trials
All other students were involved in internal trials, with coaches having a good look at how players have developed. Thanks to Mr Charlie Read (father of Oliver), Mr Tom Kossenberg and all those coaches who refereed the internal trials. Players may have some continued trials during training session ahead of the trial fixture against Shore.
Players are to ensure they are prepared with mouthguards, boots, playing shorts and playing jerseys at each training session. Please note that while I understand the weather is still hot, shirts (including PDHPE shirts) do tend to rip easily, which is why jerseys are important.
On Saturday we had a few unfortunate injuries. On behalf of the College I would like to wish Jazz D’Costa, Sam Carr and Leon Bakis all the best for a speedy recovery after they all suffered arm injuries.
Thank You
A special thank you to Mrs Sharon Frazer (mother of Will and Sam) who stayed back to support Sam Carr, who was in considerable pain while waiting for the ambulance at Queens Park. This is another great example of the wonderful support network we have at Waverley College. Thank you Sharon!
Lost Gear
A few reports have been received stating that student sport and PDHPE bags are being incorrectly picked up at school, particularly those bags left on top of lockers.
Students should please make an effort to fit all their bags and equipment into student lockers for safe keeping. If a student has particular issues fitting their bag into their locker, they should see their Head of House.
Canteen Roster
The Rugby Supporters Club is looking for parents and supporters who would be interested in helping out in the canteen and on the BBQ on a Saturday.
We are looking to create a roster for the season. We would particular like support from parents in the 13s, 16s and Opens age groups who will be playing at home during the busier Saturdays (i.e. when the 1st XV are playing at Queens Park).
If you are available to assist on any of the following dates, please feel free to contact either Rino Tomasiello (rino.tomasiello@mirvac.com) or John McCoy (jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au) to register the times you might be available. The canteen hours are 8am-4:30pm.
Opens, 16s and 13s Home Matches
- 5 May (Vs Riverview)
- 12 May (Vs St Augustine’s)
- 2 June (Vs Shore)
- 4 August (Vs Barker)
- 11 August (Vs Trinity)
Easter Weekend
This coming weekend there will be no rugby commitments due to the Easter Long Weekend.
I encourage all players to watch a game or two of Super Rugby over the weekend; to follow those players in the positions they are playing in to get an idea of where the players position themselves on the field (if they are a forward, are they really required at every ruck?), and where players are positioned during kicks and options which teams take when they may be in certain parts of the field.
Trial Vs Shore on Saturday 7 April, 2018
Following the Easter Weekend, Waverley College Rugby will be involved in the first full school Trial Fixture. This will be against The Shore School – Sydney Church of England Grammar School. Our 13s, 16s and Opens will be playing over at Northbridge, while our 14s and 15s will be playing at Queens Park.
Teams will be uploaded onto Team App next week. Lists will also be placed on noticeboards around the school. All players are to be at the matches at least 30 minutes before kick-off to ensure time for a full warm up.
This match will still very much be used by coaches as a trial to monitor player performances and to see how arranged playing combinations work. Our focus is on the CAS competition which commences on 16th June (against Knox Grammar), so we do have plenty of time to ensure teams are in order and ready to go.
Upcoming Training Schedule – Remainder of Term 1
Week 10, Term 1
Tuesday 3rd April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Wednesday 4th April – 13s, 14s, 15s Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Thursday 5th April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Saturday 7th April – All Teams Vs Shore
Week 11, Term 1
Monday 9th April – NO TRAINING – Year 7-11 Parent/Teacher Night
Tuesday 10th April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Wednesday 11th April – 13s, 14s, 15s Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Friday 13th April – End of Term 1 – School Holidays Commence
Have a safe and relaxing Easter Weekend!
Waverley to Win!