Enthusiastic Waverlian runners!
Registrations are open for the 2024 City2Surf and we want to encourage as many staff, students, friends and family as possible to join the team ‘Waverley College For Premmies’, supporting local charity Running for Premature Babies.
Fundraising is optional but anyone on the team who raises $300 will be REFUNDED their race registration fee so you can RUN FOR FREE!
Please watch the short message HERE from the charity’s founder Sophie Smith, a parent at Waverley, explaining why August 2024 marks a special milestone for her family and for the charity.
Registration Information
Click HERE to register.
When you register, choose to ‘JOIN A TEAM’ and enter the team name ‘Waverley College for Premmies’.
NB: There are multiple start waves to choose from in the City2Surf.
- If you’d like to walk, select the ORANGE WAVE.
- If you’d like to walk/jog select the YELLOW wave
- If you’re speedy, choose the BLUE or PINK waves.
Families, friends and staff all welcome on our Waverley College for Premmies team!
Mr Elliott McKimm
Assistant Director of Curriculum (Junior School)