Waverley College supports White Ribbon Day
From the Head of Green House, Scott Coleman
November 24th is the White Ribbon Day walk designed to raise awareness about domestic violence and asks men to stand up and say “NO” to violence against women.
Leading up to this event, Green House will spend the month of November raising awareness around domestic violence and discussing the horrifying statistics that 1 in 3 women in Australia will experience physical or sexual assault from someone known to them, and that 1 woman is actually killed each week by a current or former partner. We will also be raising funds for the White Ribbon Foundation and a local Woman’s Refuge during this period.
Green House will be hosting numerous events for this cause leading up to the White Ribbon day walk:
3 November 2017
Green House SRC and Prefects will be hosting a BBQ before school and during our house assembly. Green students are requested to bring a $5.00 donation this Friday, this will provide them with breakfast and a white ribbon.
10 November 2017
A meeting with a victim of Domestic Violence. Our guest speaker will give Green House students an insight into her powerful story about domestic violence.
17 November 2017
A meeting with Marty Wilson. An Australian Comedian of the Year winner, a white ribbon ambassador, a best selling author of the book, “What I wish I knew”, and a Ted X presenter that discusses resilience and change, Marty will be speaking to Green House students on the importance of men taking a stand and speaking out against Violence Against Women.
24 November 2017
White Ribbon Day walk. Green House staff and students will be taking part in the walk as representatives of Waverley College. All parents are welcome to attend this event. More information can be found from this link.
For the month of November, Green students will be selling ribbons and collecting donations for this cause at Waverley College.