Individual Portrait Photos Have Arrived
Your son’s individual portrait photos have arrived, and will be given to him by his head of House over the next couple of weeks.
If your son does not receive his photo, please can I ask that he speaks with his Head of House about this.
Sibling Photos/House Photos/Year 12 Photo – Tuesday, 3 May
On Tuesday, 3 May, we will be taking our House photos and Year 12 photo. All Year 12 students must wear their blazers for this photo.
The postponed sibling photos will also be taken on this day.
If you have already requested a photo, it will be taken, and you do not need to complete the Google form again.
If you have not requested a photo, and would like to have one taken, please can you complete the Google form below.
>>> Click here to view and complete the Google form.
Please remind your sons before they go to school, that this photo is going to be taken, and to remain behind once their House photo has been taken.
Ms Nikki Smith
EA to Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing
E: nsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au