Opening Hours for December & January
- Monday, 2 December: 8:20-9:30am
- Wednesday, 4 December: 9:00-11:00am
- Monday, 9 December: 9:00-11:00am
- Wednesday, 29 January 2025: 9:00-11:00am
First day of School
- Thursday, 30 January 2025: 8:15-10:00am
- Friday, 31 January 2025: 8:15-10:00am
After that, regular opening hours will resume:
- Monday: 8:20-9:30am
- Wednesday 2:30pm-3:30pm
- PLUS Friday, 7 February: 8:15-9:30am
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who help keep the Secondhand Clothing Pool running to allow everyone to shop for pre-loved uniforms.
Demand has been increasing and we hope to be able to add a third open day every week on Friday mornings. To be able to do this we will need some more volunteers to join the roster!
If you’re available on Fridays or Mondays or Wednesdays and happy to help out on a regular basis (doesn’t have to be weekly!), please email us on: clothingpool@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Donations Welcome
We are most grateful for all donations of clean and undamaged current uniform items, academic and sports, especially (but not limited to):
- Blazers (especially from sizes 85 up)
- Long pants/trousers in all sizes
- Shorts (size 12)
- Extra-curricular uniforms (all sports)
- PE polos and shorts (all sizes)
- PE jackets
- Hoodies
- Trackpants
- Woollen jumpers
- College caps & ties (in need of 7-10)
- Sports bags
- School shoes & Football boots (must be wearable)
Please consider the condition of items before dropping them off: if you wouldn’t give it to a friend’s son to wear or are upgrading your son’s items because the old ones are too worn or ripped, please dispose of them in a sustainable way.
The Secondhand Clothing Pool sells quality used uniform items to continue supporting our Waverley community.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the Secondhand Clothing Pool through donating their used uniforms for resale or through shopping with us.
Profits from sales benefit all students directly through projects funded by the Parents’ Association, as well as the Clothing Pool Legacy Fund, which pays for new uniform items for students in need.
Blazer and Japara Jacket Buy-Back
A $30 buy-back option is available for clean blazers and Japara jackets in good condition. If unable to bring them in during our open times, you may leave them in the donation bin with a note including your name and phone number stating your request for buy back (please note the item).
You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.
Where to leave donations
Please leave uniform donations at the Senior School reception in the dedicated uniform donation bin.

Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box in Senior School Reception
For more information on stock availability, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool at clothingpool@waverley.nsw.edu.au or just pop in during our open times. No appointment necessary.
(02) 9369 0703 — feel free to leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.
Kirsten and Camille
Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators