From the Library and Resource Centre
New Wave Vision by Hayden Cox
Hayden Cox started his surfboard brand Haydenshapes at age 15, challenging an industry and, through passion and grit, has become an award winning designer and entrepreneur with a vision for doing things differently.
New Wave Vision spotlights the crucial principles that help inspire and create groundbreaking products and businesses, with additional insights from today’s leading business creatives.
Here I Stand: Stories that Speak for Freedom edited by Amnesty International
A varied and thought-provoking collection of short stories and poems for teens with a conscience, featuring the work of some of today’s finest writers including John Boyne, Neil Gaiman, Ryan Gattis, Liz Kessler and Chibundu Onuzu.
Compiled by human rights organisation Amnesty International, these stories explore issues surrounding freedom; exploitation; bullying; human trafficking; racism; gender equality, refugees, surveillance; protest and identity.
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