Image: courtesy Shock Therapy Productions
Year 8 don’t have an opportunity to study Drama as part of their curriculum, so Waverley College is providing students with an opportunity to watch a performance and participate in a workshop in the first week of Term 2.
Shock Therapy Theatre are coming to perform their play called, The Apology for Year 8, during periods 1 and 2 on Friday, 28 April 2023. Boys will then be withdrawn from one further period during the day, to participate in a Drama devising workshop.
This experience should inspire some boys who have forgotten about Drama, to choose it as an elective in Year 9. For others, it will be an opportunity to watch an issue-based performance, and participate in a fun, experiential workshop.
The workshop aims to give students an opportunity to learn theatrical techniques and work as a team, to create an original play and perform it to the rest of the workshop group.
What is The Apology About?
Inspired by a true story of a high school student who “took revenge” on a classmate who was bullying him after his father advised him to “fight back”, The Apology is a searingly honest look at the repercussions of taking revenge, and the long-term effects that bullying can have.
Told from an unbiased perspective, this powerful production forces students to decide if the punishment fits the crime.
The Apology is performed by two actors (Sam Foster and Hayden Jones), who play 18 different characters in total, without ever leaving the stage or changing costume.
Fuelled with intensity, the play fuses physical theatre techniques, multiple role-sharing and live music into a visceral and dynamic piece of theatre.
(Synopsis: courtesy Shock Therapy Productions website).
Event Details
Event: Year 8 The Apology Drama performance and workshop
Venue: Waverley College
Date: Friday, 28 May 2023 (Friday Week 1, Term 2)
Meeting Time/Place: Braidwood, beginning period 1
Uniform: students are to wear full school uniform
Cost: $15.00 (this will be added to your account)
Should you have any further questions, please email the Waverley College Drama department.