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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Social Justice

Social Justice program wastes no time on good work


With not quite one term under our belt, the Social Justice program has hit the ground running! About a quarter of the Year 11 boys have already visited the Charingfield Nursing Home, worked in Waterford Preschool, taken part in an Urban Walk in Kings Cross, worked in the Matt Talbot Kiosk, cooked for the homeless and with young disabled people, peer tutored, bowled with the disabled and been marshals at the Drag Boat Racing. This is on top of attending Social Justice days at other schools.

Clean Up our Beaches

Around 25 O’Connor students volunteered to help clean up our local beaches last week. O’Connor House is involved in the area of sustainability and the environment. Students spent a couple of hours collecting rubbish between Bronte Gully and North Bondi. We were all surprised at the huge number of bottle caps and cigarette butts we found and prevented from entering the ocean. Thanks to Ms Alborough and Ms Iturrieta for helping to supervise students on the day.

Mufti for Africa

We had a wonderful Mufti Day last week. The proceeds of the day will go to help fund the projects at the Ruben Centre in Nairobi. Apart from our Lenten Appeal, all fundraisers at the college focus on Australian charities.

Urban Walks

We wish Rob Holt all the best as he returns to South Africa for the first time in ten years. Rob is our host when we take part in the Urban Walks in Kings Cross. He shares his harrowing life story with our students. Rob urges our boys to look past the addiction and the unkempt appearance of a homeless person and see the real person. I still get quite deeply affected each time I hear Rob’s story.

See Rob’s story here