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Social Justice

Social Justice Report


It’s hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year. It’s important at the end of every year to reflect on what we’ve achieved and assess how we can do better. The most fulfilling part of being involved with Social Justice is that no two years are the same. We are constantly adding and culling the program. It’s been very exciting for me to see all the junior students run an advocacy campaign for the first time. I hope that this dimension of social justice at the college continues to flourish.

The Year 11 students did us proud with their involvement in community outreach. I am always very impressed at how reflective the students are after their various experiences, whether that be with homeless people, young disabled people or the elders of our community. Sometimes we don’t credit boys with this trait but I’ve come to understand that they may not always articulate their emotions but it doesn’t mean that they are unaffected. One of the most rewarding parts of my job is listening to the senior boys recount their experiences to Year 7.

I think this has been instrumental in changing the culture towards social justice at the college, from one of complete negativity in the early years to total acceptance today.

The outreach programs finish up this week. I want to thank Trish Alborough and Martina Cooper who help make the program run smoothly. I also want to thank parents who remind their sons to attend various activities and often act as chauffeur. Finally, thanks to the staff who fill in at various venues in the holidays and who attend immersions. We couldn’t run such a dynamic program without your help.

I will be on leave next year. I’m returning to Ireland in December to spend time with my mum. Mr Richard Bryant is replacing me and he is contactable on

I wish you a very Happy Christmas and Blessings for 2019.