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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Social Justice

Social justice update

From Geraldine Cullen, Social Justice Coordinator


Last week twenty Year 11 students spent their morning learning about the issue of homelessness and cooking a meal for the patrons of Rough Edges Cafe in Darlinghurst. As usual, I was impressed by how respectful our students were to the staff at The Big Kitchen in Bondi. They listened intently and asked pertinent questions. As a result of their hard work 200 homeless people got a nutritious meal that evening. Many thanks to Mr Bryant who accompanied me and the boys on the excursion.


Many thanks to the twelve Year 10 students who volunteered to sell bandanas in Bondi Junction last week. CanTeen supports young people and their families living with cancer. They raised almost $3000 in two hours. Not a bad effort.

Advocacy Campaigns

Year 9 are currently learning how to run an Advocacy Campaign in their Religion classes. The issue they are focusing on is “Making Ethical Consumer Choices.” As I point out to the students, many of the problems we face on our planet are related to over consumption. Students will learn about Fair Trade and what companies use ethical production methods. All students are asked to load the free app  “goodonyou” to check ethical practices of their favourite companies.