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Social Justice

Social Justice Week

Raising awareness of refugees during 2017 Refugee Week

From the Social Justice Co-ordinator, Geraldine Cullen



One of the most rewarding parts of my job is introducing our students to people who they never normally get the chance to meet.

Year 7 students made my ex-homeless friend Andrew very welcome when he spoke to them at the end of Term 2. Andrew rang me that night and said it was one of the best presentations he had experienced. The boys were so respectful and responsive. Having spent a lesson with me in the Advocacy room, the boys were quite knowledgeable about the issue of homelessness. Andrew talks about being bullied in school and the toll it took on his long-term mental health. This was a wake-up call for some of our students.


Refugee Week

Thanks to Mr John McCoy and  Aungier House for the work they did around raising awareness about the plight of refugees. Students were given the chance to take a virtual tour of a Syrian refugee camp. Many RE classes focused on this issue during this week.